
2024-11-20 22:27:47 神评论




幽灵梦境(Ghostdream)》是ArkHouse制作,Forever Entertainment S. A.发行的一款画风清奇的点击式冒险解谜游戏,在这片神秘的幽灵梦境中,你会遇到从未见过的奇怪事物,做出选项解开谜题,当你死后一般只有一个愿望,那就是复活,但是这并不容易……



Are you ready to party? A chilling night of reckoning is unleashed upon guests bold enough to party on Halloween at an abandoned farm house.As children, you and your friend, Samantha, would play at an old farm during your summer vacations. Years have passed, and Samantha has invited you to join her and a group of fellow students back at the farm for a Halloween party. Little does anyone know - but a demonic force will be crashing the event.When the partygoers game spirals out of control, a portal to a world of darkness opens to imprison their youthful souls. They soon join company with the rest of the cursed souls collected by the lord of darkness. You alone are their sole hope of rescue.A freakish fest filled with menacing mysticism awaits your arrival ... That’s of course, if you’re not too afraid to RSVP.BONUS CONTENT: WallpaperSoundtrack



代达罗斯娱乐,一度被称为“卢卡斯德国”由Gamestar杂志,邀请玩家进入一个奇妙的冒险喜剧,围绕着一个疯狂的鲁弗斯和目标的爱情故事。在Deponia,世界已经堕落成一个巨大的垃圾场,其中有Rufus ekes他的遗憾的存在。他是社会上最低阶层的一员,注定要在堆积如山的垃圾中过日子。他希望有机会进入富人的世界,他们生活在漂浮在云端之上的漂浮城市。命运似乎微笑在这个一无是处的时候一天有吸引力的女士名叫目标从上级部门突然进入的一个垃圾堆。鲁弗斯决定把这个年轻女人带回去给她丈夫。当他发现目标的丈夫是自己长得一摸一样,他舱口恶魔的计划获得上面的世界。然而,事情不完全按计划,因为他对美限制了他平时的狂妄的感情。帮助鲁弗斯,从垃圾堆的可怜的孩子,为了赢得来自天堂的女孩。只有这个有钱的女孩从他的梦想他可以逃避deponia,不料,拯救地球。主要特点:独特的漫画风格的手绘高清分辨率的二维graphicsbizarre人物和古怪的humorchallenging难题和dialogueunique宇宙小时Douglas Adams的传统(在银河系漫游指南)、特里·普拉切特(Discworld)和Matt Groening(辛普森,Futurama)从屡获殊荣的游戏埃德娜&的创造者;Harvey:突围,埃德娜&;Harvey:Harvey的新眼睛,低声世界



《再见德波尼亚》是《德波尼亚》三部曲中的最后一部,近日游戏厂商Daedalic Entertainment首次公开了这最后一部游戏的截图。目前可知前作的两个主角将在继续出现在第三部中,游戏剧情和前作一样诙谐风趣,疯癫小男孩Rufus和来自Elysium的小女孩之间又会有什么新的故事呢?让我们期待游戏的发布吧。 2013年10月17日PC上市-解谜/ 科幻/ 低配置 游戏类型:动作游戏ACT 制作公司:Daedalic Entertainment 游戏语言:英文 发行公司:Daedalic Entertainment More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.Key Features A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt GroeningFrom the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New EyesAn epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia seriesUnique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphicsCutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations



在一个命中注定的夜晚,鲁弗斯从一个不停浮现的噩梦中醒来:他牺牲了自己拯救来德波尼亚。但是代价是什么呢?那座漂浮城市“极乐世界”坠落到了星球上。作为最后一位幸存的德波尼亚人,他与凶猛的福洛克战斗,但最后,出路只有一条:他必须炸掉德波尼亚!而且…他还长出了胡子。 当然,他意识到这些恐怖事件,尤其是长出胡子这件事,必须被阻止。德波尼亚和他精心修饰的脸都得保住!但这真的只是个梦吗?古怪的时空科学家麦科洛尼克发现了奇怪的时间异常现象,而在他的帮助下,鲁弗斯发现一些来自未来的时空旅行者粗心地把时间机器停在了他家附近。想象一下,如果不可思议的技术落入恶人之手会怎样!进入德波尼亚三部曲的疯狂续集,和混乱的非正统主角鲁弗斯一起开始他最独特的冒险之旅。即使不知道前情内容,Deponia Doomsday 的搞笑内容也会让你爆笑连连。沉迷在稀奇古怪的幽默和特别设计的世界之中,尽享有史以来规模最大且时间最长的德波尼亚冒险之旅。• 获奖的德波尼亚系列游戏新续集 • 史诗级历险游戏 • 独特的手绘漫画风格 • 熟悉的脸庞和超过 70 个全新疯狂角色,铸就了你如此喜欢的怪诞幽默内容 • 让时间倒回,看这垃圾星球的历史的新回转 • 无厘头情节 • 当垃圾遇上堕落:德波尼亚与极乐世界的可玩关卡 • 探索德波尼亚繁茂昌盛的动植物Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)


