
2024-09-20 15:33:40 神评论




《王国战争2:战场》是一款由Reverie World Studios,INC制作的策略战棋游戏。该作品融合了僵尸生存、复杂且快节奏的城市建设和策略战斗等不同元素,可以使玩家获得丰富的游戏体验。在这个美丽且血腥的世界中,玩家将穿越史诗般的战场和成千上万的角色共同战斗。独特的单人模式,更多冒险和战斗等待着玩家的挑战。



You can stack blocks to make your own building. There are several obstructions. You should overcome earthquake, cat, bomb. Your goal is to maintain the building height after disaster.There are 6 shapes and 3 material of block. weight, restitution coefficient, friction are different by material.There are total 48 levels. Also, You can make your own map. There are 3 slots to save your own map.This game is 2d graphic, blocks move by physics law.



Dive into the game TEVA! Here you are waiting for the amazing adventures of the ball. There is a level editor, high complexity and cool rewards!Can you score more points than your friends?TEVA is an arcade-style beat 'em up that pays homage to the nineties era of classic arcade and 16-bit brawlers. Play solo. Create new, interesting levels and score as many points as possible. Share your results with your friends and compete!About creating levels:Create your own levels, complicate your game and try to score more points! You can create both light levels and super complex ones. Everything depends on you! Edit the levels as you like!Come back to TEVA and ponostalgiruem. She will return you as a child when you were sitting in front of the TV for the console and having fun!This 2D arkanoid will make you ponastolgirovat about the past childhood and remember all those wonderful times.This game features:- Single Play- Achievements (The game has a lot of achievements. Try to open them all!)- Cool 16-bit Music (Well cool music, right?)- HardCore Mode (This is hardcore mod for super professionals in their business able to play immediately for two!)- Level`s Editor (Create your own levels, complicate your game and try to score more points! You can create both light levels and super complex ones. Everything depends on you! Edit the levels as you like!)



世界已经崩坏,在多年以前就已经被不幸所笼罩。现在责任落在了你的身上:在无尽苍穹翱翔,搜寻昔日文明的遗产吧。召集乘员组。建造一艘飞船。与其他人结盟,打败你的对手,追求名声或者……恶名。基地的未来就取决于你的决定——你是希望联合全世界,还是让它继续被遗忘? Worlds Adrift是一个大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,致力于给予玩家自由来定义游戏内容。提供一个完全由玩家设计的游戏环境,全比例的地域,精美的设计都在等着玩家的探索。去探寻……去发现…… 在无尽的天空中漂浮着许多岛屿。发生了什么?为什么会这样?什么时候的事?答案遗失在古老文明的遗迹中。 你唯一的希望就是在这些奇怪但是美丽的岛屿中周游,寻找真正的答案。而这些答案最好还是不要知晓为好…… 没有疑问。天空是危险的,想要航行于其上就只有一种办法,那就是掌控你自己的飞船。那么,到哪里能找到一艘飞船呢?探索浮空岛屿、搜寻遗迹,试着寻获过去的人们留下的知识。但是,还有一个问题:你有能力领导一个小队吗? 联合体已经支离破碎,不可能再重新组建,但是你们的命运却不是这样。还有许多人希望在云层之上建立新的文明。你是否能响应这样的号召,重建这个世界?或者你将沉醉于制造混乱,实现自己恶魔般的野心? 成为一名先驱作为抢先体验玩家,您能帮助我们构建Worlds Adrift的未来。出于这种考虑,标准包中包括了一把独特的德瑞希手枪!让未来的人们知道,是您帮忙创造了这个他们正在探索的世界!先驱包中包含了一系列限量物品,在完整版发售之后这些物品将无法再次获得,包括一把独特的德瑞希手枪、阿尔卡巴的头像以及大家梦寐以求的萤火虫灯笼。别忘了,您正是照亮前路的那个人!与开发团队会面……Worlds Adrift目前正由Bossa Studios进行开发。是的,和广受好评(且经常被做成表情包)的那些作品是同一个制作组的!《外科医生》以及《面包模拟器》。对我们来说这是一趟很惊奇的历程。不仅仅是因为我们想做出对工作室的全新作品,同时也是要构建一种新的游戏模式,因此我们十分感谢你们一直以来的支持。快撤回,马上!



Potemkin is the worlds first sandbox strategy game! Play on massive maps, develop your cities, build an army and outmanoeuvre your enemies! However unlike other turn-based strategy games, Potemkin has the following groundbreaking features: No Restrictions on CustomisationHave you ever had a book or movie, that you wanted to make into a strategy game? Well now you can! Simply build an accurate map of your universe and play! There are zero restrictions when it comes to map customisation, play on a map of literally any size and with any number of players, even hundreds! Sharing Maps is as easy as Copy-Paste Share your maps with the world simply by copy-pasting them onto Reddit. The best maps are upvoted, refined and played by the entire Potemkin community! Not only that, but you can play on all the maps other people upload, meaning there will never ever be a content drought! Simulate any Real or Fictional War If you ever get tired of playing, just make the computer play for you! The games war simulator lets you simulate literally any real or fictitious conflict you can imagine! Have you ever wanted to simulate what would happen if Mexico invaded the US? Or simulate an alternate WW2 scenario where Brazil is an Axis power? Well now you can! Simply build the map, and launch the simulation! Immensely Powerful Artificial Intelligence Potemkin's AI is made to be extremely flexible and to work on every type of map! Not only that, but unlike most other games, Potemkin's AI does not rely on advantages from the algorithm to be challenging. This game's AI is smart enough to beat you on its own! Extremely QuickUnlike most other strategy games, where you have to wait for ages for the AI to make a move, Potemkin’s AI is almost instantaneous! This is because Potemkin was custom built in Python, a programming language usually used for scientific simulations. This makes the game run very quickly, even on old computers. Your days of finishing your turn and reaching for the phone are over!


