
2024-11-20 21:06:14 神评论0




This game has a steep learning curve and will challenge your building and problem solving skills. Please do not purchase is unless you love experimenting, learning new stuff and want to support development of the game. Homebrew is a vehicle sandbox where creativity is key.The game is developed with a passion for science, input of the community and a belief that your imagination should be the only limit when it comes to what you can build. If you're looking for a game where you lose track of time perfecting your creations, testing them in a vast world and searching for new approaches/solutions this is the game for you. Now let's look at what you can expect:CURRENT FEATURESSANDBOX BUILDINGYou are the creator and you have the power. You can set up controls for all kinds of input devices, there’s no size or part limit and all parts are highly tweakable. In addition the builder includes a plating system and a dynamic vehicle tuner with debugging capabilities. MULTIPLAYER + WORKSHOPPlay online and battle with your friends in the multiplayer. Search through the workshop and try out one of the many vehicles that other players have created.WEAPONSA wide range of weapons at your disposal that take real balistics into account.WORLDExplore the world of Homebrew and test your creations on one of the many islands. The world has a dynamic day and night cycle and is large enough to test any type of vehicle including boats, supersonic planes, cars and more.PHYSICSIn addition to land vehicle behaviour the game has aerodynamics and water dynamics with waves in place so that you can test your creations to the extreme.PARTSWhether you’re working on a car, a plane, a boat, a spaceship or anything else, Homebrew has a ton of parts including engines, motors, wheels, lights, wings, pontoons, detachers, transmissions, … More information about the individual parts can be found in our PARTS WIKI .LOGIC PARTSTake building to the next level and combine usual parts with logic components to build autopilot vehicles, stabilizing systems, transforming vehicles, robotic arms, … Your imagination is the limit. More information on how to use these parts can be found on our PARTS WIKI AN AWESOME COMMUNITYWhether you’re looking for help, someone to play with or simply want to chat you’re always welcome to join us on Steam or our DISCORD CHANNEL. PLANNED FEATURESPARTSThat’s right, we’ve got a series of new parts planned including water parts, tank tracks, wings, hulls, wheels, more logic components and community suggestions.BUILDERWe want to continue improving builder and implement things like symmetry, coloring system and tools for user generated content.CHALLENGE SYSTEMTo add more gameplay and possibilities we will implement the necessary tools to create custom challenges in Homebrew.WORLDWe want to expand the current world even more and add more variation to the environment.OTHER FEATURESOur team is always looking out for great community suggestions and based on the feedback that we receive we’ll continue optimization and fixing bugs. In addition we’re also thinking about implementing tools for character customization.



包含《Mechanized Assault & Exploration》和《Mechanized Assault & Exploration 2》两部游戏合集



装载你的朋友回到光荣的3D。 回到神圣的领域,成为Mount Your Friends 3D中最伟大的贴片机:一个硬汉是好的攀登。 在线上网或与当地多人进行互动。 咕噜咕噜叫,汗流16背,以16种不同的配置来挑战自己。 下载挂载你的朋友3D,并带来登上第三个维度,与同样的经典暗示,让你稍微不舒服的一天。挑战前进和解锁新的设置,以挑战你和你的对手。 竖立你在竞争中产生的新塔形状。 为了节省您的储备时间,在您真正需要的时候让自己的储备时间多得几英寸...功能列表今天和准备好了解更多信息即将到来

《飞行 11》


飞行模拟的未来是now.x-plane 11是详细的,现实的,和现代的模拟器,你一直在等待的新的X 11a完全重新设计,直观的用户界面,使设置和编辑你的飞行微风。一致性和惊人的高分辨率三维驾驶舱外部模型包括飞机照明,一种新的影响。引擎的声音,和爆炸。现实的航空电子设备:所有的飞机都使用准备好走出大门。忙,“活”的机场推拖船和漫游的燃料卡车,能够服务你的飞机和模拟器的AI飞机。新建筑&;道路更好地模拟欧洲城市和更多!



Twilight Struggle is a challenging strategy game of medium complexity that presents new and different challenges with every game session. The game map is a world map of the period, whereon players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower. The playable events in the game cover a vast array of historical happenings, from the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1948 and 1967, to Vietnam and the U.S. peace movement, to the Cuban Missile Crisis and other such incidents that brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. Play as the US or USSR during the Cold War and change the course of history. Highlights • Events found in the game are actual events that occurred during the Cold War. • Full asynchronous support for multiplayer online games.

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