
2024-09-20 11:25:24 神评论











自由场馆 最多支持32人的超大型地图,可以进行本地,在线等多种游戏方式。
排位赛 第一赛季的游戏模式为大逃杀,4v4团队绝斗以及各自为战狂野模式(随机游戏模式:绝斗先锋,复活赛,夺宝奇兵,涂色大赛,末日求生)


绝斗先锋 每位参赛者只有唯一生命,谁会在比赛中独占鳌头?
团队绝斗 全灭对方全队便可获得胜利。
涂色大赛/团队涂色大赛 用自己的颜色霸占整个比赛场地,谁会是最炫那个呢?
夺宝奇兵/团队夺宝奇兵 在时间结束前收集到最多的金币,即可获得胜利。
护卫国王 不惜一切代价地保卫你们的国王。
复活赛/团队复活赛 参赛者可无限复活,杀敌数将会主导一切。
末日求生 参赛者是否能在丧尸危机中求生呢?

超多样 7个不同主题共计283张多人地图
比赛自定义 游戏内道具是否可被炸毁?复仇模式是否开启?这一切你说了算
玩家自定义 想试一下7人联盟挑战1名灭霸级别对手的比赛吗?






Collect thousands of cards, build exciting decks, then pit them against cunning AI opponents in the campaign and skirmish modes, or play against others via our cross-platform multiplayer servers. Make the top 100 for a big monthly prize, or just chill out playing one of the many specialised gameplay types just for fun.GameplayChoose your starter deck and battle through the extensive single player campaign to build your forces and customise your collection. Go heavy with the brute-force melee Warriors, support them with Archers, or throw in a few big bangs with the Mages; the choice is yours.Supplement your deck with weapons, armor, instant spells and more. Balance and planning is key to make sure you get the cards you need at just the right time.The battles are unforgiving - topple your opponent’s Hero before they nail yours. Positioning is everything as you claim bonus tiles on the board and out-manoeuvre your foes. Most of your Monsters have special abilities like Teleportation, Meteor Shower and Heal to name just a few. These can be game-changers if used at the right moment.Key FeaturesCard Gaming Evolved – Combat Monsters combines the best elements of collectible card games with action-packed turn-based strategy gaming. Building a good deck is only half the story - once the gameplay starts, you must play and manoeuvre your pieces on the game board, battling them out like a standard RPG.Strategize – A complete Deck Building package lets you customise multiple decks, so special tactics for each mode are not just viable, they’re encouraged.Extensive Multiplayer - Built primarily as a multiplayer game, Combat Monsters doesn’t disappoint in the Online Arena. We have tense 1v1s, mad 6-player free-for-alls and everything in between. Real-time or asynchronous, the choice is yours. An automated rating system will keep you challenged fairly no matter your experience level.Massive Content – 3,000+ cards with unique abilities and upgrades will you keep you busy deck-building between the fighting. Over 1,600 of them are unique combat monsters, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, special abilities and racial abilities.This is a cross plaftorm game, available on other formats such as iOS and Android, and requires internet access to Rubicon's game server to allow play with players on other platforms. Once you have a game account created, you can play through the game on any supported platform, changing between them seamlessly.24 man-years in the making by a BAFTA nominated studio, Combat Monsters is now in it's fifth major expansion with still more to come in future.Join our dedicated forum for play tips, help, replays, tournaments and pleasant chat?http://www.rubicondev.com/forum



Smash Up is the award-winning shufflebuilding card game designed by Paul Peterson, now available in a beautiful digital adaptation so you can play on the go with friends all over the world. In Smash Up, players draft two faction decks from their choice of pirates, ninjas, robots, zombies, and more, and combine them to create a hybrid team that is a force to be reckoned with!A SPECIAL GAME EXPERIENCE! The ""shufflebuilding"" game Smash Up starts with a simple premise: Take the twenty-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a forty-card deck, then compete to smash more Bases than your opponents! Each faction brings a different game mechanism into play – pirates move cards, zombies bring cards back from the discard pile, dinosaurs have huge power – and every combination of factions brings a different play experience.THINK STRATEGY! During play, Base cards (each with their own difficulties and abilities) are in play. Combine wisely your characters and actions' cards to obtain the most power! You attempt to have the most power on the Base from your minions when the Base is smashed. Sounds easy? How easy is it when an opponent's Alien-Ninja decides to Beam Up your minions to other Bases - flat out Assassinate them? What about when the Pirate-Dinosaur player Full Sails in and releases King Rex to stomp your minions into the ground, or when the Wizard-Zombies use their Mystic Power to create an Outbreak, suddenly flooding minions onto the Base from the discard pile? Or what if you faced a Zombie-Dinosaur player instead and he created an Outbreak of massive beasts all at once?!?SCORE THE 15 NECESSARY POINTS & WIN THE GAME!When a Base is smashed, each player in first, second and third place scores points. Fourth place? Sorry, bro – try harder next time.With nine different factions, Smash Up includes dozens of combinations to try. Pirate-Aliens play different than Ninja-Aliens, for instance. Which will you use to smash up your opponents?And did we mention the dinosaurs have laser beams?FEATURES- Online Cross-platform multiplayer: 2 to 4 players- Play with 4 players or solo against the AI- 9 faction decks, including the base game set and more: Zombies, Aliens, Dinosaurs, Ninjas, Pirates, Robots, Tricksters, Wizards & Geeks- Random or manual faction selection- Fully automated scoring- Tutorial system plus ‘Step Through’ and ‘Review' modes to help players learn- Leader boards & Achievements- Contains 16 Base cards to compete over



*是一个宏大的4X回合制策略战争游戏,从罗马帝国的崛起到现代文明的衰落。从众多古代和现代国家(包括罗马帝国,不列颠岛,德国,日本和美国)中选择一个来控制。从罗马到现代,你可以创造属于你自己的战斗经历。独自发动巨型战争,对抗人工智能,或在跨平台多人游戏中帮助你的好友。与AI和其他玩家合作和结成联盟来争取最终胜利。功能范围包括贸易外交、通货膨胀、进行研究、搜索、管理资源、建设、食品分发、治理与城市管理。在您的处置单位是剑士、弓箭手、坦克、战斗机、战舰、潜艇等等。国家灭亡包含了诸如将转移的气候和暴风雨的天气变化。在夏天和多雪的冬天下雨将提供有挑战性的作战环境。组建你的军队,接管这个世界,是现在这个史诗般的历史战略游戏的伟大。面向古代到现代的回合制大战略。4X策略:探索,扩张,开采和消灭。基于遗传算法的人工智能具有挑战性。天气和季节,包括雪,雨和风暴。外交,科研,贸易和城镇建设。跨平台多人/热座模式的合作比赛生成随机地图。国家:包括罗马帝国,高卢,德国,日本和美国等。部队:包括剑士,弓箭手,骑兵,坦克和战斗机等。船只:包括平底船,航空母舰,战列舰和潜艇等。作为WE-GO模式的回合制游戏,玩家数量无限制。高分数,游戏数据和成就。引人入胜的音乐和音效。如果你喜欢本游戏,请试试我们其他的战略游戏。你应该能在同一应用商城找到。谢谢你享受这款游戏!noblemaster] :-D



Premium Pool Arena is a modern arcade style pool game with single player, online and local multiplayer modes. If you love a relaxed game of 8 ball, this is the game for you!Game ModesPremium Pool Arena offers several ways to play the game. In single player there are options to play against AI or just to fine tune skills in speed mode by trying to pot the balls as quickly as possible. Multiplayer can be played both online and offline. Local multiplayer is a great way to play with friends from one screen. Online matches on the other hand, can be played against your Steam friends or against anyone in the global pool arena. In addition to 1 on 1 matches there is an extensive tournament mode, which allows playing a series of single matches against other players online. Also rewards from tournaments are higher than from the regular matches.RankingExperience is earned by playing the game online and completing the daily and weekly challenges. The prestige system is designed to keep the game and progression interesting. After reaching a maximum level, player enters into prestige mode which grants a new badge that everyone can see.Cue SystemThis is an arcade pool game, so to keep the game interesting we have several features that will affect the gameplay. Each cue has different features that make each cue special. These features include power, speed, aim and spin. Mastering different cues in Premium Pool Arena requires similar precision as weapons in fps games.Key FeaturesSingle playerLocal multiplayerOnline multiplayerTournament modeSpeed modeDaily and weekly challengesGamepad supportChallenge your friendsSuper smooth controlsAchievements and collectible cards1000 premium coins are given in the beginning, which can be used in the competitive game modes and to acquire new cues.


