
2024-09-20 13:55:18 神评论




Be your own teammates in this unique single-player co-op shooter!



Dive into the game TEVA! Here you are waiting for the amazing adventures of the ball. There is a level editor, high complexity and cool rewards!Can you score more points than your friends?TEVA is an arcade-style beat 'em up that pays homage to the nineties era of classic arcade and 16-bit brawlers. Play solo. Create new, interesting levels and score as many points as possible. Share your results with your friends and compete!About creating levels:Create your own levels, complicate your game and try to score more points! You can create both light levels and super complex ones. Everything depends on you! Edit the levels as you like!Come back to TEVA and ponostalgiruem. She will return you as a child when you were sitting in front of the TV for the console and having fun!This 2D arkanoid will make you ponastolgirovat about the past childhood and remember all those wonderful times.This game features:- Single Play- Achievements (The game has a lot of achievements. Try to open them all!)- Cool 16-bit Music (Well cool music, right?)- HardCore Mode (This is hardcore mod for super professionals in their business able to play immediately for two!)- Level`s Editor (Create your own levels, complicate your game and try to score more points! You can create both light levels and super complex ones. Everything depends on you! Edit the levels as you like!)



Potemkin is the worlds first sandbox strategy game! Play on massive maps, develop your cities, build an army and outmanoeuvre your enemies! However unlike other turn-based strategy games, Potemkin has the following groundbreaking features: No Restrictions on CustomisationHave you ever had a book or movie, that you wanted to make into a strategy game? Well now you can! Simply build an accurate map of your universe and play! There are zero restrictions when it comes to map customisation, play on a map of literally any size and with any number of players, even hundreds! Sharing Maps is as easy as Copy-Paste Share your maps with the world simply by copy-pasting them onto Reddit. The best maps are upvoted, refined and played by the entire Potemkin community! Not only that, but you can play on all the maps other people upload, meaning there will never ever be a content drought! Simulate any Real or Fictional War If you ever get tired of playing, just make the computer play for you! The games war simulator lets you simulate literally any real or fictitious conflict you can imagine! Have you ever wanted to simulate what would happen if Mexico invaded the US? Or simulate an alternate WW2 scenario where Brazil is an Axis power? Well now you can! Simply build the map, and launch the simulation! Immensely Powerful Artificial Intelligence Potemkin's AI is made to be extremely flexible and to work on every type of map! Not only that, but unlike most other games, Potemkin's AI does not rely on advantages from the algorithm to be challenging. This game's AI is smart enough to beat you on its own! Extremely QuickUnlike most other strategy games, where you have to wait for ages for the AI to make a move, Potemkin’s AI is almost instantaneous! This is because Potemkin was custom built in Python, a programming language usually used for scientific simulations. This makes the game run very quickly, even on old computers. Your days of finishing your turn and reaching for the phone are over!

《Hacker Evolution IMMERSION》


我们都相信我们不能证明它们存在的东西,或者它们不存在。 仙女。 阴谋。 他们让我们夜不能寐。 我们害怕他们。 人类已经探索了各种可能的灭绝方案。 战争。 疾病。 外星人入侵。 超自然的力量。 我们害怕他们。 人类在近代历史上取得了最快的技术进步。 揭开一个黑暗的秘密,可以追溯到第一个俄罗斯太空项目的时代。 用户你的黑客技能开始揭露一个黑暗的秘密,通过从早期的计算机,一直到最先进的计算机的未来。



屡获殊荣的RTS游戏独立资料片。当大多数人都在寄希望于外交可以结束这场战争时,不同意见的声音,与掌权派系的徒有其表,导致了这片土地的瓦解。商人紧急联盟中的忠实者采取了独立政策,将重点放在增强防御上以安全渡过战争。而好战的人们则并不这样认为,他们认为带来和平的唯一办法是彻底的毁灭与他们对立的人——特别是Xenos。史无前例的第一次,战争让Advent Unity首次出现了裂缝。忠实派继续他们对商人们报复的政策,并怂恿别人听从Unity的指挥。然而,Advent Unity中的另一些人则怀疑内部的腐败已经改变了Unity本来的命运。Vasari帝国的裂缝并不是那么明显,但却是十分严峻的。在Vasari疯狂迁移到其他星球的同时,忠实派放弃了合作,并用尽一切手段带走他们需要的资源。在意识到合作的重要性后,反叛派发现生存下去的最好办法就是与其他种族的人合作让他们帮助赶走敌人。为银河霸权而战斗,就在《太阳帝国的原罪:反叛》——结合了实时战略与4X(eXplore、eXpand、eXploit、eXterminate)风格的一款单机RT4X游戏。主要特色:新派系: 玩家可以选择成为忠实派或反叛派,各自拥有独特的科技、飞船以及游戏风格。新的泰坦级舰船: 超大型战舰在战场上可以起到决定性的作用。每个派系在战场上都有他们自己的泰坦船舰,以及相对应的不同优势与能力。新的升级主力舰: 每轮游戏都有新的主力舰加入舰队,创造更多战术上的选项供选择。另外,所有已有主力舰的性能均已升级到4级,让玩家能更专注于船舰独有的威力。新的护航舰: 小型舰船,易操作,每个派系都配有新型的视觉攻击功能,能反复袭击敌人。视觉升级: 全新升级的画面、粒子特效、光影效果、新的UI以及其他升级让《太阳帝国的原罪》宇宙超过了以往任何版本。新的胜利条件: 多样化胜利方法——军事、外交、调研、最新一流级别、最新重要级别、占领。新的音效: 60分钟以上的原声音乐,不计其数的声效以及配音,让战争剧情的吸引力上升到了新的高度。教程: 新的教程让新老玩家都能迅速开始建立他们的太阳帝国。另外,大量的优化让游戏表现突破历史记录!


