
2024-09-20 16:43:55 神评论


《Pursuit of Power® 2 : The Chaos Dimension》


Features Real-time strategy game with pixel art Play a Shadow Knight, Stalker, or Mage as your leader class Choose from a variety of upgrades as your leader gains levels Command elite troops with strategic roles and a rage mechanic Manage connections between fortresses in a unique way Gain prestige by capturing rifts and performing heroic acts Dynamic world events such as invaders that attack fortresses Win by capturing all enemy fortresses or surviving the Apocalypse Single-player campaign with a story and objectives Single and multi-player skirmish (local or network)Pursuit of Power® 2 : The Chaos Dimension is a real-time strategy game with a different focus than traditional RTS games. Players connect fortresses together in order to build, research technology, generate bonus resources, defend allies, and lay siege to enemies. Each player has a leader unit that summons structures and casts powerful abilities. Rifts dynamically spawn invaders and epic creatures that reward players with prestige when defeated. There is a priority system for enemy targets and a rage mechanic that affects combat in multiple ways.Fight through a single-player campaign game with unique content and objectives for your leader. Play local and network skirmish games with up to 10 players. Join a team with allies that can come to your aid. Create new skirmish games using a map editor with a rich set of features.What is in the Demo?The demo for Pursuit of Power® 2 places you in a skirmish game as a Shadow Knight versus another SK computer player at normal difficulty. The features are limited in order to simplify things, which is important since the campaign tutorial has not been implemented yet. You will definitely want to read the "help tips" image and it would be good to read the extended help window too.Pursuit of Power® 2 will not be finished until around August 2018, so this is really just an early preview of it. There are some important gameplay features missing that will add a lot of depth to the game. Over the next few months, I will add an upgrade path for your leader, multiple fortress upgrades, epic bosses that spawn from special rifts, powerful zealot abilities, flying guardians, and more. The current version of the game should give a good idea of how it will play, but the final version will contain much more depth and have a lot more polish too.I launched the Steam store and Demo early, so I can begin building a community around the game. I will update the store page during development, especially when I add new content and features to the game.GameplayThe game begins with your chosen leader spawning next to a crystal formation. Clicking on the crystal will summon your first fortress over it. Now you must race across the map to summon more fortresses over unprotected crystal formations using your leader and zealots.Portals are summoned over crystal formationsWhat are zealots? They are devout followers that march from your own fortresses to any other fortress, whether friendly or an enemy. Zealots form a continuous line when there are no gaps between zealots due to deaths. Those complete connections transfer magical power that can generate resources, bolster defenses, or help lay siege to enemy fortresses.The front zealot at the head of the line holds a banner. If any zealot dies before it, then the banner shifts to the next head of the continuous line. Power emanates from the banner during each pulse event. When connected to a friendly fortress, that power flows through it and travels back to the source, providing additional power for the player. The destination fortress also receives increased build progress for every friendly connection.On the other hand, every enemy zealot connection to a fortress slows its build progress. If more enemy banner zealots reach the fortress than friendly zealots, it essentially halts progress so enemy troops can lay siege. In addition, the enemy banner zealots generate prestige when they successfully reach the portal.What are the resources? Every 2 seconds a pulse event occurs in the game. During that event, power is generated for players with fortresses over active crystal formations. Power is the main resource in the game. It is required for most game actions, such as summoning troops or using an ability.Crystal formations generate power for playersPrestige is awarded for heroic actions against enemies. It can be gained when players connect their zealots to enemy fortresses, destroy enemy zealots, kill enemy leaders, or capture rifts. Prestige is required for some of the most powerful game actions, including the leveling system.These units generate prestige when they kill zealotsHow does the leveling system work? Leaders will gain levels as they accumulate prestige. There will be ways to choose upgrades, possibly tied to the captured rifts. I hope to change the appearance of leaders and visual effects for their abilities as they gain levels.Fortresses will also have an upgrade path. Many of those choices will be focused around powerful abilities for zealots. Portals will become larger and look more powerful as they are upgraded. Currently, the upgrade path requires a certain amount of "zealot pulses" for build progress, as well as a power and prestige cost.Those concepts are still in the design phase, but I do want to emphasize that there will be player choices that have a big impact on the game. They will add a lot of strategic depth. Some of the current choices are just placeholders until the designs are completed.Mage leader casting a spellWhat is a typical battle scenario? During battles, units will select targets based on a few criteria. Towers will normally target zealots before any other unit. However, siege troops will draw fire when in range. That will allow your zealots to pass by without being harmed. The siege units are also very effective at absorbing damage from structures.Towers will attack siege units as a priorityFighter units will taunt all troops when in range. That can allow your high-damage units to harm enemies without risking death. Immobilization troops can fear, stun, and mesmerize most other troops. That can render a group of enemies helpless as they get picked off. When the immobilized unit is first hit, a bonus buff is triggered for the attacker.Shadow Knight leader swinging his axeScout units can stealth and do extra damage when attacking while hidden. They can detect other stealth units and also have a debuff. That debuff amplifies the damage of certain abilities. All 3 major debuffs are displayed as icons near the troop health and rage bars due to their importance.Stalker leader attacking with her bowRage is generated when the troop takes damage or while it is immobilized. As the rage increases, the troop gains rage levels. Each rage level multiplies the damage done by that troop. Killing troops with high levels of rage is important. Some abilities can even harness the rage to create bonus effects. Troops at max rage level are immune to immobilization effects. All troops decrease rage over time.How do you capture an enemy fortress? Players must first destroy all 4 fortification towers to make the portal vulnerable. Then they can damage the portal while fortifications are down, which isn't easy since fortifications can repair themselves with help from friendly zealots. The player's zealots will then capture the unprotected portal after several pulse events and a new fortress will be summoned for the conquering player.Destroy all 4 fortification towers to make portals vulnerableWhat are the rifts and chaos levels? Rifts don't become active until 5 minutes into the game. That gives players time to capture magic sources, build some defensive structures, and summon troops. Rifts with floating purple particles will become active during the next phase, so take note of where they are located.When the rifts become active, invaders will start to spawn at a relatively slow rate. Capturing rifts will accumulate prestige over time and help push invaders further away from your fortresses. As mentioned above, they might also be tied to leader upgrades in the future.For the most part, invaders will harass your fortresses, cause attrition to your troops, and disrupt your zealot paths by causing breaks in the line. It takes a while for them to destroy a fortress on their own. However, they could assist enemy players by destroying most of the defenses, allowing their zealots to capture the fortress.Epic rifts aren't in game yet, but they will spawn boss creatures when they are implemented. Those rifts and creatures will be similar to mercenary camps in MOBAs. Most likely, each will have unique, but relatively simple raid mechanics that players must learn. I plan to let players control the defeated boss for a limited amount of time. There can be up to a dozen types of epic rifts and bosses with the current design.Chaos surges happen at the start of the next chaos levels. They evict players from all captured rifts, returning them to the invader pool of inactive rifts. That ensures invaders can always be a part of the game. Furthermore, the spawn rate of invaders doubles during the 1 minute chaos surge. That means that invaders will often attack fortresses during the chaos surge, since the minimum threshold for attacks is more likely to be met.How does the game end? There are two main ways to win the game. The more traditional way is to capture all of the enemy fortresses. Leveling-up your leader more quickly than your opponents can help, especially once you gain your powerful ability upgrades.You can also win the game if you are the last player to survive the Apocalypse. The game world becomes increasingly chaotic as players conquer fortresses and destroy the rifts. Powerful creatures from an alternate dimension take notice and start to descend through the rifts, making the encounters more difficult. The attacks increase in strength until only one player survi



咒语力量2:昔日恶魔(SpellForce 2: Demons of the Past)是Nordic Games制作发行的角色扮演游戏,该款是咒语力量第二部作品,游戏在原来的基础上还加入了很多全新的游戏。整体的画面都提高了不少,同时还加入了50个全新的主线任务,受到了很多玩家们的喜爱。游戏中玩家要扮演角色去拯救世界跟恶魔作战,同时游戏中还要全新的武器和咒语在等着玩家们,让玩家在游戏中更加过瘾!   该游戏其实就是经典作品《咒语力量2:暗影战争》的第三部资料片,增加了更多的剧情关卡和战斗元素,但游戏的核心部分并没有太大区别,整个游戏过程依然是以角色扮演加即时战略的模式穿插进行。是款很不错的角色扮演游戏,该款游戏肯定不会让玩家们失望的!






作为一款3d即时战略游戏《代号:装甲》的画面可以说是无以伦比。各种模型做的非常逼真,场景色彩也绘制的相当漂亮,天气的特效更是颇为真实。作为游戏的主题,各种装甲车辆做的更是细致入微,因为《代号:装甲》用的是“猪兔大战”的升级引擎,其物理特效自然也不差。而且游戏人物的制作采用了动作补偿系统;这使游戏里的人物动作更加流畅。 总体上讲《代号:装甲》的音效还算不错,比较真实。感觉二战游戏玩多了,各种枪械火炮的声音都比较熟悉,反正打起来混在一起也听不出个数来。但总是感觉游戏里的火炮的音效不是太震撼,总是让人感觉软绵绵的。人物的配音目前只听到了德语的,根本听不懂!但感觉(只是感觉)相当不错,包括带美国腔调的德语发音倒是非常有趣儿。背景音乐中规中矩,个人感觉这种历史性质的游戏背景音乐,大多是为战场气氛营造的,只要不离谱就会让人满意。 《代号:装甲》的操作和其他即时战略游戏大同小异。因为是3d的画面,游戏允许玩家自由旋转视角,这使玩家能更清楚地观察地形和进行战斗部署。像什么各种组合键和快捷键在下就不再熬述,玩即时战略的兄弟都知道~~~总的来说,《代号:装甲》能让你在几分钟内上手,操作非常简单快捷。 再说说创新,《代号:装甲》其实应该算是一款比较中规中矩的即时战略游戏。什么经验值系统、补给系统等等;这在以前的《闪电战》和《突袭》等即时战略游戏中都已司空见惯,并不是什么新鲜玩艺儿。但是,《代号:装甲》比较有创意的就是其在进入任务之前可以根据游戏中所获得的分值购买或出售部队。虽然是沿用《猪兔大战》的模式,但是出现在以二战为背景的游戏里倒是比较新鲜。这不但加大了游戏的耐玩度,还更加丰富了游戏的战略战术。同时还给玩儿家提供了施展个性的空间,如果你是个善于领导步兵的指挥官,没人会逼你用坦克去和敌人战斗!自由的调配兵种会让你在同一场战斗中体会到不同的战斗乐趣,这就是《代号:装甲》吸引众多玩家的原因。再有就是暂停的加入,这打破了传统即时战略的规则。在游戏中玩家可以按空格键来暂停游戏,部署战斗行动。这和角色扮演类的《博德之门》等游戏非常相似,这个选项会让你在紧张快速的战斗中不至于手忙脚乱,并且可以有效的减少部队的损失。但是个人认为这会影响游戏的真实性,也违背了 “即时战略”的规则。战争打起来不就是手忙脚乱的吗?二战中可是没有一场战斗可以叫暂停的啊!这只是我个人的看法,不代表所有人,如果你和我一样的见识,不用就罢了。还有那个2x的提速功能到感觉不错!这样我们就不用再为了从地图的一头跑道另一头杀掉一个漏网的敌人而浪费太多的无聊时间了。



Patterna是一款为那些认为Hexcells太简单的玩家设计的逻辑益智游戏。游戏具有高度自定义化的关卡生成器和关卡编辑器,超过70个关卡,同时由Alex Cottrell创作的迷人极简风格音乐。在Patterna中,每个关卡都是由节点组成的网络(也称为图形)。在某一方面类似于HexCells或Minesweeper,每个节点都基本上处于一种或者两种状态(成为模式和非模式)。最初,大多数节点的状态都是未知的。玩家的任务是基于距离,连通性和颜色等信息来正确地分类这些未显示的节点。正确的节点分类可能会显示更多的信息,这反过来又帮助你解决关卡。 超过70个关卡,附加教程 带有大量选项的关卡生成器的程序生成关卡 由Alex Cottrell创作的迷人极简风格原声音乐 完全不需要猜测 支持关卡编辑和Steam创意工坊 大量的游戏数据统计


