
2024-11-20 18:59:57 神评论0


《Fantasy Bump》


Fantasy Bump is a parkour party platformer for 1-6 players that mashes single-screen battle shenanigans with super JRPG feels. Choose your job class and out-jump your opponents in each bumptastic game mode with oodles of stages to choose from over a host of fantastical locales.Leap to new heights of glory in this, the legendary Fantasy Bump!~ The Many Modes of Fantasy Bump ~The finest games in all the world await!Bump Match - take each other on in stock or timed matches, it's bump or be bumped!Color Dash - fill the stage with streams of your team's color before time runs out!Crown Command - wear the crown as long as possible but beware, all wish to be king!Gem Rush - collect gems and bump them loose from rivals as the clock ticks down!Grand Chase - race to the end of twisty & trap-laden courses, don't get left behind!Tourney Royale - fight your way around the Bumplands tournament-style!~ The Many Features of Fantasy Bump ~Cross-platform Multiplayer for players to connect and compete regardless of OSMulti-gamepad Support so up to 6 humans can bump on one machineStreamlined Controls for perfect play with arrow keys, WASD or any four pushablesFinely-tuned Platforming with the most maneuverable jumps this side of SamusA Continuous Play Experience where the explorable town is all the menu you'll needCute 'n Charismatic Pixel Art that's a heartfelt tribute to the 16-bitted beforetimesA Chiptune Soundtrack loaded with catchy melodies and heroic themesAchievements & Trading Cards to round out the Steam experience~ The Many Funs of Fantasy Bump ~With its riotous multiplayer, charming cast, spit-shined controls, color-laden worlds and filled-out feature set, Fantasy Bump from Gigatross Games expands on the best that retro has to offer with all the modern trimmings.Get ready to bump with the best of them!



Thosgar, a hated and fearsome king, attracted by witchcraft and demon rituals, was consumed by his evil and the demon god, becoming a powerful and diabolical being.It almost completely destroyed humanity and populated the world with monsters and ancestral creatures. Everything seemed to be lost until an unknown young man appeared, an unnamed hero.No monster could shadow the hero, all were defeated with a single blow until the demon king Thosgar appeared before him.A legendary battle arose from this duel that lasted 12 years in a long and continuous night, finally, the young hero sealed the demon with his own life, thus clearing the darkness.The monsters were hidden under the earth and never saw them again ...A thousand years later, a mysterious hole appeared in a village after a great earthquake and a dark power emanate from there ...From the union of RiddledCorpse and Xenon Valkyrie comes Demonstier, a roguelike RPG with elements of action, adventure, and arcade.Enter into the Thosgar's dungeons and finish with all the demonic beings.Graphics of the best 16bitsLots of items and weapons6 heroes with unique skillsMany bosses and enemies RPG elementsDungeons created procedurallyUnique combat styleIncredible 16bit musicSteamcloud ,cards etc...Quests and much more...Support for xbox controlsA fearsome enemy awaits you at the end of the journey.

《De Fobos y Deimos》


Jokin es un chico que ha empezado a estudiar en la Academia de Defensores, una prestigiosa institución nacida con el objetivo de formar a estudiantes capaces de proteger a las personas de a pie de las injusticias que asolan la tierra. Sin embargo, en su primer día de clase, Jokin se convertirá en la víctima de una gran injusticia, la lgtb+fobia. A medida que Jokin aprenda cosas sobre sí mismo y se relacione con otras personas como él, descubrirá el verdadero significado de ser un defensor y luchará contra el miedo y el odio que hacen que personas del colectivo LGTB+ sean discriminadas día a día.De Fobos y Deimos es el primer RPG que trabaja la lgtb+fobia y la diversifobia. Al ponerte en la piel de Jokin, podrás sentir en tus carnes lo que muchas personas sienten cada día cuando salen a la calle, cuando se relacionan en el trabajo… porque la lgtb+fobia y la diversifobia intenta destruir nuestro mayor tesoro, la diversidad.-Métete en la piel de Jokin y toma tus propias decisiones. Jokin siempre será Jokin pero tú puedes hacer que su destino cambie. ¿Encontrará el amor? ¿Conseguirá que le escuchen?-Adéntrate por lugares tan preciosos como peligrosos: paisajes helados, mansiones, mazmorras, bosques encantados…-Lucha contra hordas de enemigos/as que se interpondrán en tu camino. Utiliza las habilidades de cada personaje para salir victorioso/a y encuentra tu estrategia.-Conoce el entorno social que te rodea y haz amigos/as que compartan tu misma situación. Más de 6 personajes jugables se unirán a Jokin durante su gesta,cada uno/a con personalidades y habilidades diferentes.-Resuelve multitud de puzles que pondrán a prueba diferentes habilidades.-Diferentes finales, diálogos exclusivos… una partida tal vez no sea suficiente para descubrir todo lo que “De Fobos y Deimos” puede ofrecerte.De Fobos y Deimos cuenta con la colaboración de Gehitu, Cogam Educación, Associació Catalana D'Asexuals, Arnastu y Gaymer.es.







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