
2024-09-20 04:57:49 神评论




Are you looking for a cool, action packed arcade classic that delivers an interesting, fun gameplay and a lot of variety? Do you want to challenge yourself in one of the most interesting space themed game worlds out there? Welcome to Zamarian, the one game where all of that and so much more comes to reality in an extraordinary way!Your main focus here is to defeat the aliens that are trying to destroy your planet, all while assuring yourself that you will be the one true owner of this portion of your galaxy. Zamarian comes with easy to use controls and a unique gameplay experience that will change as you play.We are also offering you beautiful graphics, an action-packed soundtrack that seamlessly blends rock and chiptune music as well as a multitude of bosses that will always try to eliminate you once and for all.Zamarian also delivers a shiny, fun multiplayer component that allows you to immerse yourself into the gameplay, all while accessing some really interesting results. You can collect coins and gems to improve your chances of survival!Don’t hesitate and download Zamarian right now, engage yourself into the ultimate battle for the galaxy and fulfill your destiny to become Earth’s final hope!Features:Immersive singleplayer and multiplayer gameplayAction packed boss battlesTrue arcade feelBeautiful graphicsWonderful soundtrackUpgrade your ship and gemsLots of replay valueStarter Tips:The two rings at the center of the screen are boundaries that indicate the area where you can move your ship. Move the green mouse cursor as close to your fighter ship as possible.Collect gems in order to buy new ships and weapons. Use them wisely though!The heavy fighter ship has the most health (with 3 green bars), while the light fighter ship has the least health (with only 1 green bar).In order to remove floater bombs, buy the Guardian weapon (hotkey G). This especially comes in handy with the Crab boss in level 4.Each weapon has a hotkey that you can press in order to instantly buy them. Ex: H for heavy fighter ship, 5 for Medusa weapon, and 6 for EMP, and etc.Other hotkeys are P to pause game, E to fire EMP, F for fighter ship menu, and W for weapon menu.There is no set amount of lives in this game. Save yourself by buying another ship before the current one explodes.You automatically get the light fighter after the heavy or medium fighter exploded.If you hear him, brace yourself. Because the Zamarian boss is coming.Each of the three fighters have weapons that are mostly exclusive to each on of them. All of the weapons are unique in their own way. Try them all out.If you decide to play a new game, your gems count will remain the same but your score will be erased.Play the multiplayer mode if you want to farm for gems.If nobody comes to your room in multiplayer in a few seconds a GO SOLO button will come up to allow you to experience the multiplayer mode solo.Grab the booster after it turns green in the multiplayer mode. This will enable your ship to become a heavy fighter with a powerful weapon, giving you an advantage over the other opponents. However, use it wisely, as this power up has a time limit.Game Review:- Alex Tanaseprofessional game reviewerZamarian is a cool little game that was created with the idea of providing a wonderful time away from those daily tasks. Rest assured that the title is not simple, instead it’s a reminiscence from the older, action packed and hard games that were designed in order to deliver one of a kind gameplay moments.The coolest thing about Zamarian is that it allows you to control your ship unlike any other game, all while trying to explore the space at your own leisure and killing the enemies that come in your way. The title is designed by a lot of action and plenty of unique gameplay ideas, all of which add up to deliver a stellar outcome all the time. I liked the fact that this game is not afraid to take chances, instead it was designed with a wide range of action packed mechanics in mind. There are multiple upgrades that you can perform to your vehicle, all of which add up in order to deliver a great shooting experience. The shooting mechanics are solid and the game is created all so that it will provide you with an action packed set of moments that you will always appreciate and enjoy.Each level has its own boss, and while the first ones can be a simple challenge, the more you play the harder the game will get. The Zamarian alien, which is the ultimate, last boss will be very hard to defeat, and at the same time it also makes the game endless because it will basically grow new tentacles all the time.All the ideas brought by the game are very interesting to be honest, and they do provide quite an interesting challenge all around, which is magical and tons of fun. I like the fact that you have 2 ships in the free version, because they do show you quite a lot of the game before you purchase. At the same time, I am also very impressed by the quality that they deliver, which is a major plus and a lot better than what you are used to from other titles in the genre.This game screams retro memorabilia and it’s a good thing, in fact for me it basically revives the old school ideas and it brings them back in a colorful and fun way. I really liked it, and I do recommend Zamarian to everyone that wants a fun time regardless of where they are located!9/10



随着你扬帆前往掠夺富裕的商业贸易航线,欢迎你进到海盗黄金年代。化身为永不满足的海盗船长,投身加入争夺印度洋霸权的战斗成为最令人畏惧的海盗,或着与同党们组成最多 5 人的船队。 这是海盗的黄金年代,变节的船长们指挥地球上威力最强大的武器:战船。在《Skull & Bones™》当中,初出茅庐但永不满足于现况的你,就是一位不愿意接受国王特赦的海盗船长。毫无牵挂的你,决定从加勒比海航向印度洋,这片尚未开拓且充满奢华财富的异国领域。 然而这片充满财富的平静海域同时也是殖民帝国们、强大贸易商社与无畏海盗们互相争夺珍贵资源的战场。 在你成为终极海上霸主的路途上,你将打造可以自定义船只的舰队,并在有利可图的贸易路线上猎捕商船、击败其他互相竞争的海盗船长、难忘的角色或着其他玩家。为了能在这片无情海域上生存下来,你必须与其他海盗船长们结盟组成最具影响力的海盗伙伴,让自己壮大到无法倒下来加入这场斗争。 从初出茅庐的船长到指挥同盟的领导者 选择专属于你的海盗船长并刻划出令人畏惧的传奇事迹。根据你的游玩风格来挑选适合的海盗船只,并跟随丰富的 RPG 系统来强化它。你可以从藏身处的安全港口招募船员、自定义你梦想中的船舰,以及聆听最新的谣言,接着航行出海在这世界上留下你的印记。每趟成功的掠夺不只让你的财富与名声增长,更会让整个世界与其他玩家前来挑战你的威名,这将使得独自一人航行变成危险的赌注,因此组成全印度洋最强悍的海盗同盟将会是你能否长久生存下去的关键。 重新定义海战 为《刺客教条》系列作带来史无前例的海战设计的团队再次带领你体验空前未有的海战体验。在你为争夺海上霸权的同时,你将体验海战所带来的刺激、野蛮以及紧凑节奏。驾驭创新的风向系统来航行的更快、射击的更远、给予更严重的伤害、逃离致命的一击,并为自己取得重挫敌人的优势。跟踪你的敌人并使用望远镜来找出弱点,唤来你的同伙来猎捕制伏大型商业船只或着智取你的宿敌。从各式各样的战术方针上来挑选你想要进行战斗的方式。 独自一人或与朋友一起掠夺贸易航线 探索会因你的行动而影响全局的世界,并挑战你在印度洋上对于权力的攀升。选择你的行事作风:独自一人进行战斗,或着与其他玩家结盟来拿下凶猛的狩猎组织以及备受保护的船队。奖励你可以分享或着独占,前提是你愿意面临背叛所带来的下场并成为其他玩家猎捕的对象。谣传海面下躲藏着骇人听闻的危险。 紧凑的多人联机活动 变化莫测的水域划分出印度洋当中的独特领域,海盗同伙们在这里为争夺财富而进行激烈的海战。在竞争激烈的 5v5 对战中挑战敌对玩家,在你掠夺印度洋最繁华的商业航线并扩展自身引响力的同时,让各式各样的游戏模式带领你体验最极致的海盗幻想 挑战无所不在 一路奋战至顶点将会为你跟同伙们引来更艰难的挑战,随着游戏世界的演化,《Skull & Bones》将会不断测试你的能耐、贪婪的以及同盟间的决心。全新广阔的领域等着你来探索,威力强大的船只、武器以及勇猛的敌人,往往伴随着绝佳的回报。这些都将吸引你航行全印度洋,每次胜利都带领你离荣耀更进一步,同时悬赏你项上人头的赏金也越多。



《临终:重生试炼》是一款第一人称视角的密室逃脱类解谜游戏。玩家要在各种严苛的环境下解决各种谜题。 港湾镇曾是一个热闹的旅游小镇,随着时间推移,如今只剩下破败的建筑,荒芜一人。主角“马修”为了寻找失踪的妹妹,故地重游,却没想到陷入了神秘的鱼头人布下的迷局。 马修在一幢风格诡异的家庭旅馆中醒来,同时,一名神秘的鱼头人出现在电视机里,宣称将对“曾经犯下重大过错”的马修进行一系列的试炼,若无法通过试炼,后果则不堪设想。在一次次解开谜题的过程中,马修也逐渐发现了自己与鱼头人之间的联系……+ 以第一人称视角,在细节丰富的全3D场景内进行高自由度的移动、探索、调查;+ 收集各式道具与信息,在碎片化的信息中发现隐藏在事件背后的真相;+ 对道具及信息进行合理利用和推理,解开融入了丰富故事性的各式谜题;+ 可重复游玩,以特殊的方式发现隐藏道具,揭开隐藏的故事结局。+ 诡异静谧的“温柔恐怖”风格;+ 第一人称视角下的高自由度探索;+ 毫不妥协的硬派解谜难度;+ 章节式的故事构成,碎片化的叙事方式;+ 支持VR设备游玩,身临其境的究极密室脱出体验(目前暂未更新)。



骑你的音乐。 Audiosurf是一款适合音乐的益智游戏,您可以使用自己的音乐创建自己的体验。 每首歌的形状,速度和心情都由您选择的歌曲决定。 您可以在高速公路上聚集相同颜色的街区,并与互联网上的其他人竞争您喜爱的歌曲的高分,从而获得积分。 Steam上的Audiosurf包括Orange Box音轨,与游戏集成以启用“Still Alive” 冲浪等等。 此外,Audiosurf是首批利用Steamworks的游戏之一,为Steam社区个人资料页面上的Steam成就提供全面支持。 玩你自己的收藏中的任何音乐 - 游戏支持MP3,iTunes M4A,WMA,CD和OGG游戏包括Valve的The Orange Box Original Soundtrack。 每首歌曲的在线记分牌。 从14个可用字符中选择您的策略。 跟踪您的进度为Steam成就。



RETRO DIFFICULTY CURVE我们专注于捕捉忍者龙剑传和洛克人等经典游戏的精神。我们希望强调有趣和有益的技巧,而不是长时间的教程,并且收集关卡中的每一件饰品.BRUNAL STEALTH KILLS霓虹灯可以通过融入周围明亮的色彩隐藏在明显的视野中。在这种“隐身模式”下,他可以暗杀靠近的敌人。精彩的Boss战斗我们希望在这场比赛中的每一场Boss战都能感觉到它可能是最终的boss战,并且充满了“OH SHIT”时刻。每个老板有两个独特的阶段


