
2024-11-04 23:32:20 神评论




《911接线员互动电影》是一部长篇的互动电影,由玩家扮演紧急热线接线员的角色。 许多生命处危在旦夕,而您的选择决定着一切。

《Blockbuster Inc.》


欢迎来到 Blockbuster Inc.,这是一款下一代的模拟游戏,你将掌控自己的电影工作室,开辟通向电影名人堂的道路。创作开创性的电影,培养下一代的表演才华,并在电影业引领新的时代。创建您的梦想电影工作室释放你的创造力,利用 Blockbuster Inc.的强大直观的建设系统。从头开始设计你的工作室 - 从安排作家的房间到为你的制片人设置豪华设施。连接你的道路系统,美化你的风景,建立无缝的公共设施网络。在通往明星的赛道上,没有任何细节是微不足道的!驾驭电影历史从你的导演椅上体验电影的迷人演变。看着你的工作室适应每个十年的变化趋势,包括时尚、科技和文化潮流的转变。你能把历史性的挑战转变为大片的机会吗?发掘并培养 Filmwood 的最亮星才能搜寻是一种艺术,你就是那个艺术家。在有抱负的演员中挖掘隐藏的宝石,将他们变成业界最亮的明星。但请记住,每个明星都有其独特的特性和需求。处理天后和游刃有余的操作者的气质将考验你的管理敏锐度。实现你的电影视觉欢迎来到电影制作的核心,你不只是在制作电影,而是在打造电影体验。利用我们创新的 Direct Scene 功能,控制你电影的每一个方面 - 从选择演员和设计布景到调整灯光和导演场景。在 Blockbuster Inc.,你的电影梦想将变为现实。准备好行动了吗?



Embark on a groundbreaking and historical journey in "Stay Alive, My Son" (SAMS), an award-winning virtual reality odyssey that changed cinema history by creating a new genre “CinePlay” merging cinematic storytelling with interactive gameplay allowing you to live the life of a real person. Four years in the making by a team with purpose, this immersive experience was honored with the Producer's Guild Innovation Award for breaking new ground by pioneering customized hyper-realistic digital humans and integrating cutting-edge technology with a deeply human narrative.In SAMS, you are transported into the life of Yathay Pin, a survivor of the Cambodian ***. Witness the world through Yathay's eyes, where every decision you make unfolds his poignant story of family separation, survival, and resilience. This narrative is based on the true events described in Yathay Pin's compelling novel, making every moment of the game an authentic dive into history.Your journey begins outside Yathay’s home, where you meet an eighty-year-old man, brought to life with breathtakingly hyper-realistic digital humanity. As light gameplay mechanics guide your path, you will delve deep into the psyche of a father haunted by past choices and the haunting specter of loss.Experience a transformative moment alongside Yathay in a ceremonial rite that intertwines your fate with his. Your hands become his; you see the world through his eyes; his memories and dilemmas flood your consciousness. Then, in a surreal twist reminiscent of "Alice in Wonderland," you plunge into the depths of his memories, initiating a quest for redemption and understanding.Navigate the cavernous labyrinthine recesses of Yathay’s mind, uncovering the rich history of Cambodia and confronting the moments and decisions that have defined his life. Relive the powerful yet poignant moments that shaped his existence, feeling decades of sorrow and the relentless anguish of not knowing his son's fate.Taken on a mythical branch, your odyssey culminates in the mystical echoes of Angkor Wat, a metaphorical beacon in the darkness of Yathay’s journey. Here, in the candle lit sanctuary, you'll uncover the final, elusive memory. It's in this moment of revelation that Yathay's unyielding spirit shines brightest, revealing a tale of enduring love and the transformative power of forgiveness."Stay Alive, My Son" is more than an experience through the life of one man; it's a bridge to the past, an exploration of the depths of human endurance, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of love and the essence of what it means to persevere, to forgive, and to heal. Crafted by a small team passionate about storytelling that shapes society and culture through technology but also delivers an immersive experience with a mission to change the modern day narrative of family separation to reunification. SAMS has traveled across continents and screened by thousands to reunite families to now offer you more than just a story—it promises a profound, life-altering journey of the heart, made with heart.Written & Directed By: Victoria Bousis Starring: Elodie Yung, Arnold Chun, Vincent Rodriguez, Abraham Sigler, Lucas Sigler, and Kostas Filippoglou Production Studio: UME Studios




《A.D. 2047》


《A.D. 2047》是由灵泽科技打造的一款VR原生互动电影,虚构了一个30年后的赛博朋克科幻世界。时间来到2047年,玩家将以男主角凯文为第一视角,重遇青梅竹马的女主角瑞秋。突如其来的车祸、神秘的貔貅挂坠、扑朔迷离的案情,谁才是最后的真凶?身处漩涡中心的你,需要收集故事碎片、完成各种真实的模拟操作,穿越迷雾,依靠自己的力量找出真凶。



