
2024-09-20 07:20:48 神评论




在《For Honor》紧张又逼真的战场上杀出一条毁灭之路。• 征服独一无二的战士在各种英勇的骑士、残忍的维京人还有致命的武士中选择你最爱的战士,每一个都有自己专属的武器、风格和个性化选择。• 难忘的故事战役在大型战役中攻破城堡和堡垒,在激烈的对战中迎击夺命 Boss,确保你的人能在神秘致命的敌人围攻中存活下来。• 单打或与好友一起征服敌人《For Honor》提供好玩的单人战役和惊心动魄的多人模式。• 创新”战斗的艺术”控制系统玩家能够完全控制战士的系统,权衡武器的重量,感受每一次攻击的力度。• 扩展视野通过Tobii眼动追踪技术得到更为强烈的游戏体验。环顾四周,您可以通过视线控制屏幕的移动,扩大战场视图。兼容全部Tobii眼动追踪游戏设备----补充信息: 眼动追踪特性可由Tobii眼动追踪技术实现感受《For Honor》VR 真实体验:戴上 Littlstar,尽享身历其境的战斗乐趣。

《Mystery Stone from Heaven》


描述: 《天降神石》是由水洞沟森魄工作室开发,基于UE4精心打造的VR游戏。该游戏根据国家5A级景区水洞沟的历史背景进行改编制作。游戏中玩家将扮演一名考古研究人员,在2008年水洞沟的一次科考活动中,发现一块发光的石头碎片,带着好奇和疑问他进入了梦乡。梦里的他穿越到了四万年前的水洞沟,他发现自己置身于一个偌大的迷宫中,在慢慢的探索中,这块石头碎片的秘密被慢慢揭开…在结束这个旧时代晚期的探索,他又进入第二层梦境-五百年前的水洞沟,此时,他处于偌大的明长城上,左边是属于蒙古的鞑靼旷野草原,右边是壮丽的明朝古城。此时,又有新的挑战接踵而来… 玩家需在游戏中学会钻木取火、制作石器工具、寻找卷轴、刺杀披毛犀、搜集公主遗骸等线索来探索水洞沟当时的繁荣景象和那个不为人知的秘密。游戏主线设计精巧并且寓教于乐,让玩家体验虚拟现实完全沉浸感的同时也能亲身见证当时人类祖先的聪明才智。 (注意: 玩的时候请不要大范围剧烈活动,以免自己受伤或者对他人造成不必要的伤害) 特色: 字幕:中英文字幕,中文配音。 丰富的场景元素:独特的水洞沟雅丹地貌,壮阔的长城,惊险刺激的藏兵洞。 丰富的史前动物:再现已经灭绝的动物,剑齿虎、猛犸象、披毛犀,星尾兽等。 丰富的互动体验:钻木取火,猎杀披毛犀、收集道具的背包系统。 创作灵感:水洞沟是中国最早发掘的旧石器时代文化遗址之一,被誉为“中国史前考古的发祥地”、“中西文化交流的历史见证”,被国家列为“最具中华文明意义的百项考古发现”之一,国家5A级旅游景区,是全国重点文物保护单位、水洞沟还是我国唯一保存最完整的万里长城立体军事防御体系。因为这里有常年流淌不息的河流,有流水最终汇入黄河而经过的石拱洞,有流水冲刷形成的边沟,所以名为“水洞沟”。

《Dust and Salt》


Dust and Salt is a text-based narrative adventure with a pinch of turn-based tactical battles which has you as the main hero leading your troops in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. When his father is murdered and his village burned to the ground, a young warrior swears vengeance. He has to choose between force or diplomacy to forge new alliances and subdue his enemies. Will he get rid of the oppressors of this world or become an oppressor himself?The game consists of a story text, a world map, and a tactical combat layer. On the world map you can choose to travel to different locations. The story text builds around the constant choices you make. Once you engage in battle the game will switch to a tactical map where the actual fighting takes place as turn-based combat. Enjoy the vivid writings by the quill of the author Sycamore Bright.Story is king. Rich, non-linear story that reminds of D&D with a "flair of battle". We’d describe it as a choose-your-own-adventure book that meets an RPG.Tactical combats. This is not checkers, this is a grown-up combat simulation. Send your light-armored infantry, the Nameless Wolves, through the woods into the back of the enemy while your armored, hammer-wielding Nameless Bears stall the enemy attack.Decisions matter. The narrative branches based on your choices. Your actions define and shape the world you experience.Character development. Are your decisions black, white or gray? Will they lead to a better future for the Sin Lands or will you turn into a usurper?Memorable personalities. Stand up to the cunning Lords of the Sin Lands in well-written interactive dialogues.Art that gives more life to the whole story. Zoom-in on the world map and experience the detail of the artistic work.You don’t pick abstract skills. Instead the choices you make at the beginning of the game define what abilities your character will learn. Featuring a gorgeous Nordic soundtrack by acclaimed artist Mike Olsen a.k.a. Danheim.

《Retaliation Path of Rome》


Retaliation Path of Rome is a very complex game, with several unique featuresMISSIONSAbout 100 different missions, with either single or multiple objectives, like: - reach a population target (a minimum number of patricians and/or plebs) - reach a target happyness - earn a certain amount of money - complete the mission in a given time - win a certain number of battles5 difficulty levels, from very easy to very hard: with different world resources, starting money, initial reputation...Every mission is created parametrically to offer an ever changing challenge, each time a mission is re-played.STRUCTURESThe player has the possibility to build more than 50 structures to complete the missions. Some example structures:- Slaves' quarters- Plebs' houses- Patrician villas- Wheat field- Olive grove- Vineyard- Farm- Fishing house- Market- Stables- Workshop- Dirt road- Paved street- Archers' barracks- Ballistaari' barracks- Equites' barracks- Legionary barracks- Velites' barracks- Defence tower- Signaling tower- Watch tower- Wooden wall- Wooden gate- Stone wall- Stone gate- Forum- Theatre- Amphitheatre (arena)- Gladiator ludus- Stadium (chariot races)- Gardens- Groves- Fountain- Well- Butcher- Olive maker- Wine maker- Lumber mill- Clay pit- Iron mine- Stone quarry- Marble quarry- Gold mine- Potter workshop- Blacksmith- Academy- Library..Each structure needs specific resources in order to be built.And of course each structure has different function and features, and some structures have to be properly positioned in order to yield the desired result: for wine production it is necessary to create both vineyard (to get the grapes) and a winemaker (to get the wine).CITY AIIn each city there will be some AI controlled competitors: other patricians whose goal is to increase their riches and extend their influence. They will be vying with the player, acquiring resources and building structures, trying to get to the best spots before the player.The competitors appear in advanced levels, and each has a different strategy: some concentrate in the real estate market, others in trade or in resource production.DESIRABILITYWhen new structures get built, these can differ in desirability. Usually this depends on what is present (or built) around them. For example a patrician villa has higher desirability (and hence higher market value) if nearby there are gardens, fountains, other villas, theatres.. It instead loses value if nearby there are stables, farms, wheat fields... Residents will at first go to dwell or work in the structures with higher desirability, avoiding those of little value.For production structures, for example a wheat field, the value depends on the amount of the produced resource is available in the nearby city and in the global market. If the market needs grains, the value of the field will rise. Conversely, the field would become less desirable and its value decrease.DAMAGEIn time, structures deteriorate. Every week mainteance works are done to keep them operative and pleasant. If there are not enough money for the basic upkeep or if extraordinary work is needed, the player will need to acquire the necessary funds and repair it as soon as possible (or see its profitability vanish and possibly even arrive to the point when the whole structure eventually collapses).CITY BUILDINGThe city management part of the game depends chiefly on money, people's satisfaction and resources available.Dealing with these three amounts, the player needs to complete the missions.Careful and efficient exploitation of the resources allows to save money and gain with the trade. A wheat field created in a fertile area will yield much more and hence cover its operation costs and bring profit.It is best to plan the city growth in order to efficiently exploit the resources and reduce the expenses. It is important that cities be self-sufficient: for example a global event like a drought could push prices of imported goods to very high levels.It is also fundamental to avoid discontent in the populace. If discontent is too high there could be revolts that would seriously compromise the possibility to successfully complete a given mission.HAPPYNESSTo be happy, people needs to have their basic needs satisfied: food, dwelling, work, water, protection from enemies.Increasing the people's life conditions will also generate new needs. In particular the patricians will start to require luxury goods (good wine, gold, silk, refined pottery, statues...).Entertainment is another fundamental need: populous cities will require stadiums and arenas (and famous people competing inside those structures..)When happyness is low, the city structures become less productive and hence less profitable.WORKERSAll structures need a certain amount of workers or worktime, even for the simple upkeep/maintenance.All productive structures are tightly bound to the number of workers available in the city: with not enough available workers the production would decrease or even become null. Structures with the highest desirability will be the first ones to attract the workers, leaving the others without.Different structures will require different amounts and different type of workers. For some jobs only slaves will be requested. Plebs are needed for crafts and trade.Unemployment will cause collapse of happyness and increased risk of revolts.PATRICIANS / PLEBS / SLAVES Patricians are the wealthiest citizens, they have expensive needs and cannot accept to see their needs not satisfied. Their weight over city happyness is very relevant.They also expect to be given high prestige jobs: army generals, high clerics, administrators, politicians, proprietors.Plebs are mostly involved in crafts and trade. They are fundamental for the management of the city but they don't have much political weight.Their class gives the major turnout in tax income.Slaves are the major work force. Satisfying their primary needs (food, lodging, water) is important as they deal with the production and resource gathering of the city. Correct management of the slaves is fundamental to make the city desirable to the other classes.RESOURCES:- Gold- Wood- Stone- Marble- Iron- Clay- Wheat- Meat- Fish- Grape- Olive- Wine- Oil- Pottery- Jewelry- Leather- ClothThese are the resources that can be traded, produced or transformed.TRADETo evolve the city it is mandatory to correctly manage the trade of all goods: selling the city production to obtain the resources needed for the evolution and improvement of the city.Prices of resources are managed at two distinct levels: local and global.Locally: they depend on the city demand and the amount of that type of good that has been bought or sold (selling a lot of wheat will make its price decrease).Globally: the entire nation's demand is evaluated and several other factors also influence the price (e.g. events like plagues, droughts, wars..). For example the global price of wheat could be much higher than the local one because of scarcity due to droughts in several areas of the nation.So if there is a global crisis, even if your city sells a lot of wheat, its price could still be increasing instead of decreasing. But when the trend changes (for example the drought ends) its price could suddenly crash.AUTOMATIC TRADETo simplify the game and avoid micromanagement, it is possible to automate trade setting some "limit orders".E.g. "buy if there is less than .. %"The automatic system won't consider the price, but the quantity set as requirement.STRUCTURES' MARKETIn Path of Rome it is possible to buy or sell the structures (with the exclusion of those like walls, streets, barracks) according to its market value.Once the building of a structure is complete, the player has the possibility of selling it, to the value defined by its desirability and the kind of resources it produces.Selling a structure gives an immediate income, but could be disadvantageous in the long term:- no money will be collected for rent of properties or sale of production- resources produced by sold structures will not be managed by the player- and hence those resources won't be available to build other structuresNevertheless a good sale would still benefit because of immediate cash flow...DANGER AND ENTRENCHEvery structure you build makes your city more appealing to enemies who could invade or pillage it, according to the kind of structure: a patrician villa, a thriving market or a golden mine would increase the risk of enemy incursion much more than a new wheat field or a stone quarry.To compensate, it is better to spend some money and time on defending the city, creating walls, towers and military units.Defensive structure will also contribute to raise the desirability and hence the values of the other structures of the cities, whose occupants will feel safer.All choices in the game are two pronged, bringing both advantages and problems.For example, continuing on the topic of city defense: if there are few or no defensive structures, there will be many enemy incursions, but very light (small bands of brigands mostly).Conversely, excellent defensive structures won't guarantee that the city becomes untouchable, will deter and block small offensives but will attract the organized war sieges of big enemy armies: a city so well defended MUST be rich and full of bounty!BATTLESRetaliation Path of Rome is a hybrid RTS/TBS, a combination which makes the game very tactical. You'll need to plan how to move the troops, how to arrange them and expecially what kind of army units to train. Different movement ability (velites, with barely no armour, are much faster than full armoured princeps) and different attack types and attack speeds make unit types (and how you'll use them in battle) very different.Each battle is managed by a parametric AI system with almost endless combinations and possible states and developments.COHORTSUnits are arranged in groups, which are commanded by officers, controlling the mov





