
2024-09-21 00:45:57 神评论




自顶向下射击,配置为团队在完全可破坏的随机生成的世界,由若干层组成。 特点:完全可破坏的地形。 使用喷气背包(平行之间移动的能力水平)各种类型的武器(手枪、冲锋枪、步枪、炸药、等)大量的设备组合构建你自己的游戏策略(医疗包、弹药、隐形、诱饵等)分屏模式,网上和一个朋友玩,在一个远程服务器上,从一个电脑。 环境对玩家的影响(时间变化、天气变化等)控制器支持(XInput, Steam控制器)控制敌人的练习模式。

《Cue Club 2: Pool & Snooker》


Cue Club 2使用最新的技术创造了最令人兴奋和现实的台球模拟器。体验池和斯诺克以前从来没有过,感谢令人惊叹的高清图像,出色的可玩性和超现实的球物理。挑战各种不同能力的新对手,从初级到专业级。磨练你的技能,改进你的游戏,击败对手获得新的酒吧,赢得奖杯,成为著名的球杆2冠军! 强大的模拟和准确的球物理。 打8球、9球、10球、6球、7球、斯诺克、速度池和杀手。 比赛,酒吧挑战,2人,多人模式和练习模式。 完全可定制的规则 广泛的桌子,球杆和球的选择。 先进的“人工智能”造就了真正的真正的对手。 慢镜头回放和保存设施。 名人堂的奖杯陈列室和游戏排行榜。 选择9个很棒的爵士音乐音轨。 15个时尚的角色来对抗。 2 d / 3 d视图 触摸屏兼容 支持全高清图形(1920 x 1080),超宽屏和4K显示器。 Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10。



“轴心国足球”是一款美式足球模拟游戏,它的创新目标是传球和大规模定制。我们回到了第二个赛季,你会喜欢我们所做的改变!新的轴足球2016大升级图形(阴影,纹理,球员模型,等等!)100 +新的动画团队MODS(名称,标志,制服,人群,等等!)完全重新设计的图形用户界面的特许经营模式增加PlayBook大小啦啦队品牌新播音员和QB音频延长球员属性场图形每个团队的新玩家控制(旋转,朱克斯,和跳水)相机控制新球场人群图形新的游戏设置选项(日/夜,天气,季度的长度,均匀的选择,和更多!)每队很多模板,简单的改装改进的无限均匀支持AI(拦截,传球,追求,和更多!)所有的新球员和球队的所有32 teamsgame模式玩家对评级AI教练模式(称为戏剧动作)AI与AI(看了一个模拟游戏,即将推出)本地玩家(两控制器)特许经营modemodable特点队名球员制服啦啦队制服团队界面图标队中场徽标团队各图形球队主场观众名单(姓名、数字、图形属性,肤色,和大小)热点航线员QB音频(节奏,卡,和呛声)体育场MODS广播MODS的全套轴footballwe容易moddingthe未来模板认为轴足球是一个很大的乐趣,但它肯定达不到现行标准运动模拟图形和术语特征甲状旁腺素。我们从去年开始取得了长足的进步,并且有了更大的计划来完成我们明年能够完成的任务。您购买和支持这个游戏有助于使这些计划成为现实。我们计划通过改进图形、动画、特性等等来发布游戏的年度版本!让我们知道你希望在比赛中看到什么,和你的朋友分享轴心足球!





Chaco War immerses players in the most important war experience in South America on 20th century. Players will have to make teams to survive the extremely distressing and tough battles. The title offers an uncensored experience, with unique enemies and different combats: melee attacks with machetes, ambush attacks, Bolivian soldiers with flamethrowers and cunning hedging strategies. The multiplayer mode has also been improved with new action based on vehicles and tanks of that time.Face all kinds of tough and tactically advanced enemies who will not stop at anything to defend their homeland, from ambushes in the hot Chaco grasslands to snipers on Samu'u trees, passing very tough times due to the water shortage. Play as a rookie young man in his first time in war or as a Bolivian recruit in the "Green Hell".In demo will be updated with new free missions and we thank you to comment all recommendations. This first-person shooter will be built by everyone.Main FeaturesCapture of historic forts heavily guarded by the enemy.Players will have two main weapons (one long and the other short) and a secondary weapon, the machete.Improve your skills through experience points.Attack of wild animals: jaguars, crocodiles, snakes, pumasFind water from anywhere, rain, puddles, ponds, streams, even your own urine or you will die of dehydration.Each character will have a hydration system to fight against Chaco’s tough conditions, besides their vitality.The game is entirely a FPS narrated by a war veteran from his human perception and as a soldier on a warlike conflict, so the artistic feature of the camera direction will be that the scenes will always be focused on the player.Multilenguage, voices in Spanish-Guaraní and English. Subtitles in Spanish, English and coming soon Portuguese, German, French, Italian.Full Compatibility with Xbox 360/ONE and generic Controllers.VR compatibility (Oculus, HTC Vive) Comming soon.Human-Soldier (Coming soon)Even though customizing weapons was an impossible feature for that time, there was a mental and experiential evolution of soldiers, both military and human. Players can use experience points to become a tenacious warrior and endure the frivolities of war and the environment as a soldier and as a human being.Hydration SystemThe hydration system recreates how crude this war was, forcing the player to find a way to quench their thirst in one of America's hottest biomes, with water shortages being one more enemy to face. You will have to decide if you drink your own urine or load your canteen in a puddle facing the almost total absence of water. Dehydration and illnesses from drinking contaminated water caused countless casualties on both sides.Multiplayer (Coming soon) Featuring a multiplayer system to make the experience more addictive and exciting. Prove your skills as a player and defeat rivals from across the globe.Multiplayer modes: team deadmatch, capture the fort.VR (Coming soon)We want it to be a maximum war experience and we plan to include VR in the coming months, using HTC Vive and Oculus.


