
2024-11-18 18:59:07 神评论




https://store.steampowered.com/app/2812820/__Pape_Rangers/ 超爽快的割草体验,15分钟快节奏设计 面对蜂拥而至的怪物和满屏的子弹,享受肉鸽的乐趣和战斗的割草快感! 15分钟一局,随时放松,尽情舒缓压力和发泄 角色武器自由搭配,构建无限可能性 6个不同职业,4种武器随意搭配,可以构建出专属于你的职业派系 是要单一职业走向极致还是成为魔武双修的传奇 由你来决定! 多种构筑路线,发现隐藏职业 游戏每个流派都提供了完整的构筑路线 枪械精通→加农炮→炮手特训 勇者特训→魔剑士特训→水晶剑→元素水晶剑 而且每个构筑路线还有不同的分支和走向 自由调节难度,独特的怪物设计 每一关都能由玩家自由调节难度 独特而有趣的怪物设计,丰富战斗体验



Dice & Fold is a game that combines the strategic depth of turn-based dungeon crawlers with the thrill of chance inherent in dice games. Players unfold cards to face the creature cards and try to beat the card and fold it. Reminiscent of classic table-top RPGs and Solitaire, the game adds a simple layer of strategy. SOLITAIRE WITH A DICE? The core mechanic of the game revolves around dice rolling. Players engage in combat by rolling a dice, with the outcome directly influencing the strength of their attacks. The higher the roll, the more damage inflicted on the enemies. You must strategize the best use of their dice rolls to maximize damage and control the battlefield, while also anticipating the counterattacks from monster cards at the end of each turn. The game offers a compelling risk-reward system, challenging players to balance aggressive tactics against the need for self-preservation. Adding to the complexity, the game features 20+ distinct classes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. This diversity allows for varied approaches to beating the dungeon, encouraging replayability and experimentation. ROGUELIKE & DECKBUILDING With the generative dungeon system, reminiscent of the branching pathways in Slay the Spire. This element of choice ensures that each journey through the dungeons is a unique experience, filled with unexpected challenges and rewards. As the player you will choose the enemy and upgrade cards you want to keep in your next turn. Between stages, players have the opportunity to choose items, similar to the mechanics in Vampire Survivors. These upgrades range from enhancing dice rolls and bolstering class abilities to gaining new effects that can turn the tide in challenging encounters. If a player is defeated, the game doesn’t end in frustration. Instead, players are rewarded with meta upgrades and currencies that can be used to strengthen their character for subsequent runs. This progressive system ensures a continual sense of advancement and achievement, even in defeat. CREATE CRAZY COMBOS With its blend of strategy, chance, and RPG elements, Dice & Fold offers an engaging and ever-evolving gameplay experience that appeals to both fans of dungeon crawlers and players who enjoy the unpredictability of dice-based games. Its unique combination of mechanics, and expansive upgrade system, offers a lot of replayability and fun! Important Note: Dice & Fold will be doing a full release, but we will keep the content of the game updated with new items, new heroes and companions. Keep an eye on the new content updates. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2693930/Dice__Fold/



加入QQ群讨论战术! 在超级键盘侠的世界中,你可以真的顺着网线打到对面!看谁不爽即刻使用表情包向他发起挑战!当然世间还是好人多,你对他人的帮助最终会得到回报!种类繁多的强化组合不同的流派,每次战斗都有不同的惊喜和挑战。诙谐幽默的主线故事和事件,不乏令人会心一笑的网络名梗。在数不清的战斗与抉择中,一步一步走向互联网食物链的顶端! 这里有: 快节奏,有策略,爽到爆的放置类RPG战斗 充满了网络名梗,诙谐讽刺的故事与随机事件 有深度的肉鸽玩法,每次战斗都是一场独一无二的旅程 探索超过200种不同的能力强化与抗压神器 身临其境的使用社交媒体与NPC互动,别漏看了私信提醒 自动发射表情包的放置类战斗 每打败一个敌人就可以选择一个能力,每个能力有不同的方式强化你的攻击或者防御,有些能力会改变你的攻击方式,比如扔便便降低对手攻击,用吸血鬼窃取生命,扔油之后点火等等。在攻击的同时还会不断积攒大招能量,在你的血量见底之前是用大招逆转战局!普通攻击和大招都会自动释放无需操作。战斗失败也并不是游戏的结束,调整策略再试一次,说不定这次就会有逆天组合! 收集特殊能力和抗压神器,获得1+1>2的超强效果 每次战斗都可以根据不同的策略选择能力和抗压神器,每种流派都有自己的长处和短处。有一种完全放弃攒能量用大招的rush一波流。还有那种越打越强的大后期流派,但是要注意拿一些前期防御性的能力苟到出山。商店会定期出现,用金币购买亟需的能力让流派更快成型。某些抗压神器还可以组合成新的强大道具。 在随机事件中做出抉择,收获意外的奖励 红药丸还是蓝药丸?连衣裙是蓝黑还是白金色?如果你手上拿的真的不是马桶栓子,你会改变电车的轨道吗?有时你的选择会让你的旅程更加顺利,但也有不巧的时候。穿插在战斗之间的这些随机事件会让每次战斗的体验更加不同! 在残酷的互联网世界中摸爬滚打,直至最强 在弱肉强食的互联网世界,只有变强这一条路。从随处可见的喷子巨魔,到只手遮天的网红大V和他们的脑残粉们,用你手中的键盘杀出一条血路,直到马X克和X登都是你的手下败将。




《Dungeon Divers》


It's your first day on the job as the newest employee of Dungeon Divers Incorporated. As the newest dungeon diver, you are tasked with clearing out derelict dungeons to make it safe for adventurers. Armed with your wits and some trusty items clear out all of the booby traps in this Minesweeper-like puzzle game.Test Your WitsWith nearly a dozen different types of rooms to disarm each with their own conditions, quirks, and logic to solve what starts off as a simple task will become increasingly complex and difficult to decipher. Choose carefully as you only have a finite number of tries before your mission is deemed a failure.An Arsenal At Your DisposalAs you progress through the dungeon you're clearing, objects of power may be uncovered to assist in your journey. Some simply help you survive mistakes, other may grant you the ability to uncover vital clues for your efforts, and some grant you extra riches. Choose wisely as you can only carry so many artifacts at once.Every Dungeon Is DifferentNo two dungeons share the same layout. Procedural generation means that every delve is different providing countless hours of entertainment as you clear level after level.


