
2024-09-20 14:57:58 神评论




ZONE4实战! ! -独特的角色和一流的专业技能,为您的角色和精彩的组合!! 有了真正的战斗技能,用户可以进行各种组合攻击和合作游戏。 总共229种花式战斗技能——经济中心! 广场,和愉快的内容! ! 用户可以在广场进行交易(交易),将提供许多社区相关内容! ——动态行动! PvP ! 提供多种类型的PvP,让用户感受到极度的紧张。 通过协作游戏,用户可以移动到多个战斗空间。 让用户继续玩游戏。 每周,体验自动比赛系统带来的兴奋和快感!! 16对16max 32玩家大战-得到PVE用户!! ArcadeBy合作游戏,用户移动到几个战斗空间。 让用户继续玩游戏。

《Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money》


Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money is an idle clicker game, rebuilt from mobile to PC. Play with Bubbles, Ricky and Julian along with all the Trailer Park Boys characters. Let’s go boys!MAKE GREASY MONEYManage and collect greasy cash from your businesses. Collect liquor and cards to upgrade buildings in the trailer park. Too lazy to work? Hire workers to run your businesses when you can’t play.COLLECT CHARACTERSOver 30 character cards to collect! Unlock new characters from bustin’ open trunks or beating bosses. Upgrade characters to make more money and increase profits!DECENT!Use crowbars to bust open car trunks for rare items and cards. Follow along with the story through comedic cutscenes. Play your way through all of the seasons, think you beat them all?BOSS FIGHTSKnock knock… guess what!? Throw down with resident Trailer Park supervisors including Randy and Mr. Lahey in boss fights. Use your middle-finger strength to battle your way through boss fights! The faster your click, the faster you fight!JAIL IS AWESOMEGetting busted is part of the job! Lose your cash, but keep your upgrades. After each season ends, you get to start running your park with more profits, faster upgrades and even greasier money!

《Hero Plus》


After the dark days of the Twelve Demons, the world remained peaceful. The mysterious hero thrived as the leader of his own house of warriors, where all the greatest fighters gathered to join. The hero became known as the greatest fighter of all time, and the people labeled him The Great Dragon. For twenty years, the people of the land knew true peace as The Great Dragon upheld justice and faimess throughout the land. It was even foretold that as long as The Great Dragon lived, the people of the land would experience no danger. But on a sad and twisted day, The Great Dragon was found dead with evidence of murder pointing towards someone within his house. Ironically, the alleged murder was no warrior or fighter; it was his wife. It is rumored, however, that upon discovering The Great Dragon, members of the house found his wife cradling his dead body repeatedly whispering, "They're back... the Twelve of them have returned...". Upon hearing about the death of their hero, the people of the land were shocked and outraged. Panic spread across the land as they questioned each other. What of the prophecy? willThere be grave danger now that out hero has died? What exactly was the wife referring to when she mentioned, "the Twelve of them"? Could it be that the Twelve Demons have returned? Who will save us from them if they have? Fear and apprehension spread like wildfire across the land as news of The Great Dragon's death spread. Uncertainty reigned supreme in everyone's heart. If the Twelve Dragons have truly returned from their graves, all of heaven and earth would be in grave danger, unless a new hero was to present himself... ** In game, Players will be able to start journey with various helpful premium items which can be purchased on inventory column. By Pressing "I" and click button "Tavern", There will be Premium store for players to have a look around.



Enter the space-race in Rocket Valley Tycoon, a free-to-play resource management game inspired by the golden age of futurism. Build Factories and Railroads, construct Rockets and send the good people of Earth to colonize space. Extract Resources & Manufacture ComponentsAs an aspiring Rocket Tycoon, you begin your first business on Earth, where you will find primary resources like Gold, Carbon and Sulfur. Your goal is to extract those materials, refine and combine them to produce Rocket components and build your first Rocket. Your first mission is to launch a Rocket and colonize Mars, where you will find new materials, set your second business and continue to explore and colonize space. Extractors and Factories allow you to gather materials in their pure form and process them to create Rocket components. Build Railroads & Train SystemsConstructing Railroads allows you to transfer materials between Extractors, Factories, Cities and Warehouses. Trains include several upgrades that allow you to transfer more materials in less time. Complete City QuestsThe Cities of Earth and other planets will require primary resources and components. By fulfilling their needs, you will earn money rewards, boost the production of the area around the City and receive Keys that will unlock new areas of the planet that you’re at. Follow the Rocket Tech TreeManage your resource extraction by studying the Rocket Tech Tree carefully and combining your manufactured components in the right order to build a Rocket. Build WarehousesWarehouses help you organize your production line by storing and selling selected materials. Collect SmarteX SmarteX are technologies that will help you improve and customize your Extractors, Factories, Warehouses, Cities, Launch Pads and Trains.



MDSOA现已完成100%!你可以以捆绑的折扣购买整个游戏。注意:要阅读你选择的角色的整个主要故事(5个小时以上的故事!),你需要购买他们的DLC。每个角色的序章和前三章 - 除了有一个角色的Hikaru - 都是免费游戏。故事:这部原创英语视觉小说在城市幻想环境中处理浪漫,目的是融合流派和解构常见的变体。仪式将巨大的魔力强加于你身上之后,你将被带入一个新的世界,带来你从未梦寐以求的新威胁和挑战。扮演二十岁的大学生Tsubasa Fujimoto,学习如何平衡她的日常生活与新的超自然生活 - 所有这一切都会坠入爱河。你会在危险的旅程中幸存下来,成为一位传奇女巫吗?特点:体验一种不同类型的爱情故事,在黑暗和光明主题之间保持平衡,并强调幻想和行动。所有内容的故事大约有30多个小时。


