2024年发售的包括 Source SDK本地多人游戏盘点,有你想玩的吗?(第38周)

2024-09-21 03:09:23 神评论

在2024年中有多款包括 Source SDK,本地多人游戏公测或发售,有倍受玩家期待的大作,也有名不见经传的潜力新作。本期盘点就为大家罗列了一下明确要上线的新游信息,游戏荒的你快来一起看看吧!



KnightOut是一款适合1至4名玩家的建造和斗殴游戏。在激烈的战斗中与朋友一起玩耍或与之对抗。使用大炮,剑和ballistas搭建城堡和斗殴。每场比赛都始于两队建造装备大炮的城堡。 然后,所有的地狱崩溃! 炮弹飞起来,石墙崩塌,你的骑士走向草坪,砍掉他的剑。 一旦你摧毁了你的对手的基地并杀死了国王,你就赢了!特点:在混战中对抗死亡 - 在战斗中控制你的骑士建造一座巨大的城堡 - 用你的创造力建造你自己的城堡增加你的阿森纳 - 建造不同的武器 和防御闪光解锁 - 解锁新帽子,项目和个人资料图片街机模式 - 在你防守你的种族时与敌人的波动对抗 - 在网上或本地多人游戏中对阵或与你的朋友一起对战





极限跳跃是一种特殊的平台游戏 + 跳跃;在3D环境中运行+种族+谜题。这是一个具有挑战性的运动游戏,可以非常容易上瘾。无论是随便的还是强大的竞争,总有一些东西要学习和做!挑战是尽可能以最快的速度击败赛程。如果你失败了,一个检查点系统允许你返回到一个已保存的位置。最好的部分是它是完全免费的玩!主要特点 - 了解教程中的核心7个学科,然后在各种地图中找到休息!跳,冲浪,兔子,蹦极,极限跳跃,两步跳,跳远,赛道,Bhop赛道,死亡陷阱,火炬目标。有单学科和多学科课程! - 120多个地图可供选择。天空是极限跳跃地图的极限。自然,农村,郊区,城市,空间,超现实。每个地图是完全独特的,甚至可能有多个组成! - 单一和混合学科课程在极限跳跃最酷的事情之一是混合。有些地图可能有一门组成,有些则有很多,学科和特殊能力的组合是无限的。一个单一的课程可能是一个学科,但也可能需要掌握其中的许多人打败。竞技场多人游戏模式类似于捉迷藏,追求者追逐跑步者!跑步者可以使用特殊的拾取装置,以帮助他们远离拥有极限跳跃的极其移动的搜索者和特殊的搜索者视野。追逐可以变得非常狂放! - 创造您自己的地图,使用世界编辑,您能创造比赛的地图。 极限跳跃有非常大量的特殊功能和实体为您准备,这是完全独一无二的游戏。有一百万种制作地图的方法。如果你是公开的创意,地图可能是你的事情,因为在极限跳跃你可以创造任何东西! - 获得奖牌解锁有趣的物品当你在服务器上或独自打败地图,你会获得奖牌。这些奖牌可以让你从特别商品店购买特殊的有趣物品。当你的计时器没有运行时,你可以在地图上随心所欲地寻找快捷方式和特殊的跳转,并使用这些项目来帮助你.-单独或与朋友在线竞争。单独播放,与朋友一起单独播放,或与朋友一起播放。合作社地图必须使用助推和相同的时间难题行动与2-4个玩家一起玩。你可以创建你自己的服务器给你的朋友用主菜单上的创建服务器来玩!请注意,必须转发端口27015才能让其他人看到您的服务器(有关详细信息,请访问https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5452-TASB-6078)。想在游戏中在墙上画什么东西?你能行的!玩家用它来画箭,显示新玩家下一步要去的地方。其他人会画出任何想到的东西。随着许多颜色和大小,这是很多的乐趣! - 最好的和最有帮助的游戏社区之一!



Fistful of Frags was born years ago as a Wild West themed modification for Source engine. It has been completely renewed for its Steam release, paying special attention to combat mechanics. Also please note this is a completely *free* standalone mod, no micro-transactions exist, no registration required. Just install and play. You may see ads when joining certain third party servers that host our game for free. That's however completely unrelated to FoF dev team, we do not profit from them.FeaturesShootout (classic death-match / free for all) and up to 4 team death-match: non stop, all around action. FFA supports ladder based global ranks.Teamplay mode: objective based game mode featuring zone capture and 'push the cart' levels.'Break Bad' mode: team based death-match like mode featuring custom rules as unarmed players that get you jailed when harmed and different objective based missions that grant cash to buy better weaponsTeam Elimination mode (ranked): kill the entire enemy team once at least to win the round, highly tactical and suspenseful modeVersus mode (ranked): 1 vs 1 duel matches, each map features different arenas, fair match creation based on player rank/skillDetailed dual wield system: double dynamic crosshair, weapon flip for extra accuracy options, drop or throw your handguns as projectile attackAdvanced multiplayer bots for off-line practiceHistorical black gunpowder based weapons as Colt Peacemaker/Navy/Walker, S&W Schofield, Volcanic pistol, Deringer, Smith Carbine, Sharps rifle or Henry RifleCustomization options: choose primary/secondary weapons and special perksSkill based scoring system: the more skill required to accomplish an attack, the higher score isSource Engine 2013: community managed dedicated servers, LAN support, 3rd party level design and user customization allowed



全球臭名昭着的Cyber​​Con公司渴望向世界传递改变人类命运的东西。然而世界还没有准备好...... Cyber​​Con的真正意图。他们的计划以前大部分都是有争议的,但是他们最新的想法似乎太完美了。一个非常危险的秘密即将被揭露。 Cyber​​Con的项目涉及神经枢纽芯片的开发。他们成功并成为一种现象,后来成为一种强制性的法律,使用先进的手术和先进的技术使他们在出生时被植入.Cyber​​Con得到了*的许可。这场争论被掩盖了,很少有人知道它是如何做到的。这项技术被全世界许多人视为可以治疗失明,耳聋,疾病以及现代生活表现的巨大提升的重大突破。进一步协助沟通和增强能力。而Cyber​​Con的真面目还没有被揭示出来。特点5独特的游戏模式,超过20种独特的武器,包括两手叉腰的武器! gibbing,这是你可爱的grindhouse-gore电影!超过100个独特的技能组合。一个全球性的配置文件系统/水平系统。扮演僵尸,使用你的特殊僵尸技能树进化为你的优势!任何npcs的声音,使自己的球员幸存者模型,制作自定义地图,通过车间分享你的创作!字符customization.No付费赢!简单的用户界面和HUD.AI士兵,坦克和土匪/雇佣兵。强大的任务,目标&库存系统。可以在PC,Mac OSX和Linux上多人交叉兼容。专用服务器支持PC和Linux.GamemodesStory专注于基于故事的游戏玩法,通过完成特定的任务或附带任务来增加生存的机会!简单的目标,这是一个基于原始BrainBread的休闲/冰冷的游戏模式,如果你想要一个纯粹的BrainBread体验,你可以启用一个服务器命令来强制它成为一个BrainBread模式。在这种模式下,你也可以扮演一个僵尸,作为一个人,你可以感染。僵尸的目标是阻止人类进步,当你获得一定数量的杀戮时,你将能够重生为人类,或者如果你死了太多次。所有这一切都可以由服务器所有者来调节.ArenaThis是一款基于波形的游戏模式,类似于“生存”。你有有限的重生,当你死的时候,你会在X秒的时间内重生。每个人都在同一时间重生,某些地图可能允许一定数量的重试,如果你失败太多,你必须重新做一遍。这种模式是非常动感十足的,你最好是灵活的.EliminationA人VS僵尸游戏模式,一队达到fraglimit胜!在这种模式下,你可以单独重生,但是如果你的团队中的每个人都死了,你的团队将被“灭绝”,这意味着这一轮结束了。对方队员通过消灭对方获得一定的分数,这是获得积分的有效方式,但是如果有很多的球员,这是很难实现的。在这种模式下,如果你的团队获得了一定数量的杀死,你也可以触发一次团队冲刺,你的团队将获得一些有用的技能,持续一定的秒数。死亡匹配一个PvP游戏模式,仅限于人类。具有经典的老派通电,提高了速度和灵活性!以及播音员,如果你失败太多,会试图向你致敬或取笑你。 CyberCon, the notorious global corporation, aspired to deliver to the world something that would change the fate of humanity. What the world wasn't ready for however... Was CyberCon's true intentions. Their schemes had been controversial to most before, but their newest idea seemed almost too perfect.A much sinister secret was about to be exposed. CyberCon's project involved the development of neuro-hub chips. They succeeded and became a phenomenon, later becoming a mandatory law to have them implanted at birth using state of the art surgery and cutting edge technology.CyberCon were granted this permission from the government. The controversy was covered up and very little was known how it was done.The technology was seen by many around the world as a major breakthrough that could cure blindness, deafness, disease, and a huge boost in performance for modern day life.It was further aiding as a gateway to easier communication and enhanced capabilities. This was the next milestone in human history.However, good things must always come to an end.And CyberCon's true colors are yet to be revealed.Features5 Unique gamemodes.Over 20 unique weapons, including akimbo weapons!Extreme amounts of gore & gibbing, this is your lovely grindhouse-gore movie!Over 100 unique skill combinations.A global profile system/leveling system.Play as a zombie, evolve as a zombie using your special zombie skill tree to your advantage!Modding friendly, customize your own soundsets for any of the npcs, make your own player survivor models, make custom maps, share your creations via Workshop!Character customization.No pay to win!Simple UI and HUD.AI Soldiers, Tanks and Bandits/Mercenaries.A powerful quest, objective & inventory system.Playable on PC, Mac OSX, and Linux with multiplayer cross-compatibility. Dedicated Server Support for PC and Linux.GamemodesStoryFocuses on story based gameplay, progress by doing specific quests or side-quests to increase your chance of survival!ObjectiveFocuses on small & simple objectives, this is a casual/chill gamemode based on the original BrainBread, if you want a pure BrainBread experience you can enable a server command to force it to vanilla BrainBread mode. In this mode you can also play as a zombie and as a human you can get infected. The zombie's objective is to prevent the humans from progressing, when you get a certain amount of kills you will be able to respawn as a human again, or if you die too many times. All of this can be regulated by the server owner.ArenaThis is a wave based gamemode, similar to 'Survival'. You have limited respawns and when you die you'll respawn after X amount of seconds. Everyone respawns at the same time, certain maps may allow certain amount of retries for a wave, if you fail too many times you have to do everything over again. This mode is very action-packed, you better be flexible.EliminationA Humans VS Zombies gamemode, first team to reach the fraglimit wins! In this mode you respawn individually, however if everyone on your team is dead your team will be 'Exterminated', which means the round is over. The opposite team gains a certain amount of points by exterminating the other team, this is an effective way to gain points but it is hard to achieve if there's many players. In this mode you'll also trigger a team perk if your team gets a certain amount of kills, your team will be blessed with some helpful skill for a certain amount of seconds.DeathmatchA PvP gamemode, solely for humans. Featuring classic old-school powerups, increased speed and flexibility! As well as an announcer which will try to salute you or make fun of you if you fail too much!


