
2024-11-20 18:06:09 神评论




Nodge是第三人称探险沙盒。任务是帮助保护其生态系统,您开始探索和了解这个小小的星球。 Nodge的动植物非常奇特,但幸好你可以邀请一位朋友帮助你完成你的任务。科学你的成功之路!添加这个游戏到你的愿望清单将被通知updates.FeaturesExploration:Nodge不是程序生成的,而是完全手工制作的。每个地区和每个生物群落都有某种玩法的目的。种田:种田就是寻找稀有和异国情调的种子,并在农场种植它们。不是每个作物都是平等的,所以你必须尝试提高最高质量!羊群:你发现的每一个生物都会有自己的行为和目的。



魔法水晶的秘密》是一款 模拟经营类游戏.这款游戏需要玩家精心经营好一个养殖场,管理好漂亮的马匹!nbsp;在 Secret of the Magic Crystals 中管理一群漂亮的马匹,这是以奇幻世界为背景的马匹养殖游戏!



Join three heroic starfighter pilots in harrowing deep space and planetary missions to save the planet of Naboo. Rookie Naboo pilot Rhys Dallows, mercenary Vana Sage and alien pirate Nym form an unlikely alliance as they join together against an unexpected assault on the peaceful planet. Pilot three unique starfighters: the sleek Naboo starfighter, nimble Guardian Mantis and lethal Havoc. Engage in over 14 challenging missions to save Naboo: deep space dogfights, attack runs, escort missions, and more. Vast environments take you deep into Star Wars worlds: from enormous open plains of Naboo to the furthest reaches of space to the interior corridors of the Droid Control Ship.



借助SCS Software开发的这款高度详细的Scania R系列卡车仿真软件,Euro Truck Simulator 2的开发人员,您可以驾驶到道路上最具标志性的卡车之一的车轮上。提供您的卡车技能 - 将您的驾驶技能通过10个人卡车操纵挑战,作为一种实践考试,因为你努力获得驾驶执照。完成错综复杂的设计课程和任务,在逼真的环境中将您牢牢地固定在驾驶座上。您可以在倒车时避开障碍物吗?您是否需要横向思维才能在复杂的障碍物轨道上找到自己的方向? ?竞争 - 一旦你掌握了基本知识并获得了许可证,在青年欧洲卡车司机比赛启发下参加十几项比赛 - 斯堪尼亚驾驶员比赛事件的虚拟重新创造,与最佳竞争者竞争。以厘米精度学习驾驶卡车的技巧!驾驶您的生活 - 如果这还不够,请体验您生活的动力,带来一系列让人和机器接受测试的终极挑战。从山路,恶劣的天气到堵塞的路线,您需要与您的斯堪尼亚卡车完美和谐地工作,以安全抵达目的地。飞行任务 - 驾驶一系列自由形态的任务,让您将货物绕过庞大,错综复杂的3D城市。在您完全自由地运送货物时挑选对您有吸引力的货物!了解更多关于斯堪尼亚的信息 - 借此机会了解更多有关世界领先的斯堪尼亚卡车的信息,并有机会实现对斯堪尼亚自己的展示中心的虚拟访问 - 斯堪尼亚向VIP客人展示其车辆!在线排行榜 - 上传您的高分并下载最佳成绩图表,查看您对专家的排名情况。研究大师们在可下载的重播中使用的技巧,这些技巧既教导和激励虚拟斯堪尼亚车手!虚拟卡车画廊 - 当您想从车轮上休息一下时,什么比访问虚拟画廊更好。任何斯堪尼亚卡车迷都必须拥有:欣赏斯堪尼亚车辆照片和视频的大型画廊。查看前几个赛季的欧洲青年卡车司机比赛的亮点,以激发你的胃口,因为你努力匹配真正的卡车运输大师的表现。



This game has a steep learning curve and will challenge your building and problem solving skills. Please do not purchase is unless you love experimenting, learning new stuff and want to support development of the game. Homebrew is a vehicle sandbox where creativity is key.The game is developed with a passion for science, input of the community and a belief that your imagination should be the only limit when it comes to what you can build. If you're looking for a game where you lose track of time perfecting your creations, testing them in a vast world and searching for new approaches/solutions this is the game for you. Now let's look at what you can expect:CURRENT FEATURESSANDBOX BUILDINGYou are the creator and you have the power. You can set up controls for all kinds of input devices, there’s no size or part limit and all parts are highly tweakable. In addition the builder includes a plating system and a dynamic vehicle tuner with debugging capabilities. MULTIPLAYER + WORKSHOPPlay online and battle with your friends in the multiplayer. Search through the workshop and try out one of the many vehicles that other players have created.WEAPONSA wide range of weapons at your disposal that take real balistics into account.WORLDExplore the world of Homebrew and test your creations on one of the many islands. The world has a dynamic day and night cycle and is large enough to test any type of vehicle including boats, supersonic planes, cars and more.PHYSICSIn addition to land vehicle behaviour the game has aerodynamics and water dynamics with waves in place so that you can test your creations to the extreme.PARTSWhether you’re working on a car, a plane, a boat, a spaceship or anything else, Homebrew has a ton of parts including engines, motors, wheels, lights, wings, pontoons, detachers, transmissions, … More information about the individual parts can be found in our PARTS WIKI .LOGIC PARTSTake building to the next level and combine usual parts with logic components to build autopilot vehicles, stabilizing systems, transforming vehicles, robotic arms, … Your imagination is the limit. More information on how to use these parts can be found on our PARTS WIKI AN AWESOME COMMUNITYWhether you’re looking for help, someone to play with or simply want to chat you’re always welcome to join us on Steam or our DISCORD CHANNEL. PLANNED FEATURESPARTSThat’s right, we’ve got a series of new parts planned including water parts, tank tracks, wings, hulls, wheels, more logic components and community suggestions.BUILDERWe want to continue improving builder and implement things like symmetry, coloring system and tools for user generated content.CHALLENGE SYSTEMTo add more gameplay and possibilities we will implement the necessary tools to create custom challenges in Homebrew.WORLDWe want to expand the current world even more and add more variation to the environment.OTHER FEATURESOur team is always looking out for great community suggestions and based on the feedback that we receive we’ll continue optimization and fixing bugs. In addition we’re also thinking about implementing tools for character customization.


