
2024-09-20 17:19:13 神评论


《Criminal Bundle》


Criminal Bundle is a first person shooter online multiplayer with low poly esthetic. Shoot other players while trying to open the safe or prevent criminals from run away with the money.Don’t be fooled by the low poly art! In Criminal Bundle you will need to master the police strategies so that criminals do not escape. You and your teammates will have to decide how to act in the robbery, what weapons you should use and what will be the breaking and entering zone. But as a criminal your strategy will be totally different. You must get to the bank and break the safe. Then, take all the money and run for your life. Don’t mind the casualties, don’t mind the hostages, just mind the money!WEAPONS AND CUSTOMIZATIONThere are many types of weapons like rifles, pistols, snipers and knife. Choose wisely... or not, it's up to you getting the job done, but how you will do it doesn't matter. That’s why you can pick different characters in both teams, but only the “bad guys” can wear different masks like a horse head, clown face, Mr. President covfefe mask among many others.MAPSWe will expand the game with new free maps such as supermarket, jewelry store among others. There will be exclusive maps for VIP subscribers.MONTHLY VIP SUBSCRIPTION, NOT A PAY TO WINCriminal Bundle is fun and cheap full game. Players will have lots of content totally free. However, we think some hardcore players may enjoy additional content like skins, masks and maps, but never better guns or somekind of power-ups. We don’t want to be a pay to win game.



《暴动Z》(RiotZ)是开发商Triple Rush Games打造并在2017年07月31日上市的一款第一人称多人射击游戏。这是关于僵尸世界的生存游戏,你必须杀死僵尸,装备角色,得到别人的尊重。游戏采用低多边形画风,提供了3个角色和多把武器,支持与陌生人在上线合作游戏。 游戏特点 -3个不同的职业(步兵,侦察兵,工程师) -各种武器包括手枪、火箭炮、散弹枪和狙击 -与朋友或陌生人联机游戏; -自定义系统 -武器系统 -更多的游戏模式 -更多的地图 -更有趣 This game is about the harsh survival in the world of zombies. You have to kill zombies, decorate the character and get respect from others Take a role in a caroonish styled FPS multiplayer game. Choose among 3 characters and bunch of weapons and play RiotZ online with friends and strangers. Features: -3 different classes (Infantry, Scout, Engineer); -Various types of weapons including Assaults, Equipments, Pistols, Rocket Launchers, Shotguns and Snipers; -Interesting survival against zombies with friends or strangers; -Cosmetic items -Weapon сustomization system Planned features: -More weapons; -More game modes; -More maps; -MORE FUN! More features coming soon.



Assemble a team of mercenaries and challenge the computer or another player in a quick turn-based battle. Unlock new mercs, find the best skill combos, and watch your adorable tiny soldiers blow themselves up in a variety of hex-mapped, low-poly environments.Key Features: Merc selection: assemble your squad from a selection of unique mercenaries, each of whom brings to the team 3 skills and a passive trait. Unlock new mercs by winning battles.  Tactical challenges: take advantage of cover to keep your mercs alive, capture objectives to gain Action Points that can be spent to activate their skills, complete specific mission objectives to win. No luck involved: attacks always hit, skills always work in a predictable way. Games are won by outthinking the opponent, not by luck. Random board generation: different environments and randomly generated terrain ensure that no two battles are the same. Game modes: play against the computer in single player mode, or against another player in local and online multiplayer.

《独立日 Online》


超快节奏的动作(AOS)游戏- 降低游戏初期的刷钱、高门槛区间等- 无体力限制的快速成长和战斗- 持续开启小规模战斗和大规模战斗- 最后一击的惊险刺激的胜利!3种战场的特别规则- 资源战场:通过战斗、资源以及破坏目标收集点数来获取胜利!为了获得点数,持续发生小规模战斗- 死亡竞技:战略性破坏敌方基地为目标!通过获得多种效果的战场道具,强化个人能力!击杀加成效果目标,提高团队战力!- 生存模式: 只靠个人能力和少许运气,成为最后一人就可获得胜利!共有10名玩家参战,可通过击杀玩家和怪物升级!



你准备好消除来自世界各地的人吗?疯狂战斗海军陆战队是一个令人难以置信的动作包装的挑战!你有能力选择多种武器,如RPG,狙击手,霰弹枪,机枪和手枪。如果你喜欢在“射击运动员”中驾驶“疯狂战斗海军陆战队”的想法,你可以用自己的挑战来玩游戏还有杀手:这是基本正常的死亡竞赛模式,你只需要消灭对方海军陆战队在地图上,同时还尝试为自己争取life.Destroyer:在这种模式下,你将需要销毁比你的竞争对手更多的汽车富丽!当你玩富裕模式时,你需要在计时器用完之前找出尽可能多的数字。的游戏模式提供了疯狂的挑战和一个非常好的游戏体验,你不想错过。事实上,海军陆战队的“疯狂战斗”(Mar Combat Marines)以紧凑而沉重的身临其境的感觉,提供了无与伦比的拍摄和驾驶体验。如果你是高品质的拍摄有很大的游戏模式和很多疯狂的想法风扇,疯狂战斗海军陆战队在这里为你和它集成了所有你想要的东西!枪发挥非常好,大量身临其境,你可以有很多为了杀死你的敌人。隐形是一个选择,但是去火枪也可以帮助。你可以驾驶跑车*多个大型可供选择*沉浸式游戏*城市级别*行动包装的多人活动


