The results were inconclusive, because unfortunately there were only a few matches played this weekend on any of these maps. The one maybe significant difference was that following the Feb. 28th patch, Temple of Anubis win scores jumped from a 2.7 average to a 3.3 average, which is pretty big in terms of 2CP maps. We’ll have to keep an eye on whether this newest Apr. 11 change has a similar effect over time, or whether Blizzard continues to fiddle with the defensive mechanics of these maps in the future.
Rogue is really good. But it wasn’t always that way. After losing Reinforce and Tviq in the LG/Rogue/Misfits triple trade, then subsequently discovering that Skipjack was not actually French, Rogue was a team adrift in the stagnating EU scene. Their scrim results weren’t great, and they were stuck with two DPS aces in SoOn and aKm in the midst of the Tank meta, and they had a disappointing early exit from IEM Gyeonggi. Times were not good.
Then, a series of events occurred and suddenly they became the mythical beast of the NA scene, a dragon that every other team now wants to slay, the team that all newcomers are compared to. First, they moved to Vegas. Then, they picked up NiCOgdh a Genji specialist who has recently been moonlighting as a D.Va player when needed. Then, by chance or by choice, they discovered their identity: the most aggressive team in Overwatch’s short history. KnOxXx locked himself in a hyperbolic time chamber with a year’s supply of bananas and peanut butter and emerged a Super-Saiyan level Winston main the first western player stand level with Miro. Winz took a backseat often literally on the payload and learned the ways of Lucio. uNKOE, aKm, NiCO, and SoOn stopped pretending they were anything but fraggers with insane aim, and the team designed itself to utilize all six members’ talents optimally.
As nerfs to Ana, D.Va, and Roadhog piled up and the Tank Meta faded, DPS heroes like Genji, Tracer, and Pharah have begun to sneak back into the meta alongside Soldier 76, the only DPS hero that saw any consistent play during that time. Luckily for Rogue, SoOn was already the best Tracer in the world, famously leading Misfits to a Dreamhack Winter win in the depths of the Tank Meta, laughing in the face of meta-slave teams. What I’m getting at here is that it really didn’t hurt that the meta finally shifted away from tanks, and towards the very hero pool this group of six were best at:
Rogue确实是一支很强的战队,但也并非一直如此。在LG/Rogue/Misfits的三方交易中失去了Reinforce和Tviq两位选手,以及发现Skipjack选手并不具有法国国籍之后,Rogue战队一度陷入了飘摇不定的困境当中。当时他们的战绩并不出彩:在坦克版本中依然坚持让王牌选手SoOn和aKm使用输出英雄,导致他们早早地就在IEM Gyeonggi联赛中被淘汰出局。
目前随着安娜和D.VA惨遭削弱、路霸异军突起、坦克风光不再,源氏、猎空、法拉等输出英雄开始逐渐回归主流体系,此外还包括始终能稳定发挥的士兵76。对于Rogue战队来说,值得庆幸的是队中的SoOn选手已经是世界顶尖级的猎空使用者——他此前就带领Misfits战队(译者注:当时SoOn选手仍效力于Misfits战队)在Dreamhack Winter联赛中击败了其它使用坦克阵容的战队,并嘲笑对手是“束缚于版本的奴隶”。其实这里我想表达的就是,坦克版本的终结对于他们并不会造成任何影响,反而从英雄池的契合角度来说对他们是一件好事情:
In the tournaments that I’ve covered since their Overwatch Monthly Melee win in February, Rogue has very rarely strayed from their core pool. KnOxXx is always on Winston, SoOn is always on Tracer, Winz is usually on Lucio, NiCO is usually on Genji, and uNKOE and aKm have the more diverse pools. But enough about hero pools, what’s most impressive to me is the wins streak they’re currently on. They have won 62 maps since their return to the scene in the February Overwatch Monthly Melee, and only lost 8 for a map winrate of 86%. But this pales in comparison to their match winrate, which sits at a tidy 100%. The only teams that have taken a map off of them are one from Liquid, one from then-Hammers, now LG Evil, and six from Selfless: the team that has quickly become their ******.
What can a team like Selfless do about Rogue? Quite a bit, actually Selfless has arguably come one Roadhog mis-click and one premature Graviton Surge from defeating them in consecutive Overwatch Monthly Melee finals. Rogue has SoOn, but Selfless has Sinatraa. Rogue has aKm, but Selfless has Dafran. Rogue has NiCO, but Selfless has Emongg whose Roadhog play nearly carried Selfless on its own this past weekend. The two teams do play distinctly different styles Kresnik guards the Selfless payload while Winz guards Rogue’s for example but these two teams have similar strengths in their world-beating DPS/aggressive cores. The one weakness that could be claimed for Rogue their apparent lack of flexibility may come into play once Rogue returns to Korea to compete in Apex Season 3. Their greatest strength is that the limited heroes they’ve devoted their time to mastering are peaking meta-wise at the same time, but their one lineup, one style of play is too consistent: Korean teams will eventually solve it given time, practice, and a long Apex season. To stay on top, Rogue will have to adapt to stay ahead of the Koreans and perhaps the meta as well, since there’s no way of knowing what hero might be changed next.
在我的数据集中,自二月起Rogue战队在Overwatch Monthly Melee联赛中获胜以来,他们所使用的英雄很少会偏离他们的核心英雄池。其中,KnOxXx选手总是使用温斯顿,SoOn选手总是使用猎空,Winz选手通常使用卢西奥,NiCO选手通常使用源氏,而uNKOE和aKm选手的英雄池则会更多样一些。不过与选手的英雄池相比,更让我印象深刻的是他们最近势如破竹的连胜势头。自从征战二月的Overwatch Monthly Melee联赛归来后,他们在62张地图的对抗中取得了胜利,而只输掉了8张地图,总体地图胜率高达86%。不过这样高的地图胜率在与比赛胜率对比后也会黯然失色,因为他们的比赛胜率是100%的完胜。唯一在某些地图上曾经击败过Rogue的战队包括:Liguid战队(1场)、then-Hammers战队(即现在的LG Evil战队,1场)、Selfless战队(6场)。所以很显然,Rogue战队现在最大的对手就是Selfless战队。
像Selfless这样的战队能否与Rogue战队抗衡呢?也许有一丝机会,但是事实上Selfless战队在Overwatch Monthly Melee联赛的决赛中,因为备受争议的路霸左键失误以及查莉娅重力喷涌的施放过早,导致最后输掉了比赛。如果将两支战队进行比较的话:Rogue战队拥有SoOn选手,而Selfless战队也拥有Sinatraa选手;Rogue战队拥有aKm选手,而Selfless战队也拥有Dafran选手;Rogue战队拥有NiCO选手,而Selfless战队也拥有Emongg选手——在最近一周的比赛中他的路霸几乎每一场都能拯救队伍。虽然这两支战队的战术完全不同,但是他们的共同点是都拥有世界顶级的突击核心选手。对于即将前往韩国征战Apex联赛第三赛季的Rogue战队来说,他们的一大缺点就是缺少灵活应变的能力。虽然目前他们的优势在于自己长时间练习和精通的英雄正好也是版本最强势的英雄,但是这样固定的阵容和战术也会成为一个隐患:韩国战队很可能在Apex联赛的过程中不断探索和练习克制他们的战术。Rogue战队必须努力让自己更好地适应韩国联赛甚至是版本,毕竟谁也无法预测下一个版本将会如何变化。