
2024-11-20 00:44:41 神评论




【剧情简介】 很久很久以前,一群饱受虐待的村民们靠着一个外国人带来的“匣子”成功造反。 岁月流转,那些曾经被虐待的村民们发展成了繁荣的七名家。 七名家中排名第一的四季家没有男性后代。为了解决继承人问题,只好从村外招入一名青年。 青年名叫八坂久朗。 久朗一直被作为“商品”培养,作为“人”来说缺乏太多感情。 然而随着和四季家的长女——四季叶子进行交流,他的内心产生了一些变化。 到了婚礼的那一天——噩梦诞生了。 【主要角色】 八坂久朗 CV. 四叶耀 八坂家作为“商品”培养的孩子之一。 四季家看中了久朗优秀的素质,把他纳入家族。 四季叶子 CV. 星莉琉华 七名家中排名第一的四季家的长女。 性格开朗活泼,八坂久朗的结婚对象。 九领希 CV. 水无月绯南 有着中性的美貌,是个很神秘的女孩。 【游戏看点】 长篇剧情 人气画师Kaguyuzu绘制的精美CG 霜月遥演唱的主题歌 全篇日文语音 支持日文、英文、中文 【制作人员】 主原画:Kaguyuzu 剧本:科 企划?原案:泉水Ico 音乐:MANYO 主题歌:霜月遥 视频制作:Nirai-Kanai 制作人?美术总监:Sayori



What is This Game?"Silent Breath" is a horror experience powered by Unreal Engine 5. Featuring photorealistic graphics, fully dynamic scares and microphone detection.How Do I Play?You find yourself in the middle of a mysterious forest. Your goal is to find people who have previously gotten lost in the forest. You must be SILENT at night because the forest is listening to your voice through your microphone as you explore. It tries to make you SCREAM with various jumpscares. When you scream, you get one step closer to losing. You also have to constantly check your surroundings because real threats that are trying to hunt you down are on your tail. You lose when you scream or get caught by threats, and the game restarts, but this time the locations of the previously found lost people have also changed. You can't even predict what fear the game will throw at you at any given time because the whole process is randomized.Game Features Microphone Detection Unpredictable FULL Dynamic Jumpscares Found-Footage - VHS Style Graphics Different AI's Hunting You Down Photorealistic Environment Huge Forest with Different Locations in Every Direction Replayability (Scares and missing person locations are dynamically randomized every playthrough, making each playthrough a unique experience.)Game LoreAfter a night you can't remember, you find yourself at a familiar-looking crime scene. You notice that a body has been found, with his own missing person's poster attached to his chest.This forest has a reputation for a reason. People have been coming here for years to experience different types of horror, but most of them have never returned. You think you can find more missing people after this one, but be careful. There are many threats in the forest that can kill you, including yourself.There are so many places to explore.Discover a different direction in each playthrough, as a unique experience awaits you every time. Getting lost in the forest can even be an exciting adventure for you. Your microphone is your enemy!You must be silent at night in the forest, and staying silent when faced with fear will be a challenge to yourself!The Sisters of the ForestThe sisters who have been rumored to roam the forest for years. They come out to hunt at night, playing games with you. You must face them!Watch your back at all timesThere are many threats that can approach you from behind and kill you. You should be careful around you!



Exanimum: The Silent Call - 这是一款第一人称独立心理恐怖游戏。 第 1 集 - 意外的聚会: 杰森和女儿杰西卡在前往格林菲尔德镇的路上发生的恐怖离奇事件,将他们拖入了这场诡异的冒险,带领他们进入了一个未知的世界。 当杰森和杰西卡冒险深入森林深处时,周围充满了令人不安的寂静,鸟儿停止了鸣叫,雾气越来越浓,雨也越来越大。 然而,恐惧却随着他们的每一步悄然逼近,无情地追击着他们。 第 2 集 - 第一次接触: 亚斯敏和伊森在一个古老的洞穴中进行研究,好奇的亚斯敏决定独自深入洞穴深处冒险,结果发现自己陷入了一个令人毛骨悚然的故事。 由于不知道里面的黑暗秘密,洞穴为他们展现了意想不到和可怕的事件。 玩家将在这场充满恐怖的冒险中揭开亚斯敏身上发生的可怕事件,试图解开潜伏在洞穴深处的谜团。 令人毛骨悚然的氛围:游戏通过逼真的音效和图形将玩家吸引到黑暗区域,让他们沉浸在令人毛骨悚然的氛围中。 心理紧张:玩家在充满可怕秘密和威胁的旅程中经历充满紧张的时刻。 恐惧随时可能逼近,给玩家带来持续的悬念。








