
2024-09-20 20:44:50 神评论


《战争石头 TD》


一位邪恶的酋长正召募一队军队,意图征服王国。村落正寻求一位英雄,奋起从水深火热中拯救村落!此重任现落入你身上。建造城市、训练军队及装备你的英雄。向矮人族、亚马逊族及法师等友好盟军友寻求协助。友军的协助加上自己的军队,你可以把敌人击败,使王国再一次获得和平!特色 7个基本兵种及15个升级种类! 奇妙的故事及精美的手绘画风。 3种截然不同的职业供你选择 :战士、法师及寻宝家,合共超过70种技能! 多元化的法术:火牆、火球、铁拳、召唤元素怪物、毒雾、蜕变及数之不尽的技能!你仅可以带4种法术战斗,请小心选择! 多个游戏模式:经典、挑战、生存、迷宫、英雄防御、攻击/防御(亦适用于PvP)及包含于主线任务中的合作任务。 你可以在工场升级防卫兵!每个防卫兵有多项升级,每项升级亦有多个等级。在建造及改善你的城镇后,将会有更多升级选项!游戏内容Warstone塔防有别于一般塔防游戏,防卫兵(防御塔)是以一种独特的方式召唤。一开始,你将会进入一个空旷的地图,裡面有数个石块,你可以把防卫兵召唤到石块。之后,将会有更多石块,部分甚至会从敌人身上掉落,你可以把它放到地图上任何适用的位置。强化战斗石块亦会随机出现,给予站在上面的防卫兵强大的力量。你可以在石块上召唤任何5种防卫兵:平民、弓箭手、枪手、法师及元素怪物。每种防卫兵拥有各自的升级路线、伤害类型、成本及特殊技能。Warstone塔防亦有只用于攻击/防御任务的2种额外兵种,老鹰及狼,和基本防卫兵同样拥有各自的技能树。如此多元化的防卫兵类型及游戏职业,玩家之间的战斗会涉及大量战术,进一步增加游戏的可玩性!30个故事任务,各有3种模式:主线、挑战及生存模式。玩家可选择4种难度:简单、正常、困难及恶梦。各模式包含一个特别成就,完成任务后会获得一颗星。星的颜色因任务的难度而定:恶梦为金色,困难为银色,以及正常为铜色。通关的方法有很多可能性,你需要精通战术以掌握通关的方法。假如你忘记自己有多厉害,可以在线上排名查看自己在主线模式及玩家对战的分数,与你的朋友或敌人一较高下!游戏职业完成首4个任务后,你可以选择一个职业以加强战斗能力。职业并不是线性,你可任意选择职业,但如果你想获得最强劲的技能,就需要专注于一个职业。 "伟大的战士可大大加强军队的战斗力!他会提升防御者的能力及技能,释放石块的的能量以帮助战斗;放置石块以减慢附近的敌人,或给予你大量魔力及金钱。他亦可使用技能使你的防御者在战斗中提升等级,逐渐变得更强大。 狡猾寻宝家的武器才是王道!他是储存物品的专家,能把大量物品放进他的背包裡,并于战斗中寻找更多卷轴及药水,他所做的一切都是为了金钱!他能增加杀死敌人的奖金,使自己的防御兵更便宜,其后更能取得一个让你把敌人变成金币的强大法术!以这些的技能,寻宝家的军队规模比其他职业更能庞大。 强大的法师只需要使用法术就可以通关!他可以携带高达八种法术战斗,大大加强灵活性。他的技能围绕升提技能的效用、回復魔力、获取更强大的法术,甚至把士兵转化为魔力。法师可获取的法术包括:召唤元素怪物、衰弱(可减弱敌人及对其造成减益效果)、流星雨及传送(可把防御者传送到地图上任何可使用的石块)。立即加入Warstone塔防的战场吧!




《幽闭圣地 2》


《幽闭圣地》是游戏界首个塔防+第一人称射击两种风格的混合游戏。续作《幽闭圣地2》的故事背景是玩家从4个独特的兵种中选择其一,进行保卫氧气制造核心、抵挡一波又一波致命异形的袭击。本作可以通过全新、丰富的定制系统装备你的角色。玩家必须合理地选择防御塔装备、武器和技能,这样才能对抗每一关都有变化的异形组合。[1] 《幽闭圣地2》增加了社区反馈功能以及全新的设计,将独立工作室的设计能力提升到了一个新的层次。[2]



Join The Mobile Trench Brigade and protect humanity from the evil Monovision menace in this Tower Defense Shooter from Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions. Use a combination of mobile firepower and stationary defenses to turn the tide of war in our favor. Customize your trench with thousands of possible loadouts. March side-by-side with allies from around the world as you fight your way through Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. After defeating the monovision threat across Europe, Africa, and The Pacific, continue your service in the mobile trenches with Iron Brigade: Rise of the Martian Bear. Face Vlad’s most horrific new Monovision Constructs in a brand new Martian Campaign. Unlock over 80 new pieces of loot to battle the Tubes in 4 defense missions, 2 survival missions, and an all new Boss mission!



Space Run Galaxy is the sequel to Space Run, the game from one-man studio Passtech, which seduced hundreds of thousands of players with its dynamic and original gameplay. By twisting the tower-defense game style, Space Run offered an addictive real-time spaceship construction strategy experience. Space Run Galaxy expands and refines the original’s unique gameplay, introduces a persistent online universe and takes-off again with plenty of new features!Set 20 years after the original game, Captain Buck Mann has now set up his very own intergalactic courier service. You’re a member of Mann’s team of space runners, racing to deliver precious goods from planet to planet! Reinforce your modular ships with armaments including laser turrets, missile launchers and energy shields, while leaving enough room for your cargo. Fly fast – the quicker you arrive at your destination, the better the rewards!Venture into the depths of space spanning an entire galaxy, with 4 solar systems and over 50 zones to visit across 100+ runs. Space Run Galaxy offers limitless gameplay, while fresh new features expand the original experience:User-created contracts – Take on contracts from other players for better rewards and unlimited replayability.Intergalactic player market – Trade hard-earned goods with your fellow space runners to sell off extra supplies, or snap up a tidy bargain.New corporations offer riskier jobs – Carry the extra fragile cargo of XenoPrime, or risk transporting The Force’s highly dangerous weapon prototypes (which may even endanger your own ship!) Fresh dangers await – Face off against brand new boss-type enemies, such as deadly pirate ships and huge space monsters…Deep customization – Customize the shape and size of any ships you acquire during your adventure. There’s no restriction for what ship you use in each mission, letting you get creative with every run!


