
2024-09-20 09:10:46 神评论




钢铁华尔兹是一款军事类策略游戏,目前支持中文、日语、韩语、德语、俄语等多种语言。背景故事194X年,人类研发出了野兽与战车结合的战车兽。这种与战车部件结合的生物天生拥有极其惊人的战斗力,并且可以通过电子信号为人类所操纵。战车兽可以用于农业生产等各种生产活动,当然其中也包括战争。然而某天人类突然失去了对战车兽的控制,暴走的战车兽瞬间席卷了整个世界,在各地进行大肆破坏,给人类带来了一场空前的大灾难……而“钢舞姬”成为了人类对抗战车兽的唯一希望。钢舞姬是战车兽制造计划的副产物,通过对人类进行改造,使人类获得和战车兽几乎相同或者是凌驾于之上的能力。钢舞姬技术分为两部分----肌体改造和装甲舞装。肌体改造:向身体内植入钢舞内核(战车兽改良内核),强制提升人体的承受极限,同时扩张神经元,使得外接可控式装甲成为了可能。装甲舞装:同战车兽的装甲类似,浓缩了战车制造技术的装甲,非常强韧可靠;不过某些特殊部件只有对应型号的钢舞姬才能使用。另外钢舞内核完全排斥男性,而且也不是所有女性都能承载这份改造,所以在进行改造之前会进行严格检测。虽说改造不影响生育功能但是却会对之后子嗣的基因序列造成一定的变化,部分学者认为钢舞姬都可以称得上新的物种了,然而也有人认为这可能会导致人类这个种族发生根本性的变化。在钢铁华尔兹的世界中,你是一名指挥官,你将带领这些钢舞姬作战,与之共同对抗战车兽,并且逐步探寻战车兽背后的秘密。特点:1. 游戏具有中、日、韩三种主要配音。日本声优阵容包括上坂堇、平野绫、青木琉璃子等。“上弹、瞄准、开炮!”"目標確認、ファイア!""목표물 확인,사격!"2.游戏大部分角色使用Live2D技术,可以用鼠标点击和钢舞姬互动。T-34M:“嗯?没事别乱点我的发夹。好吗?是真花来的。”M4A3E2:"长官帮我把背后螺栓...拧拧紧哦"3. 游戏设计早期,开发团队赴法国索缪尔战车博物馆(Saumur Musee Des Blindes)拍摄了5000张坦克照片。博物馆管理员:"下班了下班了,都催过你们三次了还不走... 我要接女儿去了..."4. 共有超过250种不同的坦克,时间跨度从二战到冷战早期。开发者:"木有梅卡瓦的啦,不过收集全所有Panzer IV 子型号也是一门学问"5. 游戏系统深度足,不同车型,不同弹药,完美科技树力求还原真实历史,让军宅一本满足。开发者:"AP APDS HE RP APCR HESH...都有,都有"6. 游戏拥有30万字的剧情,当追轻小说番也可以。玩家:“没剧情看,我不推图了..."



《Metal Waltz》 is a military strategy game in multi-language, currently supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Russian. Background story In 194X, human created a new creature, which were combined with animals and tank components, called Beast Tanks. This new kind of creature had amazing power, they were controlled via radio waves. Beast Tanks can be used for agricultural production and other production activities, of course, including war. However, one day human suddenly lost control of the Beast Tanks. The runaway Beast Tanks conducted destruction everywhere in the whole world, brought the human being an unprecedented catastrophe... ... Metal Maidens are the only hope of the human being to defeat the Beast Tanks. Metal Maidens is the product of the Walküre Project, which aims to transform humans in a similar fashion to Beast Tanks; with the same capabilities or better. Metal Maiden technology is divided into two types -- Body modification and Attires. Body Modification --A Metal Maiden core (an improved Beast Tank core) is implanted into the body, vastly improving the human body's limits and expanding neural networks to allow for control of external armor and appendages. Attires -- Armored combat attires similar to a Beast Tank's, developed as a robust and reliable armor utilizing their new capabilities; however, some attires are specifically developed for and only correspond to a specific type of Metal Maiden core. As a side note: Men are, for some mysterious reason, unable to utilize any core at all, but not all women are able to as well; so both the selection and testing are rigorous and stringent. Some scholars believe the Metal Maidens are a new kind of creature. Some say that the Metal Maidens technique will lead to the fundamental change in mankind. In the world of Metal Waltz you are a commander. You lead the Metal Maidens to fight against the Beast Tanks and explore the secrets behind the Beast Tanks at the same time. Features: 1. The character voices in the game has 3 main languages: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Our Japanese voice actors includes Sumire Uesaka, Aya Hirano and Ruriko Aoki. To create the feeling in WW2, there is also character voices in German, Russian and French language. “上弹、瞄准、开炮!” "目標確認、ファイア!" "목표물 확인,사격!" "Атака на фланг." "Volle Kraft voraus!" " Ah ! Les misérables " 2. Most of the roles in the game are animated by Live2D. Click on the girls, you can have interaction with them. T-34M:“Huh? Will you just stop clicking on my hairpin? It is made of real flowers!” M4A3E2:"Would you tighten the screws on my back, Commander?" 3. In the early development phase, the development team flew to France to visit the famous tank museum Saumur Musee Des Blindes to study tanks. In the museum the team took over 5000 photos of the tanks. Museum administrator: "The museum will be closed soon. I've urged you three times to leave. I have to pick up my daughter after work. You know?" 4. There are over 250 different tanks from the period from WW2 to the early Cold War. Developer: "No, there is no Merkava in the game. But it's also a kind of art to collect all Ausf. of Pz.Kpfw. IV." 5. Different tank types use appropriate ammunition. Military fans will be satisfied with the huge tech tree, which was formed based on the history. Developer: "AP, APDS, HE, RP, APCR, HESH ... we have them all." 6. The story in the game has over 300,000 words. It is also not bad to regard the game as a novel. Players: "No more story? Then I will stop pushing the battles forward!"



Assemble a team of mercenaries and challenge the computer or another player in a quick turn-based battle. Unlock new mercs, find the best skill combos, and watch your adorable tiny soldiers blow themselves up in a variety of hex-mapped, low-poly environments.Key Features: Merc selection: assemble your squad from a selection of unique mercenaries, each of whom brings to the team 3 skills and a passive trait. Unlock new mercs by winning battles.  Tactical challenges: take advantage of cover to keep your mercs alive, capture objectives to gain Action Points that can be spent to activate their skills, complete specific mission objectives to win. No luck involved: attacks always hit, skills always work in a predictable way. Games are won by outthinking the opponent, not by luck. Random board generation: different environments and randomly generated terrain ensure that no two battles are the same. Game modes: play against the computer in single player mode, or against another player in local and online multiplayer.



《The Last Front》游戏中,玩家将会在这片不断发生战争的土地上为了生存和胜利而战斗着,并且每个队伍都具有不同的武器,战术和风格,你需要通过有效的战术技巧或者强有力的武器来帮助自己的阵营来获取胜利。

《SurvivalZ Battlegrounds》


只有在您希望支持SurvivalZ Battlegrounds的开发时才考虑购买。如果你想玩更多内容的游戏,你应该在购买之前等待。SurvivalZ战场是立方世界的迷你大作战! 在创建用于玩游戏的地图上与玩家或AI进行竞争!每场比赛最多可以有16名球员。 机器人可以在任何游戏中添加。 掉落将提供战场。 地图上有几辆车。 超过15种不同武器之间的选择。从5个角色中选择一个角色并进入战场!一个小沙箱世界可作为奖金。“战争就像狩猎,除了兔子在战争中射击”特征:►立方开放世界!►不少于15种不同的武器!►5个字符的选择!►战斗皇家地图和沙盒地图!►机器人!►拖放系统!►有不同设计的几辆车!


