
时间:2017-04-27 11:57 作者:hongchi110 来源:网络 手机订阅 神评论

Other notable regional differences include Soldier 76 and McCree seems like NA prefers older men while KR enjoys their cowboys. To better understand this phenomenon for Soldier 76, we can also look at the Team Contribution to Total chart I created:

另一个值得关注的区域差异是士兵76和麦克雷——似乎北美选手更偏爱老兵(译者注:此处原文为“older men”,指代士兵76),而韩国选手更钟情于牛仔(译者注:此处原文为“cowboys”,指代麦克雷)。为了更好地理解士兵76的使用差异,我绘制了下方的战队贡献图:



Here’s how to read the chart, using Lucio as an example. Lucio had 97% usage this week, and if you summed all of the Lucio usage displayed from all of the teams, it would add up to 97%. Applying this to Soldier 76, Selfless and Rogue played the most live-streamed matches this weekend, and both teams have strong Soldier 76 players. They were joined by Immortals, and these three teams summed together to account for 27% out of 44% total Soldier 76 usage on their own.



Finally, since someone asked for it last week, I created a Hero/Map Breakout chart as well, so that you can see where your favorite hero was being used. You can either scroll down on the right side (turns out 24 heroes and 14 maps is a lot to fit in one chart) or click on the map squares on the top right to filter by map!





Lucio wasn’t the only thing that changed with the April 11th patch: Assault and Hybrid maps also received a design change. In an effort to reduce ties, Blizzard introduced tracking of the actual capture percentage on capture points: if an attacking team only reaches 25% of a final point, the second attacking team now need only reach 26% to win the map. But, this is not the first time these maps have been adjusted. On February 28th, Blizzard released a patch that gradually increased defender spawn time if attackers controlled the point, ideally making it less difficult for attackers to cap. I took the average “win” score of 2CP maps prior to this Feb. 28th patch, between Feb. 28th and Apr. 11th, and after Apr. 11th and plotted them to see if these patches made an impact on attackers. I expected to see an increase in attacker score, indicating that more maps were being full-cleared by both teams:



