
2024-11-20 18:06:41 神评论




峰值角度:Drift Online是一款适用于在Windows平台上运行的PC的实时大型多人在线(MMO)模拟器。 游戏的概念是基于玩家与玩家模式中的漂泊竞赛。 玩家将参加不同的比赛,为他们的车辆进行详细的调整和视觉定制,并提升他们的漂移技能! 移动到全球冠军排名的顶部与来自世界各地的球员竞争!



ZONE4实战! ! -独特的角色和一流的专业技能,为您的角色和精彩的组合!! 有了真正的战斗技能,用户可以进行各种组合攻击和合作游戏。 总共229种花式战斗技能——经济中心! 广场,和愉快的内容! ! 用户可以在广场进行交易(交易),将提供许多社区相关内容! ——动态行动! PvP ! 提供多种类型的PvP,让用户感受到极度的紧张。 通过协作游戏,用户可以移动到多个战斗空间。 让用户继续玩游戏。 每周,体验自动比赛系统带来的兴奋和快感!! 16对16max 32玩家大战-得到PVE用户!! ArcadeBy合作游戏,用户移动到几个战斗空间。 让用户继续玩游戏。

《ASTA : NEW PURE Server》


旅行社在线官方商店! http://store.steampowered.com/app/612290New服务器,“*&”; 已经启动! 您必须在启动器上选择纯服务器以进入新服务器(为EU推荐)。 如果您是一个美国和SA用户,您可以在一个更好的环境与ASTA服务器进行游戏。 在线旅行社DSCORD开放! https://discord。 在神秘的神话传说和传说中,都站着ASTA。 基于一个不可估量的巨大幻想世界,ASTA将允许其玩家沉浸在神话般的冒险和战争的广阔世界中。 有了出色的图形和丰富的新鲜内容,您将体验到新的MMORPG的刺激,从来没有先例。 关于这个游戏,是一个*的MMORPG使用CryEngine3开发。 ASTA为玩家提供了令人激动的体验,用逼真的,生动的,但东方的图形。 在ASTA的世界里存在着两个对立的领域,Asu和& Ora&,这两者之间的战争正在等待着。 ASTA自豪地introducesRichness的内容和worldviewsOutstanding质量相比,最近的大型多人在线角色扮演GamesUnited地牢匹配系统和一个拍卖行开放给所有serversUnique图形的概念和差异化发展techniquesUnique图形概念和分化techniquesA绘画动画GraphicsHarmony光线和色彩,梦幻和幻想backgroundHigh CryEngine3技术

《Rotate – Professional Virtual Aviation Network》


Rotate Network is a platform which connects virtual pilots and virtual air traffic controllers to forge a truly unique experience for all virtual aviation enthusiasts.CommunityJoin us in flying together and learn how to manage an airspace as an air traffic controller efficiently. Connect with real virtual pilots and see their every move from takeoff to landing.FeaturesMissions (solo and co-op)Pilot Career (including licenses and type-ratings)ATC Career Global Livery DatabaseReal-time SynchronisationAirline Management SystemGlobal EconomyATC Radar Software (based on real-world technology)Realistic Voice TransmissionsEtc.ATC ClientBecome a skilled Air Traffic Controller with our real-world ATC tools. Dive into the complex process of running the traffic of your airport or airspace. Master the tools, perfect your method and experience the deep satisfaction of competence. With a multitude of advanced features, our ATC Client assists you in every situation.Pilot ClientAs a pilot, fly freelance, join an airline or found your own. Try new routes, complete missions and get outside of your comfort zone. Take your flight simulator to new heights with a set of features built for enhanced realism. We’re talking about virtual passengers, realistic voice transmission, pilot logbook, CPDLC, statistics and more.Rotate ManagerThis is your gateway to the vast world of virtual aviation and where you go to continue training, select missions, look at the live map, check stats and review upcoming events.Supported Flight Simulators:Flight Sim WorldPrepar3D v3Prepar3D v4Microsoft FSXMicrosoft FSX:SEX-Plane 10X-Plane 11

《Hero Plus》


After the dark days of the Twelve Demons, the world remained peaceful. The mysterious hero thrived as the leader of his own house of warriors, where all the greatest fighters gathered to join. The hero became known as the greatest fighter of all time, and the people labeled him The Great Dragon. For twenty years, the people of the land knew true peace as The Great Dragon upheld justice and faimess throughout the land. It was even foretold that as long as The Great Dragon lived, the people of the land would experience no danger. But on a sad and twisted day, The Great Dragon was found dead with evidence of murder pointing towards someone within his house. Ironically, the alleged murder was no warrior or fighter; it was his wife. It is rumored, however, that upon discovering The Great Dragon, members of the house found his wife cradling his dead body repeatedly whispering, "They're back... the Twelve of them have returned...". Upon hearing about the death of their hero, the people of the land were shocked and outraged. Panic spread across the land as they questioned each other. What of the prophecy? willThere be grave danger now that out hero has died? What exactly was the wife referring to when she mentioned, "the Twelve of them"? Could it be that the Twelve Demons have returned? Who will save us from them if they have? Fear and apprehension spread like wildfire across the land as news of The Great Dragon's death spread. Uncertainty reigned supreme in everyone's heart. If the Twelve Dragons have truly returned from their graves, all of heaven and earth would be in grave danger, unless a new hero was to present himself... ** In game, Players will be able to start journey with various helpful premium items which can be purchased on inventory column. By Pressing "I" and click button "Tavern", There will be Premium store for players to have a look around.


