
2024-09-20 18:06:32 神评论


《Hide Or Die》


《Hide Or Die》是一个非对称的(1 VS 15)生存恐怖类游戏,一开始会在地下掩体中等待16名玩家连线,当人数集齐时,地下掩体的门就会打开,幸存者需要在一个地区内寻找物品、物资,枪械,以及一切可能会用到的东西。游戏采用真实的背景音乐以及快节奏的紧张氛围,游戏可提供幸存者和猎手两种职业,玩家可根据职业的属性去完成任务,体验游戏的刺激感。



DeathTolls Experience is a journey through data in virtual reality that aims to re-sensitize the user to the casualties of the terrorist attacks in Europe, refugee deaths in the Mediterranean Sea, and the human cost of the Syrian civil war. The project challenges the lack of concern that results from the frequency of such news on the mass media. By walking the user through hundreds of thousands of dead bodies in photorealistic CGI scenes, the creator Ali Eslami aims to inspire an active awareness towards big data that represents massive deaths, and compassion for the people behind those numbers.On the basis of a virtual journey through the history of European bloodbaths, an ocean filled with body bags containing recently drowned Syrian refugees, and casualties of the Syrian civil war, DeathTolls Experience immerses us in the meaning of these figures, opening up an emotional perspective on this suffering and terror.

《Sable's Grimoire》


When Sable is accepted into Amadronia Magic Academy, he believes that his dream of becoming a world-renowned magic researcher is finally within his grasp. As one of the few pure-blooded humans capable of using magic, Sable is hopeful that he’ll find common ground with the demi-human population at the school, and that the next few years of his life will be as productive as they are enlightening.Unfortunately for Sable, his first day at Amadronia quickly proves to him that this will not be the case. The students in his class are unruly, there’s a pyromanic dragon girl running around, his "teacher" has no interest in teaching, the principal willfully breaks academy rules, and it seems like everywhere he turns, Sable finds one more reason to doubt Amadronia's proud legacy.Will Sable manage to survive at this clearly dysfunctional academy? Or will he, like so many others, leave Amadronia feeling utterly disillusioned? 5 main monster girl heroines with 4 divergent routes 350k word count with dozens of choices to be made 13 different endings influenced by your choices Contains a route map for visualizing your choices and the path you've taken Checkpoints on the route map let you restart the game from key decisions, even if you didn't save All original artwork and music made specifically for this game



Zombie Hotel is an arcade style shoot-em up game, where the player has to fight their way threw a Zombie infested hotel. There are some survival elements such as hunger and thirst to make the game more challenging. The player has to scavenge for weapons, food and water to stay alive. Complete bonus levels to get points to spend on special items and weapons from vending machines to get the upper hand on the zombies. Vending machines will be scattered around the hotel so keep an eye out for them. Have a favorite weapon? Keep using it to level it up so you can dish out more damage! Ammo is not something you should waste, if you find yourself low keep an eye out for a crafting bench to make some more, if you have the materials handy.

《Baptize Billy》


SummaryBaptize Billy is a top down arcade style shoot'em up. You play as a middle aged man with chronic stomach cancer sleeping off his last night on a toilet as he dives deep into his mind to understand reality and to find his missing son.Game Mechanics Shoot feces at enemies to increase your score Reach your son to complete a level Levels are scored in a percentage. Clear the level as fast as possible to receive 100% Some walls explode which you can use to clear a way or find hidden items Plungers can be acquired to substantially increase your score Consuming alcohol or cocaine will affect the speed of gameplay


