
2024-09-20 19:36:30 神评论


《辐射 避难所》


《辐射:避难所 Fallout Shelter》是一款模拟经营类的策略游戏。辐射:避难所 Fallout Shelter游戏中,你需要建立自己的避难所保护逃难的人们,防止他们遭到怪物的袭击。在避难所里,你可以建造武器和护甲,并且你还可以对避难所的人们进行特殊而严格的训练,派他们去废墟上重建自己的家园。



包含《Mechanized Assault & Exploration》和《Mechanized Assault & Exploration 2》两部游戏合集

《猎杀潜航4:太平洋之狼 U型潜艇任务》


游戏大厂Ubisoft继获奖不断的《Silent Hunter 3》公认为有史以来最真实的潜艇仿真游戏后,在全球军事仿真游戏迷引颈企盼中,终于又将由英特卫继续代理推出该系列最新大作《Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific》,本作仍由前作的罗马尼亚工作室开发,预计2007年3月下旬上市! 《Silent Hunter 4》中玩家扮演一名美国潜艇舰长,率领一队船员驶向太平洋深海。玩家将从事对敌作战、管理手下的船员等等任务。本作的画面和声音表现与前作相比又有极大的提高。前作以德国U型潜舰为仿真对象,而这代则将战场转移到了1941~1945的二战太平洋战场,玩家将扮演一名美国海军的潜艇指挥官,用*摧毁日军的海上运输线,而护卫航线的则是日本精锐的皇家海军,他们会击沉一切视野内美军舰船。在游戏里玩家可以驾驶美国海军的P级、 Tambor, Salmon和Gato等6种潜艇,而武器装备也将符合当时的真实情况,极高的拟真度,绝对可以让您过足深海下威风凛凛潜艇舰长的瘾,不管是寂静深海下静肃地以*偷袭或是浮出水面以舰炮突击,神出鬼没战术全赖您运筹帷幄! 《Silent Hunter 4》不仅声光效果有明显的进步,直逼好莱坞级拟真度、自由度都更上层楼,要铁血贯彻铁的纪律或无为而治,悉听尊便! 电影级的画质呈现,精准细腻的船只模型,配合上难度适中的游戏上手度,《Silent Hunter 4》将带来最真实壮阔的海战场景,尤其是美不胜收的3D水景、日夜循环、拟真气候及完全考据史实的潜舰、船只和飞机,特别是美军各式潜艇内装更是维妙维肖。慑人的音效忠实呈现二战潜舰战*交锋的听觉震撼!不管您习惯扮演千里追敌的狠角色,或是喜欢隐藏于深海伺机而攻,玩家都能写下属于个人风格的战争故事华丽的画面、多人联机功能、紧张的游戏节奏….创造出有史以来最紧张的潜艇仿真游戏。



The Red Baron flies again! Return to the classic Red Baron games with this digital collection featuring the original Red Baron, Red Baron 3D, the Mission Builder and high-quality scans of the original manuals, maps and reference cards.This is a digital-only standard edition. All content is delivered as download-only digital scans, and is both games in their original form. No enhancements or extended content was added to either title.Immerse yourself in the thrill of spectacular World War I dogfights in this timeless classic set in an age when wooden biplanes and triplanes ruled the air.Includes the following bonus content:Red Baron Manual. This digital scan of the original Red Baron manual contains a wealth of information, including detailed history on World War I along with its airplanes, aces and flight strategies.Red Baron Maps. The historically accurate World War I maps originally bundled with Red Baron are included as digital scans.Red Baron Reference Cards. The original reference cards accompanying Red Baron are included as digital scans.Experience updated graphics, improved mechanics and full multiplayer support in this critically acclaimed sequel to the original Red Baron game.Includes the following bonus content:Red Baron 3D Manual. Like its original counterpart, this digital scan of the Red Baron 3D manual is filled with game tips, strategies and World War I history.Red Baron 3D Reference Cards. The original reference cards accompanying Red Baron 3D are included as digital scans.Red Baron Details"I can't say how much it hit me to be sitting up there, a couple of miles high, looking down on the battlefield, in fact, on four or five battlefields, and sweeping them all in one glorious bird's-eye view."-World War I PilotThe year is 1914 — it is the dawn of World War I. Patriotic fervor runs high as young men across Europe prepare for a new age. For the first time ever, men will take to the air with the sole objective of blasting another airplane from the sky. Aviation is yet in its infancy. There are no books, no teachers — here and now, these young pilots must invent the skills and strategies that will keep them alive. Only the very best will survive, and they will perfect an artform all their own. These are the Aces, and this is the birth of aerial combat.Red Baron takes you back to this bygone era, where you will experience the look, feel, and the experience of aerial warfare in W.W.I Engage in close-range dogfights, go balloon-busting to take out the aerial eyes of the enemy, take on Zeppelins, escort bombers deep into enemy territory, go undercover in nighttime missions and go head-to-head with such famous Aces as the Red Baron himself!FeaturesFly on either side of the war as a British pilot in the Royal Flying Crops or a German pilot in the German Air Service.Includes 28 different aircraft, including the Sopwith Camel, The D.H.2 Pusher, the Spad 7, the Albatros D.III, the Fokker Triplane, and many others.Unique mission record feature lets you record an entire mission to disk—jump back into the game at any point to begin playing again!Accurately detailed 3Space worlds including the length of the German-French front, Verdun, the Somme, Paris, and London.Play Single Mission or enlist for the full tour in Campaign Play with more than 40 missions played back-to-back from 1915 to 1918. Progress in skill and rank, and become eligible for medals and awards, including the coveted Victoria Cross and Blue Max.200 page manual complete with maps, technical specifications, historical backgrounds, pilot profiles, and aerial tactics.Instructions on how to access the bonus content and join multiplayer games can be found in the Community Hub forums.



士兵:二战英雄这款游戏是由1C公司在2005年发布的,在官方发售表被归到了即时战略里,不过《Heroes of World War Ⅱ》却和一般意义上说的RTS有本质的区别,它即没有资源要你去采集,也没有大票的部队供你去指挥,或许唯一共通的地方便只有“即时”这一点而已。实际上,《Heroes of World War Ⅱ》乃是一个类似《盟军敢死队》或者《隐藏与危险2》那样的游戏。不过除了继承了那些我们习以为常的设计之外.士兵 二战英雄还能让玩家亲自来控制士兵来一个准确的爆头,或者是打断坦克的履带,在游戏中配合精确真实的物理模型来实现各种以往难以想像的战斗。


