
2024-11-20 20:27:16 神评论


《Cube Universe》


Explore a nearly infinite universe, filled with planets of all kinds! Every world in this game is procedurally generated, including quests that you can do to advance your character up to level 50. Venture into deep caves to find precious materials to craft armor and weapons. Or simply spend your time exploring the epic landscapes with mountains that are as high as actual mountains, find a place where you want to stay and build your house or whatever you can imagine, with a building height of up to 2048 meters!This game is currently in Early Access and we are working hard to add new content and features as fast as we can. But first, let's see what you can already see and do in the game:PlanetsTerraEarth-like planet with oceans, forests, plains, deserts, jungles, tundras, taigas, etc.LunarMoon-like planet with some rare materials that cannot be found on other planets, e.g. lunar essence from lunar elementals and Mithril ore.QuestsProcedurally generated quests that are based on the local area, e.g. you have to kill raptors in the jungle to restore nature's balance or get some furs to keep someone warm in colder regions.Combat systemChoose a weapon instead of a class - your character can use any weapon, but you shouldn't change it too often since you will get out of practice. Currently, only fire staffs are supported.CraftingCraft a variety of things, like armor, food, building materials, etc. There are a lot of professions and you can craft the basic stuff from all of them, but can master only a few to craft advanced items like modules for your matter manipulator.BuildingBuild with smaller blocks than in other voxel games, giving your creativity more freedom. Blocks are only 0.5 meters big and you can build up to 2048 meters high, which is much higher than in most other similar games.Coming soon...Now, let's talk about all the planned features that will be added as development continues. The following list is ordered by the date we plan to add the mentioned features. Additionally, we will add more content for existing features, e.g. more quests and planet types. Dungeons and raidsMMO-like dungeons and raids that are procedurally generated. Imagine a pyramid with labyrinthine corridors that ultimately lead to bosses that will hopefully drop your desired item.Mods and user-generated contentSupport for easy modding, including a terrain editor for custom terrains with custom quests. Most of the content is already defined in XML files, so we will only have to add some logic that loads user-generated XML files and some code for interaction between different mods. Additionally, a Lua API will be added to support more advanced mods.Mods will not only be easy to create, but also easy to install - if you connect to a modded server, you will not even have to manually install mods since this will be done automatically.Space stationsFeeling lonely in space? No one can hear you scream? Well, then visit one of the space stations and meet with other folks! Trade your goods on the intergalactic market, buy upgrades for your spaceship and much more!Battles in spaceFight other players and NPCs in epic battles in space. Upgrade your spaceship or buy a better one to stand a chance against those filthy space pirates - or to be fast enough to outrun them.PvPFight other players on battlegrounds.Asteroid fieldsLooking for rare materials? Then asteroid fields are the place to go!



《艾兰岛》是一个汇集众多玩家创作者的沙盒创作平台,由《武装突袭》系列及《DayZ》开发商Bohemia Interactive出品。采用独树一帜的Low Poly(低多边形)艺术风格,实现做什么像什么的艺术效果!游戏内除了官方创作的包含造船出海、骑马、开车、飞行等原生特色玩法,玩家还可以使用游戏强大的内置编辑器创作出如生存、射击、解密、RPG、赛车、跑酷等各种类型的游戏,并快速发布到分享平台,让世界看到你的游戏!



复杂异界(Perplexigon)》这款多人联机沙盒游戏支持HTC Vive、Oculus Rift头显,并且与Oculus Touch手柄相兼容。在游戏中,玩家们可以发挥自己的想象力,利用正方形、圆形、锥形、球形、菱形立方八面体等形状的小方块来构建出各式各样的建筑。小方块按照功能的不同又可以分为结构型方块、机械型方块以及具有驱动力的方块。 当前版本的《复杂异界(Perplexigon)》中设有单人模式以及多人联机模式。游戏的背景设置在一个神秘的外星球,玩家们可以随心所欲的调控万有引力,远程控制具有驱动力的方块,让相互联接具有驱动力的方块能产生一系列连锁反应。



《SosSurvival》SOS生存是一款生存类动作游戏,游戏中你需要探索,吃、喝、战斗,生存和死在将来时地图, 走在OutpostCamp战利品武器、弹药和更多其他玩家会试图阻止你。 游戏特色 1、昼夜与季节因素 2、多种类型的武器和装备 3、一些医疗用品 4、SosSurvival支持多人模式 SosSurvival是一款开放沙盒生存类游戏,游戏中玩家们需要在一无所有的情况下进行生存,喜欢该作的玩家可千万别错过了哦!





