
2024-09-20 15:58:04 神评论


《Hex Commander: Fantasy Heroes》


施魔人:奇幻英雄 是一款策略游戏,你将亲历人类,兽人,哥布林,精灵与矮人之间的战争。使用单位的特殊技能率领军队夺取胜利,利用地形和建筑提升能力并击败敌军.在人类战役中你将担任角色伯西瓦尔·肯特,一位经验丰富的圣骑士,被国王派去调查居民区的哥布林活动.王国正处于战争边缘...谁是幕后黑手?面对无可避免的哥布林入侵需要建立什么样的联盟?参加这场振奋人心的战争获取真相保护你的子民.要获取战略优势你必须借助魔法,这并不是简单的部署法师单位.作为一名圣骑士,伯西瓦尔曾受训使用战争卷轴,瞬间即可扭转战争走向.召唤亡灵,诱导敌军进入火雨或毒雾之中,或使其陷入狂暴状态.感谢国王赐予的土地,你可以根据喜欢的战斗风格来改造它。培养英雄,强化最爱的兵种,升级传送阵以获取战场优势。易学而复杂的策略游戏回合制战略游戏,规则明确,战术纷繁,可根据个人喜好调整游戏风格;使用英雄或单位的特殊能力获取战场优势;建造基地,培养军队以及招募特殊单位每个种族都有平衡性良好的单位和特征,制定精妙的战略使战斗更具丰富性与多样性完成战役探索王国战争背后的真相



Simple to play, as the new generation of digital card games, and strategic as traditional ones. Discover the world of ManaRocks and its unique features: Combine any cards you want!You can create your deck using any card from the six available mana colors, as well as the colorless cards. Better yet, you do not have to worry if you have the right mana at the right moment thanks to a simple conversion system. Now, you will really be able to create your own strategy! 2v2 Co-Op Game Mode You can play with your friend or with a random partner in epic matches. Use the same battlefield with your partner and explore your creativity to create synergies and combos between your decks. Your decisions matterMechanics like the Block / Sneak that allows your creatures to take defensive or offensive positions make ManaRocks a game that depends on your skill, not simply luck or automatic moves.

《Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money》


Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money is an idle clicker game, rebuilt from mobile to PC. Play with Bubbles, Ricky and Julian along with all the Trailer Park Boys characters. Let’s go boys!MAKE GREASY MONEYManage and collect greasy cash from your businesses. Collect liquor and cards to upgrade buildings in the trailer park. Too lazy to work? Hire workers to run your businesses when you can’t play.COLLECT CHARACTERSOver 30 character cards to collect! Unlock new characters from bustin’ open trunks or beating bosses. Upgrade characters to make more money and increase profits!DECENT!Use crowbars to bust open car trunks for rare items and cards. Follow along with the story through comedic cutscenes. Play your way through all of the seasons, think you beat them all?BOSS FIGHTSKnock knock… guess what!? Throw down with resident Trailer Park supervisors including Randy and Mr. Lahey in boss fights. Use your middle-finger strength to battle your way through boss fights! The faster your click, the faster you fight!JAIL IS AWESOMEGetting busted is part of the job! Lose your cash, but keep your upgrades. After each season ends, you get to start running your park with more profits, faster upgrades and even greasier money!

《Scions of Fate》


There are two types of people in the world. People that know Scions of Fate and people that don’t People from ages 10 all the way to30 have been entranced by Scions of Fate. From its journey as a comic to online MMORPG, Scions of Fate has always combined the mystical world of martial arts with comic art and light, airy humor. Scions of Fate is a game that people of all ages and all walks of life can enjoy. The cute characters, the beautiful pastel-tone character pics, the diverse range of emoticons, the deadly but beautiful combat skills, all contribute to the Scions of Fate game experience. Even more precious are the communal experiences that players share together as they’re battling monsters, growing together like a family. The scope of this original work is complex, yet light and entertaining. From the conflict between The Order and Chaos, to the blossoming romance that takes place in the midst of this world, all the elements of the story mesh together to form a very unique and emotional journey for all players. If you’re ready for a new, richer online gaming experience, let’s log-in to the game. Since Scions of Fate received the 2005 Game of the Year Award and the Presidential award, Scions of Fate is a game that is now poised to become a worldwide phenomenon. In China, Taiwan, and Thailand, Scions of Fate has received many ovations and has now become a community that has members all throughout the countries. While bringing the joy of martial arts and garnering more fame in Asia has been a goal of Scions of Fate since the beginning, it is now time for the whole world to experience the world of Scions of Fate As the 21st century archetype for OSMU (One Source Multi Use) content, Scions of Fate will become a global name.

《Hero Plus》


After the dark days of the Twelve Demons, the world remained peaceful. The mysterious hero thrived as the leader of his own house of warriors, where all the greatest fighters gathered to join. The hero became known as the greatest fighter of all time, and the people labeled him The Great Dragon. For twenty years, the people of the land knew true peace as The Great Dragon upheld justice and faimess throughout the land. It was even foretold that as long as The Great Dragon lived, the people of the land would experience no danger. But on a sad and twisted day, The Great Dragon was found dead with evidence of murder pointing towards someone within his house. Ironically, the alleged murder was no warrior or fighter; it was his wife. It is rumored, however, that upon discovering The Great Dragon, members of the house found his wife cradling his dead body repeatedly whispering, "They're back... the Twelve of them have returned...". Upon hearing about the death of their hero, the people of the land were shocked and outraged. Panic spread across the land as they questioned each other. What of the prophecy? willThere be grave danger now that out hero has died? What exactly was the wife referring to when she mentioned, "the Twelve of them"? Could it be that the Twelve Demons have returned? Who will save us from them if they have? Fear and apprehension spread like wildfire across the land as news of The Great Dragon's death spread. Uncertainty reigned supreme in everyone's heart. If the Twelve Dragons have truly returned from their graves, all of heaven and earth would be in grave danger, unless a new hero was to present himself... ** In game, Players will be able to start journey with various helpful premium items which can be purchased on inventory column. By Pressing "I" and click button "Tavern", There will be Premium store for players to have a look around.


