
2024-11-20 21:31:02 神评论


《Tactics Forever》


策略永远是一个PVP游戏,不像其他。 从数十个基于物理的组件设计宇宙飞船,然后将它们发送到云中的战斗。 定期检查你的船只,以获得XP和解锁新部件。 检查你的船的性能,改进和发展你的船。 重新设计你的船,以打败你的对手,或者通过打败你的受害者来赚点额外的钱。 这种独特的战斗游戏为内容创作者提供了特定的支持,使你可以与整个宇宙进行异步的战斗,或者仅仅是你和你的朋友——或者你和你的观众——的私人部分。 让宇宙飞船。 宇宙飞船。 宇宙飞船战斗-在云里。 即将到来——完全跨平台的支持。 将你的帐户链接到你所有的Android, iOS或控制台设备和设计,进化和观察你的船从世界上的任何地方! (好吧… 任何有互联网连接的地方。



《战锤40K:永恒远征》游戏引擎支持64位架构和DX11,将让成千上万的玩家进入真正大规模的冲突中,为了领土与资源而战,游戏中还将可利用载具(如Rhino APC、猎食者坦克、战斗要塞等)。游戏将是第三人称视角,结合枪战与近战等玩法。 游戏强调会是以控制星球的PvP战斗为主轴,除了玩家间的彼此竞争外,还将有由电脑AI控制的Tyranid族来搅局。玩家将可以扮演星际战士、灵族、兽人族、混沌星际战士等势力之一,参与每次三个月的星球控制战役,军队将会突破障碍、占领游戏世界的领土,并且防止敌人的反击。



Heroes of Dire is a new massively-multiplayer tactical role-playing game from Spellbook!You are a powerful hero with an army of fighters battling through strategic turn-based combat to win treasure, fame, and glory for your guild!Join with friends to defeat challenging deity boss raids, take up quests for epic treasure, invade enemy guild halls, and fight in brutal gladiator arenas as crowd favorites live and die for your amusement!Cross-platform servers bring together thousands of players on desktop and mobile devices with support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone!The New Player Guide is available at https://dire.wiki/guideHeroes of Dire is all about assembling squads of fighters to make war with other guilds, monsters, and players! Fighters come in many fantasy archetypes such as Mages, Paladins, and Healers. No two are ever the same, with unique names, races, stories, stats, titles, and equipment constructed by procedural generation with impressive and hilarious results that will always keep the game fresh.The One-Eyed Knight, Two-Fingered Pete, The Laughing Horror, Georgia the Peach, or Screaming Ethel are just a few examples of the trillions of possibilities. For a few Silvers (the in-game currency) players can randomly roll for new fighter names to discover the perfect moniker, or work with a live Dungeon Master to create the perfect name!Fighters have four gear slots: Weapon, Offhand, Armor, and Trinket. Different items help determine what role a fighter plays, such as holy wands and flasks for Healers, or poisoned dual-wielded daggers for Rogues to maximize backstabs. A robust crafting system allows heroes to build the perfect gear sets, with the most skilled players able to construct ultra-rare Masterwork items!Almost all items in Heroes of Dire are procedurally generated with no two ever the same. Dungeon Masters will regularly appear in the world as traveling magicians or blacksmiths who can enhance your gear, or as merchants offering unique treasures.When in combat, fighters take turns moving and attacking with actions having a time cost that determines round order. More expensive actions, such as splitting an enemy archer in half with a greatsword, might push your fighter to the bottom of the action list for 14 rounds, while moving would only cost 3 or 4. This turn-based combat system creates an incredibly rich strategy simulation where each decision has a direct and immediate impact on who wins or loses. Skilled players won't waste a single round -- One move in the wrong direction or an attack at the wrong time can immediately swing your massive lead into a crippling loss.Every battle is part of a greater narrative, such as a guild war or a quest chain, and players can have multiple squads involved in many fights at the same time. Need to pause the game for a moment?Exiting a battle puts the AI in control of your squad until you're ready to return. Utilizing this AI system you can deploy multiple squads to wage multiple battles across the world map simultaneously. This system creates a truly massive multiplayer experience as guild wars can pull in hundreds or thousands of players! Partner up with friends and follow them into combat for hours of quests, guild wars, and special Dungeon Master events! Battles can involve up to 48 fighters, with as many as 12 players in a single fight!Make sure to flag your friends as "FRIEND" to enter battle on the same team and share world map vision, or simply join the same guild.Guilds play an integral role driving the story and action in Heroes of Dire! Besides social and organizational hubs, they will wage war for dominance of the world map, with members winning prizes and benefits for capturing resources, such as an ancient relic or metal ore node.Quests are a series of battles against NPC factions in the world of Dire, with powerful items and precious Silvers at stake. Loot can then be sold on the player-driven open market, or scrapped for extra Silvers.Large-scale Community Quests are available for every hero to join, as well as Solo and Guild quests. Some quests also haveEach player will have a custom player title. In addition to looking cool, these titles help inform us of who is who in the community. Players sporting powerful or unique titles will stand apart from the crowd, lending weight to their obviously superior opinions and impressive physiques. Everyone will have the chance to earn new titles when taking part in special Dungeon Master events, and are also randomly generated after 1,700 battle wins.



Screeps是关于脚本你的小兵。它是程序员的开源MMO RTS沙盘游戏,其中核心机制是编程你的单位AI。凭借全面战略游戏的所有属性,您可以通过编写真正的JavaScript来控制自己的殖民地,这些JavaScript可以在其​​他玩家与您一样的单个持久性世界中全天候运行。您的殖民地可以收获资源,建立单位,征服领土,与另一个殖民地进行贸易。当你征服更多领土时,你在游戏世界中的影响力会增加,同时你的能力也会扩大你的足迹。但是,这需要您付出很多努力,因为多个玩家可能瞄准同一个领域.Screree是为具有编程技能的人员开发的。

《Астролорды: Облако Оорта》


Astro Lords:Oort Cloud在2015年Indie Game Cup中获得“最佳艺术”奖。每个玩家在他们的小行星基地上以Astro Lord的身份开始游戏。这个基地使玩家能够提取矿物并建造工厂,这些工厂将用于生产他们的太空船的弹药和备件。这个基地是玩家的主要据点:其他上议院可以突袭它,但他们将无法捕捉到它。玩家还可以捕获多达五个额外的小行星,这将用于提取矿物质。


