
2024-10-22 18:58:02 神评论







★★★重要公告★★★ 大家好!在经过了两周的连续开发与不断地测试后,大家备受关注的存档功能现已更新!再次为正式发售时没有存档功能向大家道歉!如今大家可以更好地享受游戏了! 如果你希望将我们的作品推荐给更多的玩家,在未来帮助我们更好地完善并开发游戏,在空闲之余不妨为我们的游戏留下一篇steam评论。这对于我们这样的独立游戏小团队相当重要,在今后的开发中我们将会为大家带来更多的内容,定将不负众望! 发售后我们将持续提供免费更新支持,新的场景,规则和角色都将陆续到来! 《誓死坚守》是一款基地防御策略游戏。 你的基地是一座地铁站的地下部分, 你必须坚守阵地,抵抗陨石带来的一切。 你需要在游戏中生存30天,抵抗所有来犯之敌才能取胜。 一开始,敌人是一小群生物,到最后,你就要和一大群变异体战斗。 而且,如果我们的主角伊万死亡或者基地的心脏——发电机被摧毁,游戏将提前结束。 《誓死坚守》不是一款常规的策略游戏。 你作为伊万,要四处奔波,分配任务给下属。 这里没有先进的人工智能, 人类不愿意主动干活,那些懒狗不想自己做任何事情。 但你要做的事情还有很多:建造防御工事、研究技术以建造更坚固的工事和更有效的防御、派探险队到地表、攻击变异体巢穴以夺取修建农场和帐篷的土地、从板条箱中收集物资、从蘑菇和其他看起来可以吃的东西中提取食物……刚才铁轨上是不是有只胖老鼠在跑? 游戏特点 探索,建造,生存等多种元素的融合; 左右来回奔走,为手下分配任务,用好有限时间; 取材自地铁系列的末世背景设定,拼凑散落的故事碎片以发现全貌; 漂亮的像素艺术,丰富的画面细节; 3种难度模式可供选择,可以一次性轻松通关,或是花上几十小时攻克; 没错,老鼠将会是一道美味盛宴!



Embark on an epic journey into the depths of a mysterious and treacherous underground world. This adventure lets you explore vast caves, battle ferocious monsters, mine for precious minerals, and upgrade your abilities in order to survive.Underground World: Immerse yourself in an interconnected underground world filled with mysteries waiting to be unveiled. Traverse treacherous terrains brimming with unique challenges, secrets, and opportunities for discovery. Mining for Riches: Dig deep into the earth to obtain a wide variety of valuable minerals including; gemstones, and rare crystals. The deeper you go, the more valuable the resources will be.Abilities and Upgrades: As you progress, your character will gather precious materials to unlock new abilities and powers. Upgrade your offensive abilities to enhance your effectiveness in battle or upgrade your soft skills to increase your chances of survival… The choice is yours.Exploration Awaits: Immerse yourself in a sprawling and visually stunning world. You'll encounter a diverse array of formidable creatures and monsters lurking within the shadows. Engage in thrilling battles by using a variety of skills to protect your loot and unravel the secrets hidden beneath the earth's surface.GOOB’s world invites players to embark on a captivating journey of discovery, survival, and growth. Will you conquer the depths, confront the darkness, and ultimately find a way out of this dangerous world? Start your Adventure soon!

《Imprisoned Hyperion 2》


Imprisoned hyperion 2 is a dark fantasy first-person rpg with immersive sim. elements.StoryThe story tells of a rat-man scout exploring the dark dungeons of a harsh world that has seen its own end.These lands were once ruled by powerful mages, but they were destroyed by an older and more powerful force.Mages didn't worry much about what would happen to their artificially created homunculus and various creature-servants.Abandoned, these creatures took their fate into their own hands and try to survive in the world left to them.Play It Your WayIn the game there are different ways to achieve the goals. If you have a locked door in front of you, there are usually several ways to solve it.For example, you can pick a lock or ask a guard for a key or find a way around. You can read the notes and immerse yourself in the history of the world to explore locations and find the best way or just slash and burn everything in your way. The game will lead you to a single ending, play as you like.



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