2024年发售的包括 Source SDK半Q版游戏盘点,有你想玩的吗?(第38周)

2024-09-21 02:35:44 神评论

在2024年中有多款包括 Source SDK,半Q版游戏公测或发售,有倍受玩家期待的大作,也有名不见经传的潜力新作。本期盘点就为大家罗列了一下明确要上线的新游信息,游戏荒的你快来一起看看吧!



Inbound is a multiplayer Third person cover based tactical shooter that aims to bring a authentic experience to players in various environments. Every update we like to add items based on different movies, concepts and games. Each update usually comes with a new map based on that game.The beautiful city of Madagascar, the extremely well designed street and our shooting range all made to show off our game's best! Playing the game will let you earn Achievements that will be stored on your Steam Profile to show off to your friends. Along with Leader boards and Achievements we are also planning on preparing for numerous events which will obviously have rewards.Select between multiple classes with each class having their own unique equipment and weapons. This feature will soon be replaced with a generic load out with a huge selection of weapons from sniper rifles to sub-machine guns or assault rifles with some of your favourite secondary weapons!!! Select the class that suits your Play-Style and head on with against others.Customize your character to your liking, Each Update will bring in more customization content to the table.Select between numbers of colors/tops/bottoms/faces etc , to make your character look however you want! This feature will soon be revamped with an upcoming tier based clothing system with rarity and worth.Each weapon currently has 5 skins to choose from, with more skins coming every season.We will soon be implementing custom clothing and skins for use by our community members!This is Inbound!

《Block Shock》


Experience the most addictive retro block game like never before. With 12 all-new levels, you must use your skill to win. Can you beat the game, or will you suffer from block shock?KEY FEATURES:.Addictive tile-breaking gameplay.Increasing difficulty to test your skills.Brand new Steam Achievements!.New Levels Coming Soon!THANK YOU --From all of us here at Vox Studios! 体验有史以来最让人上瘾的复古游戏。有12个全新的水平,你必须运用你的技能去赢。你能打败这个游戏吗?或者你会受到阻碍?主要特点:。上瘾tile-breaking游戏。增加难度来测试你的技能。全新的蒸汽成就!新水平很快!谢谢大家,来自Vox工作室的所有人!



KnightOut是一款适合1至4名玩家的建造和斗殴游戏。在激烈的战斗中与朋友一起玩耍或与之对抗。使用大炮,剑和ballistas搭建城堡和斗殴。每场比赛都始于两队建造装备大炮的城堡。 然后,所有的地狱崩溃! 炮弹飞起来,石墙崩塌,你的骑士走向草坪,砍掉他的剑。 一旦你摧毁了你的对手的基地并杀死了国王,你就赢了!特点:在混战中对抗死亡 - 在战斗中控制你的骑士建造一座巨大的城堡 - 用你的创造力建造你自己的城堡增加你的阿森纳 - 建造不同的武器 和防御闪光解锁 - 解锁新帽子,项目和个人资料图片街机模式 - 在你防守你的种族时与敌人的波动对抗 - 在网上或本地多人游戏中对阵或与你的朋友一起对战



Empires,一个屡获殊荣的《半条命 2》模组,将第一视角射击游戏中最好的一面和即时战略风格结合起来。玩家可为 Northern Faction 而战,或是作为战败国 Jekotia 中残余的一份子,或是为 Brenodi 帝国而战。Empires 游戏特色:四个步兵种类 - 玩家可以选择作为侦察兵来实施突袭或选择步枪手来打爆敌人的脑袋。身为掷弹兵可开回敌人的坦克而工兵则可补给团队。通过四种不同的步兵类型,并且每一个都可以自定义技能,你能够打造出一个最好的符合你游戏风格的步兵。基于班组的合作 - 玩家可以组织一个高效的小队,通过先进的战术击败敌人。队长们不仅可以指挥其各自的成员,还可以使用特别的小队能力,如重生死亡的小队成员或者呼叫炮火攻击敌人。载具战斗 - 无论你用装甲运兵车在战场上运送部队,或者是用炮兵坦克的火炮驾驭着你的敌人,Empires 提供各式的载具战斗。可以从六种不同的载具中选择,包括三种级别的坦克还可以自定义你的武器,装甲和引擎。即时战略指挥 - 对于那些更倾向于 RTS 游戏模式的玩家,你可以扮演成一名指挥官。放置建筑,建造防御塔楼,建造车辆并以你自己的方式引领你的团队走向胜利。通过 15 张官方地图以及数十张社区制作地图,几乎没有一场比赛是相同的。Empires 将 FPS/RTS 的游戏体验提升到了一个崭新的高度之中。现在就加入吧,看看那些你曾经错过的东西。



MULTIPLAYER MODERetaliation Enemy Mine activation steps (required for online multiplayerplay):1. Register a Retaliation account, if you haven't one already, through the forumsinterface.2. Login to the game server with your account credentials.3. Click on "Game activation", then copy and paste the RetaliationActivation Key (that was emailed to your email address when you bought thegame) and press the "Activate Game" button.4. Enter your account credentials in the game/app (Multiplayer menu >Setup > User & Password)Note: in case for some reason you didn't receive your Activation Key whenyou purchased the game, please contact and we'll resend it to you.Retaliation: Enemy Mine is a turn-based strategy wargame designed to offer challenging tactical and strategic reasoning in a fast-and-easy format. The game is easy to learn, but hard to master.To win the game, you must gather resources, build an army, and outsmart your enemy(-ies)... and a little luck every now-and-then doesn’t hurt either. The game is played on a hexagonal board and features three types of units, each with their own specific attributes and bonuses: infantry, armour, and artillery. These units are then further affected by the varying terrain on the board itself. The game offers a total of 21 terrain types, a mix of which is randomly generated on the board, though there are some pre-set epic maps. Mountains, forests, rivers, roads... all these determine the ease or struggle of movement and combat. Different strategies will emerge with unique terrain layouts, giving each multiplayer game a fresh feel for endless strategy.Retaliation: EM is a game of trade-offs, players must learn to balance between seizing opportunities and defending against threats: Do I raid the enemy’s supply lines and leave my base vulnerable? Do I advance my soldiers or hide in hopes of an ambush opportunity? Do I engage in small skirmishes or launch a single assault with a huge army?! Constantly faced with game-changing decisions...Two key balances to the game are Army Composition and Map Control. The three types of units each have their own strengths & weaknesses so the players must take into account what the enemy has when making their own reinforcements and positioning their army on the board. On the map, there are ‘rich’ terrains that generate the most resources; these also tend to be the most vulnerable and may even not be optimal for one’s strategy. You must decide when to let the enemy hold onto those resources or when to fight over them!If you like turn-based strategy games… or if you’ve been wronged recently… you will love Retaliation!


