
时间:2017-04-27 11:57 作者:hongchi110 来源:网络 手机订阅 神评论







What’s up guys and gals, CaptainPlanet here to present the Overwatch Hero Tier List and Meta Report: Rogue Squadron. This week was a big one for balance in Overwatch: the Lucio and Assault/Hybrid map changes went live just before two major tournaments were scheduled to begin. This presented a unique opportunity to analyze who two different regions of pro Overwatch players adjusted to a game-changing patch, since the two tournaments in question were the Apex Challengers circuit and the Overwatch Monthly Melee, out of Korea and North America respectively. As I allude to in the title of this report, I’ll also be looking into the dominance of Rogue, the team that has been terrorizing the NA scene ever since their move to Vegas earlier in the year. Of course this wouldn’t be a Meta Report without Hero Tiers, so let’s take a look:

恰逢两项重大赛事的筹备之际,本周守望先锋进行了重要的平衡性调整:卢西奥和占点图/推车图改动的实装。而这也为分析不同地区的选手适应版本变更的能力提供了一个绝好的机会,因为韩国的Apex Challengers循环赛和北美的Overwatch Monthly Melee联赛即将开幕。而正如我在周报的标题中所指出的那样,在这些战队中我将持续关注自Vegas联赛以来就一直称霸北美赛区的Rogue战队。当然,每期的周报自然少不了英雄使用率数据,所以让我们先来看看本周的情况吧。



S级 (>95%出场率):卢西奥(97%)

T1 (>80%出场率):无

T2 (>50%出场率):猎空(69%)、安娜(69%)、D.VA(55%)、温斯顿(55%)

T3 (>20%出场率):莱因哈特(45%)、士兵76(44%)、源氏(38%)、路霸(32%)、查莉娅(28%)、法拉(22%)

T4 (>5%出场率):天使(18%)、禅雅塔(15%)、麦克雷(10%)

T5 (<5%出场率):黑百合(2%)、黑影(2%)、小美(2%)、半藏(1%)、奥丽莎(0%)、死神(0%)、托比昂(0%)、堡垒(0%)、狂鼠(0%)、秩序之光(0%)





Lucio may have received a slight hero rework, but his usage in the pro scene remained largely intact. The lessening of his healing / speed aura range seems to have only changed how Lucio players play, rather than prompting them to change off their main of choice. This was good for some Lucios like dhaK who are masters of wall-riding, flanking Lucio tactics:



But it was bad for other Lucios like Ajax, NRG’s shotcalling Lucio who is struggling to adjust to the changes in effective positioning where he can heal/speed boost his team without exposing himself. Due to the smaller radius, “commander” Lucios who don’t have dhaK’s high-mobility style of play have to stay closer to their teams, and NRG’s supports struggled after being picked off early in many fights this weekend. I have no doubt Lucio players of all styles will adjust to the new way their hero functions, but the fact remains that … well … they’re all still playing Lucio.



Pharah and Mercy continued to stay relevant in the pro meta for the second week in a row, thanks in part to their strength on King of the Hill maps. During the Overwatch Monthly Melee Hexagrams remarked that “even if you bring a Soldier 76, you basically have to be Dafran to deal with a Pharah-Mercy combo on your own” and that remark rings even more true on maps like Oasis and Ilios where Pharah can duck behind tall buildings with ease. You do not even need a Mercy to run Pharah, however, as Rogue often ran aKm on Pharah with a Zenyatta and Lucio support, placing all of their faith in the idea that the best defense is a good offense. With proper target switching and callouts on the maps where she can quickly concussive blast herself behind enemy lines a Pharah/Winston/Genji/Tracer Dive with Discord Orb support comes at you like a spider monkey.

法拉和天使连续第二周在职业比赛中占有一席之地,这主要是因为他们在山丘之王模式(译者注:即漓江塔、伊利奥斯、尼泊尔和绿洲城)上的强势表现。在Overwatch Monthly Melee联赛中,Hexagrams选手就表示“即使换出士兵76,你还得像Dafran选手(拥有精准的枪法)才能一个人处理法拉-天使的**组合”。而在类似绿洲城和伊利奥斯这样的地图上事实确实如此,因为法拉很容易找到高空掩体来规避伤害。甚至有时候法拉都不需要天使进行配合,比如Rogue战队在aKm选手使用法拉的时候,经常会搭配禅雅塔和卢西奥的辅助组合,以贯彻“进攻就是最好的防守”的战术策略。在确定了集火对象后,法拉会迅速地利用自己的机动性进行绕后——法拉/温斯顿/源氏/猎空配合禅雅塔的“乱”,会瞬间像“疯狗”一样扑向目标。


D.Va’s position as the second most popular tank surprised me this week, until I remembered that a significant portion of this week’s data came from the Apex Challenger series. Koreans love D.Va, have practiced D.Va religiously, and are masters of getting the most out of their native land’s Tank. If we look to the regional meta breakout chart, we can see that while D.Va had an overall usage rate of 55%, she was present for 82% of all match time played in Korea compared to just 35% in NA:

本周D.VA跻身使用率排名第二的坦克英雄一度让我感到十分诧异,不过联想到本周的数据集中有相当一部分比赛来自于Apex Challenger系列赛,这一现象也就不足为奇,毕竟韩国人十分偏爱和擅长D.VA这位出身于自己国家的坦克英雄。如果我们仔细观察地区版本差异图,可以发现虽然D.VA的总体使用率为55%,但是她在韩国地区的总体使用时间高达82%,而这一数据在北美地图仅为35%:


