
2024-11-20 16:15:42 神评论




BlastZone 1 + BlastZone 2组合:与BlastZone 1捆绑在一起,无论是原始形式还是作为“经典”形式的修复版本。模式;以一个价格获得两场比赛!BlastZone 2是一款动作丰富的侧滚动射手,真正能让你的肾上腺素抽水!独自玩耍或与本地或网络上的朋友合作,与入侵地球的外星人作战,并与他们作战!感受高速突破敌人路障的兴奋!享受创新的游戏机制,如第二人称射击游戏序列和创造性地使用3D游戏机制添加到传统的2D配方中。还有大量的游戏模式,船型,难度级别和涡轮增压模式,让您在很长时间内享受娱乐。实际上有数百种方式来玩游戏,所以每个玩家都可以拥有自己独特的体验!探索许多多人战略,例如重型炮手和轻型防御者在终极武器充电时购买时间! BlastZone 2是一款射击游戏类型的新方法,它强调快节奏和战略性的游戏玩法,并有大量内容可供探索。注:BlastZone 2完全支持各种DirectInput和XInput游戏手柄,包括XBox 360游戏手柄。如果您不确定游戏手柄的兼容性,请使用免费演示进行测试。**全部播放6种游戏模式** BlastZone 1 - 娱乐原始TI-85游戏;一个简单的“捍卫基地”风格gameMission模式 - 一个35分钟长,8个任务电影经验与数百个独特的手动画敌人和大老板。包括独特的3D游戏机制和第二人称射击区域!经典A模式 - BlastZone 1的强化版本;用梁武器和点链系统“保卫基地”风格的游戏。消灭所有的敌人,然后再通过你的战舰或者比赛结束。经典B模式 - 类似于经典A,但是带有积分池系统;每个动作或者增加或者减去分数值,并且玩家需要停止在正确的位置获得高分的游戏。游戏越来越强硬;生存模式 - 与任务模式类似的控制方案,但具有无限生成的水平和独特的乘法器得分系统,依靠技能拍摄获得最佳分数。闪电战模式 - 类似于生存模式,但大量增加屏幕上的敌人数量,并从一开始就为你提供一艘充满动力的舰艇来对付它们。这种模式的关键是保持超能力来保持这些武器的动力;耗尽精力可能意味着大量敌人会死亡!附加功能包括:2D控件,但是具有全3D空间中的危险和游戏元素移动合作多人游戏本地和在线玩家可供2名玩家使用,模式,释放欧米茄大炮的破坏力!针对新玩家设计的多重难度级别,直至风格老兵,让每个人都可以玩得开心4广阔的游戏环境,如山,洞穴和外太空7种可选择的不同游戏风格的船只力量,速度,近战等)15种武器类型,包括横梁,集束手榴弹,力场,动力螺栓和机枪不同敌人类型的数字,每种类型都有不同的行为和统计数据一个在线世界排行榜,了解你如何应对竞争适用于经验丰富的玩家的每种生存模式的Turbo模式额外的等级和内容将免费发布



Groundless is a 2v2 arena game where we took the ground out, and put it in the hands of the players.

In Groundless…
You and your friends play as competing tribes who alter the ground by building and destroying it to collect offerings for your guardian spirit.

Indirect Interaction
Players interact indirectly through the ground. It’s how every player moves. Built ground helps you, but also your enemies. Likewise, destroyed ground hurts movement for both you and your enemies as well.

Building & Destroying Ground
Every player has the ability to build ground they’ll be able to walk on. Enemies can walk on this ground as well. Built ground stays around until destroyed or until it decays over time.
Every player can also destroy ground, even from beneath other players. If you don’t have ground beneath you, you fall to your death.

Play with friends, or against them!
Groundless has 3 game modes. Ritual is a team-based 2v2 mode where players must work together collecting offerings to gain points. Control is a free-for-all mode where players keep a central offering away from the other competitors. Lastly, Sacrifice is a free-for-all mode pitting players against one another with a limited stock of lives.
All of these modes make for more ways to play Groundless!

《The Wizards Who Fell In A Hole》


那些落在洞中的巫师当一天晚上这个(或任何其他)行星上最神奇的天才奇才出现时,他们都没有意识到等待他们的恐怖冒险。他们只能责怪自己 但是,因为他们没有看到地面上有一个巨大的洞,并且不经意地徘徊直接进入它,导致他们到了一个难以言喻的恐怖怪兽洞穴。 他们唯一的出路就是通过100个危险的关卡......这就是你进来的地方! 落入洞中的巫师是一个或两个玩家的平台游戏,每个玩家控制一个可以跳跃和射击各种怪物的巫师,其目的是在进展之前杀死关卡上的所有怪物。 有特殊的项目可以为您提供各种强化道路,并帮助您一路走来,还有许多美味的食物可以用来增加高分和额外的生活。

《Tanks Meet Zombies》


Feeling lonely? Want to meet new people? Well we got something for you! In Tanks Meet Zombies, you are a Tank and you get to be introduced to the wonderful world of Zombies. Unwind with an incredibly serious yet extremely satisfying arcade shooter:Rip through hordes of comically-looking zombies, and some spiders, with an amazing array of ballistics (and non ballistic) weapons at your disposal.Feel a sense of Pride and Accomplishment by unlocking your arsenal as you perform achievements in campaign, arcade, survival or versus mode.Afraid of getting bit? Don’t worry! You can also slaughter the undead from the comfort of your very own armored vehicle by running them over.Travel to insane and exotic locations including a Graveyard, a Caribbean Beach, the Wild Wild West, and more!Get ready to rank up that high-score as your blood lust intensifies!Unlock new armored vehicles, and weapons, as you play and change your gameplay styleGet ready to wipe your windshield as pieces of shrapnel come flying from every little thing you destroy.And possibly a few other features we forgot to mention.

《Corpse Mob》


Kill thousands of zombies in single player and in local co-op in this fast-paced top-down arcade shooter. Stranded in a forest, surrounded by zombies four survivors have no choice but to grab some weapons and fight for their lives! Survive increasingly difficult attack waves of the undead and level up your characters to pack more punch. No time for tactics, get a gun and start shooting!Corpse Mob is our first small game and we know it's not perfect, but we still hope that you (and your friends) will have some fun while playing it. Thanks for your support, we really appreciate it and it helps us getting better at making games! :)Battle huge zombie hordes and defeat abominations such as the Brute, the Kamikaze, the Spitter or the mighty QueenTeam up with up to 4 buddies for some old school couch co-op and defeat the invasion together. Supports keyboard + mouse and controllersBe prepared for the fight wielding melee weapons and guns: katanas, shotguns, railguns, chainsaws and many moreUse powerups for that extra leverageGain levels, unlock powerful bosses and get achievements


