
2024-09-20 18:08:03 神评论







One of the most amazing stories in the history of mankind is presented once again in The Chronicles of Noah's Ark. Step into Noah’s shoes and build the ark in this touching story of faith, family, and the future.Noah receives a seemingly impossible task from God: build a giant ark to preserve life and human society before a flood destroys the world. It’s a task he cannot complete alone. Only with the help of his family can he fulfill God’s holy vision. But even his own sons do not believe or support him at first, and the path ahead is long and arduous.How can he start such a project in the barren desert he calls home? Where will he get the wood to build an ark? How will he gather enough food for the journey? And can one man possibly gather animals from every species in the world? But Noah remains resolute. With his faith in God as his guide, he sets out to do the impossible. - Experience the captivating story of Noah's Ark! - 74 challenging match-3 levels! - 20 upgrades to build the extraordinary ark! - 5 unique chapters to complete! - Absorbing music with traditional stylings!



It was Christmas Eve but my life was stagnant and boring.I was all alone sitting in the corner of the room until I was visited by a strange girl who claims to be Santa Clause...*. playtime : 20 minutes / visual novelFeatures of this game build- free game- Full voice and Beautyful CG- Short visual novel to enjoy lightly

《Jumpo Joe》


想要加速新陈代谢、燃烧旺盛的精力以及挑战耐力的极限吗?赶紧来体验Jumpo Joe吧!这是一款平台跳跃解谜游戏,你要做的就是奔跑、跳跃、扳动手柄,克服重重障碍抵达终点,激活传送门寻找出路。与可爱的方块小子一起不停奔跑,并运用独到及策略性的思考披荆斩棘,沉浸在疯狂的冒险中吧。原创的比特风音乐也将为整个冒险过程助力。尽情跳跃、奔跑,永不停歇,你的努力将赢取来大量的成就。▪易于上手的操控▪30个让人难以自拔的关卡▪原创的游戏音轨▪1580个成就操作:▪跳跃 – 鼠标左键或右键▪重新开始 – 键盘R键



A meteorite is about to hit the town of Greensvale and you don't have much time to find a way out!You play as a teen-age boy named Sean who has the untapped ability to go back in time when he dies. Trapped in a time loop by the fiery death of a meteorite impact you must find a way to either escape or save the town from destruction.You are not alone, however - with the help of several other stragglers in the town you will have to solve problems and find a way to help everyone, or yourself – you choose!Be wary though, as nothing is as it seems in Greensvale and secrets are waiting to be discovered around every corner!Features: A single-player 2D puzzle adventure game with both challenging and rewarding logic-based puzzles. The level of challenge you want to take on is up to you. Complete freedom to explore the town of Greensvale. Replay value - 14 different endings. If you want to find just one or all of them is up to you. Collect items and clothing from around the town to help you solve puzzles and avoid dangers. Thought system to help you keep track of different clues you may find. Visually fresh and unique inspired by 90's cartoons and classic games like Earthbound.


