
2024-09-21 02:47:56 神评论




An epic sky battle awaits you! Choose your pilot and fighter to join the ultimate 2D S.H.M.U.P action ! Fight over 50 enemy types on 8 worlds in over 32 story missions and 无限的随机内容。 为压倒性的敌方舰队和具有挑战性的boss战做好准备。 按照喜欢的方式升级你的战士,无人驾驶飞机和飞行员。 获得强大和永久的可见升级,装甲和不同类型的武器。 升级你的飞行员,并在3种不同的技能树中分配技能点来解锁各种技能,如自动盾牌,关键魔法师等等。 现在加入雇佣军!



“看到音乐在这个游戏中扮演着如此核心的角色,它有多好?总之 - 令人惊叹。“ - 任天堂爱好者,9/10”如果我不得不选择一个词来描述蝌蚪高音,那么这个词将是'迷人的'。 -Destructoid,8/10“伙计们,我很害怕这个游戏。无缝同步并充满魅力和个性的傍晚,蝌蚪高音毫无疑问是必备的。“ - 内圈游戏网络,9.4 / 10”蝌蚪高音是我玩过的最甜蜜的游戏之一,尽管它对于可怜的蝌蚪而言,它们是全身心投入的恐怖活动。“ -TinyCartridge“这是一个美学和音乐为重点的游戏应该是一个缩影:简单的游戏通过良好的游戏设计和出色的配乐而获得乐趣。



史诗级的大型线上多人即时策略对战游戏,我们正等着你击溃敌人!这是一个线上空中之塔防卫的真人对战策略游戏!马上建立你的帝国吧! 空中战争多人连机在线竞技游戏的特点: 踏入Steampunk世界里的大型线上多人即时策略对战和角色扮演游戏 探索这个史诗级的对战策略游戏世界 指挥你的巫师,蛮人和侏儒军队 在天空中设立你的基地 将你的云中村落打造成一个无与伦比的帝国 线上真人实时对战模式 争夺象征崇高地位的宝座 和全世界的玩家竞技,夺取他们的奖杯头衔 创建联盟,招聘部队,参与战争! 欣赏精彩华丽的3D艺术 与Syndicate对战 您准备好建立一支岛民军队,探索西部森林和征服4个王国了吗?天空战争是一个独特的玩家真人对战和玩家游戏环境战争的游戏,你需要面对来自世界各地的敌人。 加入国王们的联盟,与其他的领主一起做对塔防卫和捍卫玩家对游戏环境的战争。你所建立的帝国越大和越强壮时,你就会在游戏中招揽到更多妒忌你的对手!这些邪恶的巫师,蛮人和侏儒会不断地尝试攻陷你的防卫。请随时做好在线上被攻击的准备!你也可以在这个免费的大型线上多人即时策略对战游戏里与敌人对战。马上组织你自己的防卫来对抗袭击者,或者与你的盟友团结起来一起攻击其他捍卫者,掠夺他们的城堡。 请注意,这个大型线上多人即时策略对战的塔防游戏可能会带来危险!在这个骑士和海盗的时代里,由你自己决定要成为赢家还是败寇。马上准备建立你的村庄,训练士兵,收割庄稼和成为天空帝国的霸主吧!





Apollo4x is a game of transporting 5 resources between planets, and you have limited fuel to do so. It's a bit puzzle, a bit resource management, and some tycoon strategy. There are no build queues, and you are having meaningful interaction with your economy every single turn. There are no "other players" to compete against, but we've instead used a "time pressure" type enemy that consumes planets as it spreads across the map - because a fun game needs a challenge component, and we find symmetric AI opponents problematic in other games, so this was the best solution. Difficulty is fully in your control, and ranges from zero-challenge to something the creators can't beat, so you'll find your own best settings with experience.Apollo4x has "4X" in the title, but this is not an indicator that we've made a "traditional formula" title like Master of Orion, or the games that follow that economic and combat model. Steam has a multitude of games that do, and do it so well that there's no point in us making a competitor to them. The IdeaWhat we did is toss out the economic model of exploring a hidden map, having AI opponents that attempt to play the same game as the player (because they generally fail, and obviously cheat) and long build queues where you just hit "next turn" 100 times before anything significant happens. Rather than have you build a navy of spaceships and militarily conquer other simulated players, we made more of a tycoon puzzle economy. Each planet has three "exports" and you put two "imports" on them. Money is made by matching exports on one planet to imports on another, with the limitation of fuel availability, which is dependent on how upgraded each planet is. The EnemySince we don't have simulated players to compete against, we decided on using a "creeping doom" style opponent. The enemy spreads out organically from their homeworld(s) at a pace you determine in the difficulty settings. You can, and will have to, slow their spread and defend your own planets from this steadily encroaching threat. Each enemy colony adds +1 army to their homeworld defense, so the player is encouraged to keep the enemy from growing into an impossible strength and speed of expansion by "pruning" their colonies. If your chosen win condition is to cleanse the galaxy of them entirely, you'll have to weaken them first through attrition.CombatWe went out of the 4X realm and built in a tactical card game inspired in part by some of our favorite tabletop combat games. Morale, combined arms, and multiple possible tactics for each of the very unique units to choose from every turn. Four different enemy clans to battle, based on the four horsemen - death, war, pestilence and famine. Each has an entirely different set of units and tactics and requires a completely different battle plan to beat. War fights with brute force, while pestilence attacks with morale crushing horror weapons, and death gave up their bodies for machines and now are the unliving reapers. Currently there is no space combat or fleet building, being instead like Starship Troopers where your troops are "dropped in" and just fight the ground war. This is to keep things simple and not have two different combat systems in a game that's primarily a trading puzzle - but if Apollo4X does well, it's on the list for whatever sequel we make.WinningWinning the game is accomplished by either economic or military means. You can kill all the enemy homeworlds. Alternately, stockpile 300 of each market resource, or upgrade your colonies to produce a cumulative 500 "stellar network" points and colonize 20 planets. Military, economic, or expansion victory is your choice.Game DifficultyFinally, we allowed you maximum choice of difficulty. Tailor the game to your needs, so you feel challenged but not overwhelmed. If you think the economy could be more resistive, turn it up. If you want to not worry about enemy expansion you can weaken them, start them with less colonies, or lower rate of expansion. Or, if you really like the combat game, set the economy to easy and add all four enemy types to the map at maximum strength -- good luck with that, though. If you want to go fully casual, we even allow you to turn off economic failure, and have unlimited funds to experiment with. We, as players ourselves, lose interest in games that are too hard or too easy, so it seemed important to give the player full control of it. Since most people want to play on "average", we'll be listening to feedback about which difficulty settings are most popular and adjust the "average" levels to those trends down the road a bit.We dared to be different in a genre full of excellent but too similar titles. If different is what you need, this is it.


