
2024-09-20 09:51:51 神评论




孤身一人苏醒在空旷的海岸边,发现自己身处一个充满恐龙的神秘岛屿“ARK”,你身无寸缕,饥寒交迫,你必须学会打猎、获取资源,制作物品,种植庄稼,发展科技,建立庇护所,从而让你可以在这个世界中存活下去。同时,你也可以利用技巧杀死或者驯服、繁殖、骑乘那些生活在这片岛屿上的洪荒巨兽。你也可以与上百人建成部落,互相侵略,生存...以及逃离这片孤岛! 驯服,训练,繁殖 & 在活生生的生态中骑乘恐龙 恐龙,生物,以及繁殖! 游戏中提供了超过50种不同类别的原始生物可供玩家驯服。游戏采用了一套征服-保护的驯养机制,玩家需要先击晕恐龙来弱化并驯服他们,然后照顾他们直到恢复健康。一旦完成驯服,它将成为你最忠实的伙伴,你可以给他们下达命令,而他们也会根据你驯服和训练的方式的不同做出不同的反馈。宠物会不断升级和消耗食物,还可以运送物资和装备道具。游戏还提供了独具特色的繁殖系统,玩家可以择优选择宠物去培育最佳属性,也可以简单点,直接生养一个恐龙宝宝!你可以骑着翼龙飞跃雪山之巅,带领着迅猛龙群冲过危险密布的丛林,或者骑着霸王龙四处追捕落荒而逃的敌人!快来体验这个这个充满活力的实时生态圈吧,在捕食者与被捕食者的残酷等级阶层中找到属于你的位置。 食物,水源,温度及天气 食物和水是生存下去的必备要素。游戏中拥有许多不同种类的食物,不同食物也会有不同的营养价值(甚至还有人肉!)所有的行动都会消耗食物和水,长距离的旅行更是会持续性的消耗这些物品。携带物品的重量会影响你的行动速度,日夜转换和天气状况也会影响你周围的环境,,使你更加容易饥饿与口渴。制作衣服、建立庇护所并利用火去对抗当地恶劣、多变的环境,保护自己。 收割,建造房屋,绘制 伐木、采矿、采集各种物资,成为一代生产大师。利用你的双手、工作台和机床去制作越来越复杂和强力的装备。利用组装式的部件去建造你的大型基地,从茅草到木头到石头再到钢铁,各种材料随你选择。你还可以利用喷绘定制你的专属基地,放置可以写字的公告板宣誓你的领地。武器、衣服、护甲等也都可以被涂上不同颜色来显示你的个性和与众不同的品味。 种植,耕种,以及生长 通过从野外植物上采集种子,你可以将其种植在你的住处,浇灌并对其施肥(任何消耗卡路里而生成的粪便都可以使用,有的粪便还更高一等。。)你所种植的植物可以中出美味并稀有的水果,也可以使用来按照配方来制造补药。去开拓并寻找稀有并强大的种子吧!植物的茁壮成长也能使你不用暴力在方舟中也成一霸。 召唤最终生命体 你可以携带圣物去岛上特殊的召唤地点唤醒方舟中的神秘生物,这些神秘生物都有强大的攻击性,他们为游戏中最强大的部落和宠物提供了终极的成就和目标,一旦击杀他们,这些部落和宠物也将收获丰富的奖励。 部落系统 与你的朋友们一起创建一个部落,这样你所有所驯化的生物也都可以被你盟友所运用。你的部落同盟也可以通过你家中复活点进行复活。同时,将你的部落盟友提升至更高的级别可以使你免去些管理上的重担。将关键物品及暗号分配出去来建设你的部落吧。 角色扮演式的成长体系 所有物品都需依照蓝图来进行制作――蓝图有着多样的数据统计和质量,并会对资源有着一定要求。更加偏远及残酷的位置拥有者更上乘的资源:包括最高的山脉,最黑的洞穴,最深的海洋!你可以通过各种行为来升级你的角色,升级你所驯化的生物,或学习新的“记忆印记”来不用蓝图便制造物品。你还可以通过角色的头发,眼睛以及肤色来个性化自己。 超硬核的游戏模式 任何你制作的物品都有个耐久度,如果不对其进行修复便会耗尽。当你离开游戏时,你的角色会在这永久运行的世界中陷入沉睡。你的物品会被安置在货箱中或角色的身上。任何事物可以被捡起,偷窃;因此,你必须建起一定的安全措施,或建造建筑,或安排生物看守。死亡是永久的,同时,你也可以被打晕,抓捕,并强迫其他玩家食用;还可以对其抽血,将其粪便用以施肥,甚至将其作为你宠物的食料! 探索及发现 方舟的神秘性在它令人敬畏又极其壮观的环境,包含了众多自然及非自然的世界构造,地上地下及水下的庞大世界。一旦你对这个世界进行了相应的探索,你会发现你的探索日记会及时的在游戏中更新。这些日记是由ARK世界中的先人所写,详细的记录着各种生物以及ARK这个世界的背景故事。拓展你的ARK日记,记录下你感兴趣的地点,甚至可以制作出罗盘或GPS来给其他玩家来提供帮助。你在游戏中可以与其他玩家进行文字或语音聊天,亦或长距离的无线方式。绘制属于你的标志牌来引导或迷惑其他的玩家...以及...到了最后,你如何来对抗这个ARK世界的造世主?一个明确的游戏结局早已被安排好。 庞大世界的永恒观及超级宇宙观 在超过100个角色服务器上,你的角色,你所建造的所有建筑,你所驯化的生物,将会在你离开游戏时依旧存在。在Steam中,你可以通过连接方尖碑并上传(或下载)你的数据来将你的角色及物品在ARK的网络里进行转移!每一个方舟的世界将会不同于上一个,你可以留下你在这片土地上的足迹并踏上征途--特殊的官方ARK主题将会在特定有限的时间内在世界地图中显示出来,同时还会产生多样的限时物品! Steam平台mod支持 你可以选择游玩单人游戏,并将你在非官方服务器上的角色物品带入多人游戏模式。对在Steam上对游戏添加mod可以对虚拟引擎4的编辑器进行个性化。你可以看我们们是如何利用自己的地图来创造出ARK世界来作为一个范例。主导你的服务器并创建属于你自己的ARK吧,我们十分期待你能创造出多么别样的世界! 高端次时代视觉体验 在特别定制的虚拟引擎4的帮助下,方舟将世界内各种生物的影像注入了新的生命,使它们在游戏中栩栩如生,并同时包含了全动态亮度及世界照明,天气系统,(雨,雾,雪,等等),如同现实般的模拟云彩体积的系统,以及最新版DirectX11和DirectX12 渲染技术。游戏内的音乐由“Ori and the Blind Fores” 创作者,获奖作曲家Gareth Coker完成!

《Rotate – Professional Virtual Aviation Network》


Rotate Network is a platform which connects virtual pilots and virtual air traffic controllers to forge a truly unique experience for all virtual aviation enthusiasts.CommunityJoin us in flying together and learn how to manage an airspace as an air traffic controller efficiently. Connect with real virtual pilots and see their every move from takeoff to landing.FeaturesMissions (solo and co-op)Pilot Career (including licenses and type-ratings)ATC Career Global Livery DatabaseReal-time SynchronisationAirline Management SystemGlobal EconomyATC Radar Software (based on real-world technology)Realistic Voice TransmissionsEtc.ATC ClientBecome a skilled Air Traffic Controller with our real-world ATC tools. Dive into the complex process of running the traffic of your airport or airspace. Master the tools, perfect your method and experience the deep satisfaction of competence. With a multitude of advanced features, our ATC Client assists you in every situation.Pilot ClientAs a pilot, fly freelance, join an airline or found your own. Try new routes, complete missions and get outside of your comfort zone. Take your flight simulator to new heights with a set of features built for enhanced realism. We’re talking about virtual passengers, realistic voice transmission, pilot logbook, CPDLC, statistics and more.Rotate ManagerThis is your gateway to the vast world of virtual aviation and where you go to continue training, select missions, look at the live map, check stats and review upcoming events.Supported Flight Simulators:Flight Sim WorldPrepar3D v3Prepar3D v4Microsoft FSXMicrosoft FSX:SEX-Plane 10X-Plane 11

《Pursuit of Power® 2 : The Chaos Dimension》


Features Real-time strategy game with pixel art Play a Shadow Knight, Stalker, or Mage as your leader class Choose from a variety of upgrades as your leader gains levels Command elite troops with strategic roles and a rage mechanic Manage connections between fortresses in a unique way Gain prestige by capturing rifts and performing heroic acts Dynamic world events such as invaders that attack fortresses Win by capturing all enemy fortresses or surviving the Apocalypse Single-player campaign with a story and objectives Single and multi-player skirmish (local or network)Pursuit of Power® 2 : The Chaos Dimension is a real-time strategy game with a different focus than traditional RTS games. Players connect fortresses together in order to build, research technology, generate bonus resources, defend allies, and lay siege to enemies. Each player has a leader unit that summons structures and casts powerful abilities. Rifts dynamically spawn invaders and epic creatures that reward players with prestige when defeated. There is a priority system for enemy targets and a rage mechanic that affects combat in multiple ways.Fight through a single-player campaign game with unique content and objectives for your leader. Play local and network skirmish games with up to 10 players. Join a team with allies that can come to your aid. Create new skirmish games using a map editor with a rich set of features.What is in the Demo?The demo for Pursuit of Power® 2 places you in a skirmish game as a Shadow Knight versus another SK computer player at normal difficulty. The features are limited in order to simplify things, which is important since the campaign tutorial has not been implemented yet. You will definitely want to read the "help tips" image and it would be good to read the extended help window too.Pursuit of Power® 2 will not be finished until around August 2018, so this is really just an early preview of it. There are some important gameplay features missing that will add a lot of depth to the game. Over the next few months, I will add an upgrade path for your leader, multiple fortress upgrades, epic bosses that spawn from special rifts, powerful zealot abilities, flying guardians, and more. The current version of the game should give a good idea of how it will play, but the final version will contain much more depth and have a lot more polish too.I launched the Steam store and Demo early, so I can begin building a community around the game. I will update the store page during development, especially when I add new content and features to the game.GameplayThe game begins with your chosen leader spawning next to a crystal formation. Clicking on the crystal will summon your first fortress over it. Now you must race across the map to summon more fortresses over unprotected crystal formations using your leader and zealots.Portals are summoned over crystal formationsWhat are zealots? They are devout followers that march from your own fortresses to any other fortress, whether friendly or an enemy. Zealots form a continuous line when there are no gaps between zealots due to deaths. Those complete connections transfer magical power that can generate resources, bolster defenses, or help lay siege to enemy fortresses.The front zealot at the head of the line holds a banner. If any zealot dies before it, then the banner shifts to the next head of the continuous line. Power emanates from the banner during each pulse event. When connected to a friendly fortress, that power flows through it and travels back to the source, providing additional power for the player. The destination fortress also receives increased build progress for every friendly connection.On the other hand, every enemy zealot connection to a fortress slows its build progress. If more enemy banner zealots reach the fortress than friendly zealots, it essentially halts progress so enemy troops can lay siege. In addition, the enemy banner zealots generate prestige when they successfully reach the portal.What are the resources? Every 2 seconds a pulse event occurs in the game. During that event, power is generated for players with fortresses over active crystal formations. Power is the main resource in the game. It is required for most game actions, such as summoning troops or using an ability.Crystal formations generate power for playersPrestige is awarded for heroic actions against enemies. It can be gained when players connect their zealots to enemy fortresses, destroy enemy zealots, kill enemy leaders, or capture rifts. Prestige is required for some of the most powerful game actions, including the leveling system.These units generate prestige when they kill zealotsHow does the leveling system work? Leaders will gain levels as they accumulate prestige. There will be ways to choose upgrades, possibly tied to the captured rifts. I hope to change the appearance of leaders and visual effects for their abilities as they gain levels.Fortresses will also have an upgrade path. Many of those choices will be focused around powerful abilities for zealots. Portals will become larger and look more powerful as they are upgraded. Currently, the upgrade path requires a certain amount of "zealot pulses" for build progress, as well as a power and prestige cost.Those concepts are still in the design phase, but I do want to emphasize that there will be player choices that have a big impact on the game. They will add a lot of strategic depth. Some of the current choices are just placeholders until the designs are completed.Mage leader casting a spellWhat is a typical battle scenario? During battles, units will select targets based on a few criteria. Towers will normally target zealots before any other unit. However, siege troops will draw fire when in range. That will allow your zealots to pass by without being harmed. The siege units are also very effective at absorbing damage from structures.Towers will attack siege units as a priorityFighter units will taunt all troops when in range. That can allow your high-damage units to harm enemies without risking death. Immobilization troops can fear, stun, and mesmerize most other troops. That can render a group of enemies helpless as they get picked off. When the immobilized unit is first hit, a bonus buff is triggered for the attacker.Shadow Knight leader swinging his axeScout units can stealth and do extra damage when attacking while hidden. They can detect other stealth units and also have a debuff. That debuff amplifies the damage of certain abilities. All 3 major debuffs are displayed as icons near the troop health and rage bars due to their importance.Stalker leader attacking with her bowRage is generated when the troop takes damage or while it is immobilized. As the rage increases, the troop gains rage levels. Each rage level multiplies the damage done by that troop. Killing troops with high levels of rage is important. Some abilities can even harness the rage to create bonus effects. Troops at max rage level are immune to immobilization effects. All troops decrease rage over time.How do you capture an enemy fortress? Players must first destroy all 4 fortification towers to make the portal vulnerable. Then they can damage the portal while fortifications are down, which isn't easy since fortifications can repair themselves with help from friendly zealots. The player's zealots will then capture the unprotected portal after several pulse events and a new fortress will be summoned for the conquering player.Destroy all 4 fortification towers to make portals vulnerableWhat are the rifts and chaos levels? Rifts don't become active until 5 minutes into the game. That gives players time to capture magic sources, build some defensive structures, and summon troops. Rifts with floating purple particles will become active during the next phase, so take note of where they are located.When the rifts become active, invaders will start to spawn at a relatively slow rate. Capturing rifts will accumulate prestige over time and help push invaders further away from your fortresses. As mentioned above, they might also be tied to leader upgrades in the future.For the most part, invaders will harass your fortresses, cause attrition to your troops, and disrupt your zealot paths by causing breaks in the line. It takes a while for them to destroy a fortress on their own. However, they could assist enemy players by destroying most of the defenses, allowing their zealots to capture the fortress.Epic rifts aren't in game yet, but they will spawn boss creatures when they are implemented. Those rifts and creatures will be similar to mercenary camps in MOBAs. Most likely, each will have unique, but relatively simple raid mechanics that players must learn. I plan to let players control the defeated boss for a limited amount of time. There can be up to a dozen types of epic rifts and bosses with the current design.Chaos surges happen at the start of the next chaos levels. They evict players from all captured rifts, returning them to the invader pool of inactive rifts. That ensures invaders can always be a part of the game. Furthermore, the spawn rate of invaders doubles during the 1 minute chaos surge. That means that invaders will often attack fortresses during the chaos surge, since the minimum threshold for attacks is more likely to be met.How does the game end? There are two main ways to win the game. The more traditional way is to capture all of the enemy fortresses. Leveling-up your leader more quickly than your opponents can help, especially once you gain your powerful ability upgrades.You can also win the game if you are the last player to survive the Apocalypse. The game world becomes increasingly chaotic as players conquer fortresses and destroy the rifts. Powerful creatures from an alternate dimension take notice and start to descend through the rifts, making the encounters more difficult. The attacks increase in strength until only one player survi

《Double Kick Heroes》


Five badasses and a Gundillac in a zombie hell.Double Kick Heroes is an explosive METAL rhythm game set in an apocalyptic world. Lead your band on a roadtrip through the wasteland! Blast zombies with your Gundillac and crush them with the power of METAL. Coming on Steam, PC, Mac & Linux in 2017.Drive’n’ShootShoot zombies by beating the keyboard or your pad the way you’d beat a drumset. Double Kicking is the name of a drumming technique to speed up the music. But it's also the name of a deadly weapon you will have to master to survive. Grab your gear and let's beat it to death!Meet the crazy band powered by METAL : Lincoln, Snake, Derek, Randie and James. They love METAL and can't spend a day without it. Each one of them is a unique, cunning, METAL player. They live in an apocalyptic world where their favourite Rock stars are scattered all around the world. Discover their story and their hidden truths.StoryYou must survive on the highway to hell by killing monsters with your gundillac! Struggle through the 30 levels of total madness and escape from this nightmare! Only the power of METAL can save your band! EditorYou think Elmobo’s soundtrack sucks? Go to Hell! Or... pick your boring rap music and play monotonous beats. You can also try some Tenacious D and feel the power of METAL. Import whatever track you want and design your own level! Share it with your friend and be the first in the leaderboard!Obviously, we don’t promote piracy, buy your own albums. FeaturesDouble kick zombies in the face with insane METAL music! 30 tremendously f****king awesome quality METAL songs by a legendary video game AND METAL composer. Import your own music, play community designed tracks, edit your favorite songs and share challenges! Unlock new gear and pimp your Gundillac. Rodriguez infused background story about being weird guys and gals who live for Sex, Drugs and Heavy METAL . Explosions, rebels, militias, undeads, road-rage, madness, apocalypse. Ready to hit the fury road? The only f****king awesome rock and METAL rhythm game for Steam, what more!?May the METAL be with you!



恐惧年代3:传奇(Age of Fear 3: The Legend)是Leslaw Sliwko制作的一款回合制策略角色扮演游戏。这款游戏虽然没有漂亮的画面,但将给你非常有深度和挑战性的游戏体验。游戏拥有大量兵种,物品,技能,独特的战斗系统以及开创性的AI。 感兴趣的玩家快来下载吧!


