
2024-11-20 02:13:52 神评论







grabity是一个基于物理的,舞台上的打手在2-4球员执掌抢枪把东西变成致命的炮弹或临时的盾牌。双棒的抽搐反应结合的战术思想在这一边,2.5d抓起来–最好的享受与朋友的沙发风格最大的垃圾话和战斗的诡计!gameplayplayers颠覆重力的抢枪,抓住附近的物体,利用他们作为弹丸粉碎反对派,或作为临时的盾牌阻止入境的物品。玩家需要抽搐的反应和精确的瞄准能力,但Grabity也奖励战术思想家可以智取,智取这激烈的对手,死亡混沌的探戈。在比赛中空中敏捷的位置,玩家必须把重力对自己有利,预测弹和对手球员的轨迹安全的野蛮打而抢下箱子在半空中:吊物阻断攻击,êL E Mé退潮和弹性他的战斗风格是流动。一切都让一个疯狂的,快节奏的游戏,舞台上的演化动力学作为球员扣杀,抓取和掠夺他们的环境–奔向皮卡,悬停随时钉完美的轨迹和对环境的弹药上争吵。直观的双棒控制流体提供经验,简单易学但难以master.features2-4人本地多人最大的沙发垃圾talkintuitive双棒控制流体的游戏体验,简单易学,但很难在2.5D游戏masterside,完全呈现在三维实时照明和physicsspecial项目和皮卡如爆炸罐和电磁脉冲手榴弹的核心gameplaycustom游戏模式,如Low Gravity加入香料,从几个领域的板条箱和JuggernautChoose国王,每个托管的一套独特的战术选择



LASTFIGHT是一起在家内享受双人3D对战! 选择8个竞技场中的一个,收集任意一种物体攻击对手! 10个人物均源自漫画LASTMAN,最多4名玩家可在多个场所展开对战,或在故事模式下单独游戏。 想和好友在沙发上一同游戏?LASTFIGHT绝对是最佳选择。每个等级均有奖励,用物体向对手投掷。您能否抵抗ANITRANS的诱惑最终获胜?



Brawlhalla: An eternal battle arena where the greatest warriors in history brawl to prove who's the best that ever was, is, or will be. Every match is an epic test of skill, speed, and strength, and every victory brings additional glory and bragging rights to the winners.These slugfests are salted with powerful weapons and gadgets. Fighters scramble to grab swords, axes, hammers, blasters, rocket lances and more! Every weapon changes your play style and your options. Gadgets like mines, bombs, and spiked spheres add even more danger into the mix, letting fighters change the course of battle with a well timed-throw or carefully laid trap.Brawlhalla is a free to play, 2D platform fighting game featuring both online and local singleplayer and multiplayer. Online Ranked 1v1 - A personal test of skill where you match up against a single opponent to claim untold levels of personal glory in Brawlhalla. Online Ranked 2v2 - Bolster your ranks with a friend to prove your mettle, wit, and teamwork in frenetic 2v2 battles. 4 Player Online Free for All - Ranked or casual matches where four fighters enter, but only one can win. 8 Player 4v4 & FFA - Because the only thing better than four legends vying for bragging rights is eight legends vying for bragging rights. Local Free for All - Up to 4 players can play in free for all mode on one computer - perfect for friendly face-offs. Local Custom Teams - Team-up on your local machine, with up to four players or bots for living-room level mayhem.Local Single Player Tournament - Square off against bots in a three game tournament series. Perfect for warmups or score grinders.Alternate Game Modes - Brawlball, Bombsketball and more provide ‘casual’ ‘party game’ ‘just for fun’ alternate game modes with completely different objectives and just as much competition. The Training Room - Practice combos and setups inside the Training Room! Look at frame data, hitboxes, hurtboxes, and sharpen your skills for use How we do Free to PlayBrawlhalla will always be 100% free to play, with no pay-to-win advantages and no in-game purchases to keep you from the action. Everything you can buy with real money is cosmetic (such as character skins, podiums, and KO effects) and none of them effect gameplay. The Legend Rotation of six free to play characters rotates every week, and you can earn gold to unlock more Legends by playing any online game mode. You can also check out our “All Legends Pack” that immediately unlocks every character we’ve ever made, and ever will make. Forever. Here's what you can expect from BrawlhallaWeekly patches and updates. Online, custom, ranked, and local play modes.Over 35 Legends to chose from and a free 6 character weekly rotation, unlockable with gold earned through playing the game. Loads of stages to fight on.Unique signature moves, weapon combinations and stats for each character.Ranked seasons every three months with seasonal rewards for playing ranked. A constant stream of new features, balance tweaks and Legends to make the game better and better.Excited Devs active everywhere eagerly listening to what you think!Our eternal thanks (you're our favorite).Development RoadmapRecently AddedMajor Gameplay Improvements / Balance New Legends DashingNetworking ImprovementsAdvancement SystemLarge Team Mode (4v4) Clan SupportSoon More WeaponsMore MapsMore LegendsOngoing Gameplay and Feature ImprovementsLater Full Player Profile and Statistics Novelty ItemsOfficial Crew Battle Support - Teams, clans, crews, guilds and bands of Brawlhallans can challenge one another in crew battles to claim which crew has the most powerful contenders. Even More MapsEven More LegendsOngoing Gameplay Improvements Expanded Clan SupportBut all of this will change based on what you tell us! We’re always listening to community feedback and value what players are telling us. Throughout Early Access the Brawlhalla community helped steer the direction of development multiple times to make Brawlhalla the best it can be. That will remain the same as we continue to improve, expand, and adjust Brawlhalla based on community feedback post-launch.



独立游戏人Dan Fornace近日宣布,由个人独立开发的横版格斗游戏《以太之战 Rivals of Aether》将在9月22日登陆Steam Early Access。 《以太之战》的Early Access版本将有6名可用角色,5个不同场景,本地多人对战——可选择人机或者1v1或者2v2模式,练习模式,以及在线的1v1对战。 《以太之战》预计在完成Early Access,也就是半年之后正式发行,正式版将再加入两名可用角色,同时将有单人的故事模式和深渊模式——该模式即为通常意义的生存模式,但是有在线排行榜。


