
2024-09-20 05:32:45 神评论







在《For Honor》紧张又逼真的战场上杀出一条毁灭之路。• 征服独一无二的战士在各种英勇的骑士、残忍的维京人还有致命的武士中选择你最爱的战士,每一个都有自己专属的武器、风格和个性化选择。• 难忘的故事战役在大型战役中攻破城堡和堡垒,在激烈的对战中迎击夺命 Boss,确保你的人能在神秘致命的敌人围攻中存活下来。• 单打或与好友一起征服敌人《For Honor》提供好玩的单人战役和惊心动魄的多人模式。• 创新”战斗的艺术”控制系统玩家能够完全控制战士的系统,权衡武器的重量,感受每一次攻击的力度。• 扩展视野通过Tobii眼动追踪技术得到更为强烈的游戏体验。环顾四周,您可以通过视线控制屏幕的移动,扩大战场视图。兼容全部Tobii眼动追踪游戏设备----补充信息: 眼动追踪特性可由Tobii眼动追踪技术实现感受《For Honor》VR 真实体验:戴上 Littlstar,尽享身历其境的战斗乐趣。



To download the AO International Tennis Tools click here.AO International Tennis is the most authentic, community-focused tennis game ever. Make use of comprehensive PlayFace™, Stadium Creator, and other customisation features to put a photo-realistic version of yourself in your local tennis competition. Then put yourself up against the greats, including Rafael Nadal, Angelique Kerber, and up-an-coming heroes such as Naomi Osaka and Hyeon Chung.With more play features than any tennis game before, this is a tennis game for fans of tennis, made by fans of tennis.Thousands Of PlayersSupported by a vibrant community, download and play with thousands of players created by other AO International Tennis fans, including photo-realistic players created through Big Ant Studios’ proprietary PlayFace™ application.Hard Court, Clay Or GrassEvery major court surface is supported in AO International Tennis. Play on existing stadia and tennis parks, or create your own with the comprehensive in-game editor!Motion CaptureProfessional players have been 3D scanned and motion captured in order to bring the most authentic tennis game to date.CareerPlay tournaments all around the world in the quest to become #1! Play special event matches against champions to unlock new play styles and improve your game.Play OnlineChallenge the world and become the world champion from the comfort of your living room.To download the AO International Tennis Tools click here.



IOSoccer is a free non-commercial competitive third-person online multiplayer soccer game that offers unparalleled freedom in ball control and gameplay depth. Originally released 15 years ago under the full name International Online Soccer as a Half-Life mod, the game was later ported to the Source Engine and re-released in 2008. Since the last public release, the game’s code has been completely rewritten, new player models created, and countless new gameplay features added.Features:Unparalleled freedom in ball control and gameplay depth: The combination of a third-person camera together with mouse and keyboard input gives you full control over your dribbling, shooting, and passing.Skill moves: Show your mastery of the game with bicycle kicks, diving headers, ball flicks, and precision dribbling.Flexible team sizes: Whether you prefer 4v4 street games or our standard 8v8 matchups, we support everything from 1 to 11 players per side.AI and human goalkeepers: You can let the server control the keeper or take its position yourself on the fly.Public matches: Join and leave public servers with casual matches whenever you want to.Competitive matches: Participate with your club, national team or mix team in leagues and cups organized by the community.Dedicated servers: Use our official dedicated servers or rent your own one from a hoster of your choice.Player customization: Set your shirt name, pick your shirt number and choose your ethnicity, hair style, shoes, keeper gloves, ball, and sleeve length.Instant replays and highlights: Watch goals again from the TV camera's perspective right after they happened and use intermissions to catch up on chances you missed.Goal celebrations: Choreograph your team's goal celebrations with various animations.Warm up mode: Practice shots on your own goalkeeper during warm up before the match where every player has their own ball.Custom assets: Make your own maps, team kits, balls, shoes, and keeper gloves.100% free: No microtransactions or any other hidden costs.



“我们来到这个新世界都是有所图的。有些人寻找边境的刺激,另一些人追求财富和荣誉,还有些人只是想重新开始。不管是寻求公正、复仇还是逃离过去的所作所为——我们都必须找到自己的生存之道。”狂野西部让你和你最要好的朋友(以及最强的对手)进入一个充满紧张刺激的PVP战斗、引人入胜的PVE任务、世界探索以及社交角色扮演的狂野世界。不管你是一个枪手、探险家、工匠、矿工或农场主,在狂野西部在线的世界里都可以找到自己的乐趣。 加入残忍的麦克*家族或他们精于算计的对手斯蒂尔工业,发起争夺威尔伍德郡及其丰富资源的战争。选择一个氏族,加入这场争斗:为兄弟们挣得荣誉、处理难题,而且最重要的是,守住你的领地,同时掠夺对手的土地和资源。 可供探索的超大狂野西部世界 狂野西部将带你领略一系列壮美的各富特色的生态群落——和各种危险。在狂野西部在线中你可以找到平原、森林、沙漠和山脉。就像昔日的开拓者一样,你可以划分新的领地,寻求完美的土地所有权或田产,或者你也可以选择另一种方式,四处漫游,探访WWO内的各种群落。真正的角色扮演在WWO中选择角色不是在一个等级森严的系统中进行选择,而是把你的时间和技能点应用在你最感兴趣的地方。也许你是枪手型的,热衷于战斗?把你的时间和点数花在那个领域。而你更喜欢制作和售卖?各个商店都在对你的制品翘首以待。又或许你喜欢漫游荒野,通过PVE任务赚钱,或只是探索这片新的边境?这些在狂野西部在线中都能实现。 执法者和不法之徒当然,如果你选择了枪手的道路,还需要考虑一下选择站在法律的哪一边。你可以选择当一名警长的正义道路,维持这片土地的法律。也可以选择不法之徒自由而危险的逃亡之路。很自然的,在狂野西部在线的世界里,警长和不法之徒是势不两立的,但两种角色都有各自的风险和奖赏。公共活动对抗双方将在战斗向的公共活动中受到进一步的考验。参与这些获得的奖励可能非常丰厚,但是对抗也是激烈的,只有最强韧和聪敏的人才能带着战利品安然离开。将会有足够多的公共活动来测试你的勇气,磨炼你的技能,如果你想大赚一笔,也会有专门的高奖励活动等着你。采矿、制作、贸易、繁荣对于那些热衷于资源和制作的玩家,狂野西部在线也提供了这种机会。耕作、采矿、制作和贸易都是WWO的角色扮演玩法的组成部分。获取所有权,寻找田产,打造你自己的种植园,从肥沃的土地中获利,打打杀杀的事交给别人。 我们团队在WWO中加入了各种元素,让各种玩家都能享受游戏乐趣。至今我们已经打造这款游戏近两年时间,而且我们响应粉丝的要求,把内测、初评阶段和社交媒体上超棒的粉丝建议内容也融入了游戏。没有粉丝社区的贡献,狂野西部不会是今天的样子。所以我们希望大家都来加入我们的MMO西部世界,享受一段激动人心的牛仔岁月。


