
2024-11-19 16:45:13 神评论0




欢迎来到 Galacticare,我们是唯一一家能真正治愈伤病的星际医疗公司,而不是一味地追求业绩!我们的治疗方法往往是实验性的,或许没有我们想的那么精细,但确实行之有效。我们宁愿忍受一星差评,也不愿承担致人身亡的结果。 设计、装饰并升级你的医院,应对大批病情严重的患者。 聘用具有独特特质和背景的医生,维系他们之间的平衡,打造一家高效率的医院。 通过满足各式各样的需求,形成让每个人都相对满意的局面。营养、幽闭空间、排尿、艺术、后现代艺术,以及其他许多需求都需要你来解决。 建立并改进实验性的医疗设施,以应对不断变化的医院运营问题。 完成战役或游玩沙盒模式,一点点让你的医院尽可能变得既美观又高效。 遇见并招募各种独特的角色。一位 DJ、一位大号蔬菜农民、一位痴迷真菌的和尚,以及其他角色。虽然有些让人摸不着头脑,但他们的确都是外科专家。 在丰富的活动过程中探索他们的行事方法、等级选择和个性。 在各个场景之间带上能帮助你做出选择的顾问,发展他们的技能并进一步了解他们的背景故事。 仔细运用他们的方法以充分发展你的医院,或解决格外棘手的挑战。 认识广泛的物种,了解它们非常特殊的需求和欲望。 从小型生物机械狐猴,到体型和飞船一样大的太空人,再到整个星球,治疗各种身形和大小的病人。 探索,研究并(在理想的情况下)治疗灾难可能给身体带来的各种病痛。 发展你与每个物种之间的关系,从它们各自的文化中获得奖励。 为音乐节、太空监狱、公共空间农场和工厂事故现场提供医疗服务,深入一个又一个更具挑战性的场景。 升级房间,分析医院中每个人的想法,从一个巨大的流浪商人那里购买独特的设备,最大限度地提高你的效率,获取完善医疗的丰厚报酬。 获得并利用额外的工具和设备来提高医院的效率,从全息医生,到短距离传送器,再到会给你的医院带来更多麻烦的亚空间传送门。 使用你所掌握的每一种工具和策略来提高你的医院评级,这才是唯一真正重要的指标。Galacticare 将带你踏上一场丰富多彩的奇异旅程,从公司在 23 世纪地球轨道上的起步阶段开始,到一个超维度神灵的内部世界,这之间的一切故事都等着你来体验。是时候拯救星系了。一次治疗一位病人!Galacticare 由制作了 War for the Overworld 的团队 Brightrock Games 倾情奉献。我们是一个充满激情的独立开发团队,以制作我们一直想玩的游戏为目标。受经营类游戏黄金时代经典作品的启发,并渴望进一步发展这一类型的特点和复杂性,我们希望 Galacticare 能够吸引和我们一样喜爱经营类游戏的玩家。






我们想要玩一款能战得过瘾、搭BD搭得过瘾的仙侠游戏,可市面上没有……于是尝试着做了这款《道衍诀》 190种灵法技能、200 种神通被动、300 种装备词条 构建属于你的最强流派 游荡道精、废弃阵法、天外秘境、道则秘境、数十座宗门与城市,等你发现与探索! 是探索收集、凝炼灵石以积累财富?还是炼丹炼器、修炼突破以强化自身?亦或是剿灭妖魔以战养战? 在寿命有限的情况下,你需要规划好每一季度的安排。 寿命不足,未能破境,会挂;成功突破,落下病根,会挂;死战获胜,根基破损,还会挂!仙途残酷,斟酌你的决策! 与预设或随机生成的各式NPC进行交互,你可以: ? 舔他们,交友互赠礼物、交流修道心得 ? 泡他们,做个海王(小心情敌!) ? 弄他们,偷、抢、杀、下毒后再杀(不怕举世皆敌的话) ? 同时,小心那些邪恶的NPC弄你! 妖族正在大举入侵!击败他们!反*妖界,灭其天道,据其位面!



The game is a survival game in which you start from a simple cell, striving to survive by assimilating resources from a sort of primordial broth.Through evolution you will be able to slowly become a more advanced organism which will have to deal with all the benefits and drawbacks of it: you will need more energy, more complex resources and you will have to manage more high level processes (eg. digestion, circulation) to survive: you’ll become a fully fledged organism composed by many subsystems which must cooperate in a perfect balance.Each subsystem will have its own quirks and way to be managed, finally forcing you create synergies between all of them.In addition to this there will be external or internal interferences given by possible diseases: viruses, bacteria, wounds which must be healed and so on.Once the rule for this micro-world are set, the gameplay possibilities are endless! FEATURESBurn: energy is a crucial aspect of the game, you will be able to produce ATP, which can be considered energy stored in a battery, through glycolysis and even mitochondrial respiration! Energy will be used to power building both inside the cell and outside the cell.Evolve: evolution will let the player discover new elements of gameplay which will make the organism more complex but able to become larger and larger! Starting from circulation and leading to brain and neurons. There will be some utility evolution steps which will be used to give you better tools to optimize all the logistics.Grow: you start as a small organism and soon you will need to expand to make room for more structures and access better and novel resources in the outside broth. This will be done by expanding chunk by chunk wherever you want through production of the required scaffold and tissue materials!Supply: once the organism will be large enough, transporting things between building with microtubules won’t be enough. In addition there’s no way to directly transport materials outside cells so circulation will be fundamental. You will need pumps, arteries, veins and capillaries to supply or take away materials.Defend: viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. There are a lot of dangerous things outside! It will be necessary to defend against these threats by using your immune system to defeat them!Survive: a working organism requires some parameters to be stable in their correct ranges, this is called homeostasis. Temperature, oxygen, pH are all parameters that will need to be regulated to avoid perishing.Heal: what happens if the organism gets wounded? It will need to heal, possibly through hemostasis to stop bleeding, and then through regeneration of tissue.Breathe: most of the energy used by a living organism is produced by cellular respiration which requires oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. To breath in the former and breath out the latter you will need respiratory tissue connected to your circulary system.Digest: at the beginning of the game, simple resources will be necessary but later in the game you will need to digest complex resources (food) into basic elements, you will need teeth, stomach and intestine. You will also need to synthesize a lot of enzymes which are used in the whole process.Dispose: well, everything that is not used as a resource is useless and possibly toxic to an organism. That’s why you will need a way to filter out toxins with kidneys, but also get rid of useless materials through other ways.Think: at some point the organism could want to automate management of the subsystems through finer regulations, that’s where neurons come into play: with sensors and logic you would be able to set specific rules which will make behavior of the organism automatic.




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