
2024-09-20 18:43:08 神评论




Assemble a team of mercenaries and challenge the computer or another player in a quick turn-based battle. Unlock new mercs, find the best skill combos, and watch your adorable tiny soldiers blow themselves up in a variety of hex-mapped, low-poly environments.Key Features: Merc selection: assemble your squad from a selection of unique mercenaries, each of whom brings to the team 3 skills and a passive trait. Unlock new mercs by winning battles.  Tactical challenges: take advantage of cover to keep your mercs alive, capture objectives to gain Action Points that can be spent to activate their skills, complete specific mission objectives to win. No luck involved: attacks always hit, skills always work in a predictable way. Games are won by outthinking the opponent, not by luck. Random board generation: different environments and randomly generated terrain ensure that no two battles are the same. Game modes: play against the computer in single player mode, or against another player in local and online multiplayer.



Super Multitasking is an experience like no other. Using just a single controller or keyboard and a split screen display, you will control up to 4 minigames simultaneously. Standard Mode begins with one minigame at a time and gets more difficult the longer you last. Make even one mistake and the game is over! If this seems too daunting--or not daunting enough--you can customize the difficulty of both the minigames and the multitasking independently, from Easy all the way to Maximum!Since everyone approaches multitasking differently, it's as much fun to watch as it is to play. It's great for streaming! Your viewers will be wowed by your skills, and they'll laugh at your failures! It's great at parties! Pass the controller around and find your Multitask King! Share Super Multitasking with your friends, and watch as they excel...or don't!Next, you can take on Challenge Mode! It features 42 scripted Challenges that start off easy, but get tougher and tougher! You'll spend hours figuring out the best ways to navigate, attack, and finally conquer them! Can you get through all of them without breaking your controller? Try Speedrun Challenge Mode, which has you racing the clock to clear them all in one go! Support for Steam Leaderboards will have you racing other players as well!Want to set up your own scenarios, either for practice or for amusement? There's a full-featured Practice Mode that allows you to set up the minigames any way you like! You can design your own challenges, work on a particular weakness, or torture your friends!Plus:Built-in tournament support for up to 24 playersSupport for over 100 unique Steam LeaderboardsChallenge yourself to unlock 33 Steam AchievementsFive Bonus Modes offer even more ways to enjoy the unique experienceUnlock your hidden potential, and enjoy hours of thrills alone or with friends, in Super Multitasking!



《小兵战神》 Romans From Mars一款由Majesco Entertainment开发的Q版塔防游戏,玩家在游戏中将抵御一波又一波火星人对地球的进攻。本作融入了罗马腊神话的一些设定,由于战神被主神朱庇特驱逐出地球,送到了火星。为了复仇,战神对火星的居民洗脑,并带着他们*地球,意图毁掉朱庇特。这些火星人可不是弱兵,他们像潮水一般涌来。而玩家扮演一个身份卑微,操纵弓弩的罗马士兵,必须守住防线,为朱庇特而战。在游戏过程中,玩家还可以召唤五行力量,使出闪电、冰封、烈火等技能,场面相当有看头。



拿起你的枪,检查你的弹药,因为从一个地方逃出城需要一些重型火力。 武装起来对抗亡灵,为你提供了大量的武器装备来帮助你的开采。穿过街道,与僵尸、爬行动物、*和巨人战斗……的东西!你以为你有足够的武器,再想想吧! 当你在城市中前进的时候,你开启了从这些怪物开始的能力。你能逃出这个城市吗? 祝你好运,并保持武装!



《地狱弹幕》系列三部中的第一部,这作像素风格横版卷轴游戏为 Steam 带来了如“子弹地狱”般激烈的射击体验。在两个可玩角色中选择一个,包括第三个可解锁的角色!按你的喜好修改角色所使用的武器!在大威力武器的狂轰滥炸中通过 5 个激烈的关卡。每个关卡到达高潮时都会有一个具有挑战性的头目供你击败。三种模式将保持游戏不中断!体验新的游戏性:在聆听改编后的全新原声的同时享受《地狱弹幕》。游戏特色:5 个激烈的飞行弹幕关卡可爱的经典复古动漫风格从两个可玩角色中选择并可解锁第三个角色剧情,练习与任务模式将你的射击水平磨练至顶级32 个 Steam 成就详尽的在线排行榜由 DM Ashura 改编的新版游戏原声


