
2024-09-20 03:32:30 神评论




战斗仪式 是一款 PvP 竞技场大乱斗的游戏,也是曾获广泛好评的 血族英雄 的精神续作。体验俯视视觉射击游戏与快节奏格斗游戏的独特组合,参与到具有高度竞技性、让人热血沸腾的 2v2 与 3v3 的战斗中来吧。操控其中一名身怀绝技的英雄,参与到紧张刺激的战斗中去。欢迎来到英雄们抛洒着热血的竞技场世界中。 紧张的竞技场节奏在爆炸性的战斗中主宰竞技场。选择你的英雄,与好友合作,投身到战斗中去——因为荣耀只属于那些奋身去追求它的人 精准的游戏动作使用 WASD 移动,鼠标瞄准,使用技能进攻并躲避敌人的进攻。熟知自己的英雄特性并对敌人发动猛烈的进攻 选择 战斗仪式使用 战斗仪式 来加强自己的技能,灵活组合并制定好合适的策略来定制属于自己的游戏风格。 自定义角色风格从武器装备到胜利姿态,选择各种各样奇特亦或是帅气的饰物来展现自己独特的游戏风格。



随着你扬帆前往掠夺富裕的商业贸易航线,欢迎你进到海盗黄金年代。化身为永不满足的海盗船长,投身加入争夺印度洋霸权的战斗成为最令人畏惧的海盗,或着与同党们组成最多 5 人的船队。 这是海盗的黄金年代,变节的船长们指挥地球上威力最强大的武器:战船。在《Skull & Bones™》当中,初出茅庐但永不满足于现况的你,就是一位不愿意接受国王特赦的海盗船长。毫无牵挂的你,决定从加勒比海航向印度洋,这片尚未开拓且充满奢华财富的异国领域。 然而这片充满财富的平静海域同时也是殖民帝国们、强大贸易商社与无畏海盗们互相争夺珍贵资源的战场。 在你成为终极海上霸主的路途上,你将打造可以自定义船只的舰队,并在有利可图的贸易路线上猎捕商船、击败其他互相竞争的海盗船长、难忘的角色或着其他玩家。为了能在这片无情海域上生存下来,你必须与其他海盗船长们结盟组成最具影响力的海盗伙伴,让自己壮大到无法倒下来加入这场斗争。 从初出茅庐的船长到指挥同盟的领导者 选择专属于你的海盗船长并刻划出令人畏惧的传奇事迹。根据你的游玩风格来挑选适合的海盗船只,并跟随丰富的 RPG 系统来强化它。你可以从藏身处的安全港口招募船员、自定义你梦想中的船舰,以及聆听最新的谣言,接着航行出海在这世界上留下你的印记。每趟成功的掠夺不只让你的财富与名声增长,更会让整个世界与其他玩家前来挑战你的威名,这将使得独自一人航行变成危险的赌注,因此组成全印度洋最强悍的海盗同盟将会是你能否长久生存下去的关键。 重新定义海战 为《刺客教条》系列作带来史无前例的海战设计的团队再次带领你体验空前未有的海战体验。在你为争夺海上霸权的同时,你将体验海战所带来的刺激、野蛮以及紧凑节奏。驾驭创新的风向系统来航行的更快、射击的更远、给予更严重的伤害、逃离致命的一击,并为自己取得重挫敌人的优势。跟踪你的敌人并使用望远镜来找出弱点,唤来你的同伙来猎捕制伏大型商业船只或着智取你的宿敌。从各式各样的战术方针上来挑选你想要进行战斗的方式。 独自一人或与朋友一起掠夺贸易航线 探索会因你的行动而影响全局的世界,并挑战你在印度洋上对于权力的攀升。选择你的行事作风:独自一人进行战斗,或着与其他玩家结盟来拿下凶猛的狩猎组织以及备受保护的船队。奖励你可以分享或着独占,前提是你愿意面临背叛所带来的下场并成为其他玩家猎捕的对象。谣传海面下躲藏着骇人听闻的危险。 紧凑的多人联机活动 变化莫测的水域划分出印度洋当中的独特领域,海盗同伙们在这里为争夺财富而进行激烈的海战。在竞争激烈的 5v5 对战中挑战敌对玩家,在你掠夺印度洋最繁华的商业航线并扩展自身引响力的同时,让各式各样的游戏模式带领你体验最极致的海盗幻想 挑战无所不在 一路奋战至顶点将会为你跟同伙们引来更艰难的挑战,随着游戏世界的演化,《Skull & Bones》将会不断测试你的能耐、贪婪的以及同盟间的决心。全新广阔的领域等着你来探索,威力强大的船只、武器以及勇猛的敌人,往往伴随着绝佳的回报。这些都将吸引你航行全印度洋,每次胜利都带领你离荣耀更进一步,同时悬赏你项上人头的赏金也越多。



《中世纪王国战争》开创大战略类型游戏先河,融合全面完整的实时方法,大胆迈入战略游戏类型几乎未曾涉足的领域…重新诠释“中世纪大战略”,结合准确的历史事实,巨大鲜活而又变幻莫测的游戏世界和历史任务,全部以实时环境呈现。建造城市、发动战争、效力国王,以前所未有的暴行进行围攻战斗创新实时战略与单人大战以及单人/多人合作模式 大战席卷而来,让玩家担当领主,受困于国内外*之争创新实时战略与单人/多人合作模式,不久将添加到单人游戏大战那个特殊时期的血腥围攻战斗,更有无数生存力量纠缠和残酷历史现实呈现。包括掠夺尸体和捕猎老鼠来喂养饥饿的驻军现实的中世纪围攻战斗与复杂的堡垒建设相互交织,共有超过 30 种围攻武器和部队拥有该游戏类型中最详尽和最漂亮的地图。世界地图覆盖西欧各个地区漂亮的动态世界地图难以置信的历史事实复杂的经济生存模式掌控大型城市天气和季节变化出色的地图编辑器和工作室还有更多精彩等您…



Nodge是第三人称探险沙盒。任务是帮助保护其生态系统,您开始探索和了解这个小小的星球。 Nodge的动植物非常奇特,但幸好你可以邀请一位朋友帮助你完成你的任务。科学你的成功之路!添加这个游戏到你的愿望清单将被通知updates.FeaturesExploration:Nodge不是程序生成的,而是完全手工制作的。每个地区和每个生物群落都有某种玩法的目的。种田:种田就是寻找稀有和异国情调的种子,并在农场种植它们。不是每个作物都是平等的,所以你必须尝试提高最高质量!羊群:你发现的每一个生物都会有自己的行为和目的。



《Metal Waltz》 is a military strategy game in multi-language, currently supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Russian. Background story In 194X, human created a new creature, which were combined with animals and tank components, called Beast Tanks. This new kind of creature had amazing power, they were controlled via radio waves. Beast Tanks can be used for agricultural production and other production activities, of course, including war. However, one day human suddenly lost control of the Beast Tanks. The runaway Beast Tanks conducted destruction everywhere in the whole world, brought the human being an unprecedented catastrophe... ... Metal Maidens are the only hope of the human being to defeat the Beast Tanks. Metal Maidens is the product of the Walküre Project, which aims to transform humans in a similar fashion to Beast Tanks; with the same capabilities or better. Metal Maiden technology is divided into two types -- Body modification and Attires. Body Modification --A Metal Maiden core (an improved Beast Tank core) is implanted into the body, vastly improving the human body's limits and expanding neural networks to allow for control of external armor and appendages. Attires -- Armored combat attires similar to a Beast Tank's, developed as a robust and reliable armor utilizing their new capabilities; however, some attires are specifically developed for and only correspond to a specific type of Metal Maiden core. As a side note: Men are, for some mysterious reason, unable to utilize any core at all, but not all women are able to as well; so both the selection and testing are rigorous and stringent. Some scholars believe the Metal Maidens are a new kind of creature. Some say that the Metal Maidens technique will lead to the fundamental change in mankind. In the world of Metal Waltz you are a commander. You lead the Metal Maidens to fight against the Beast Tanks and explore the secrets behind the Beast Tanks at the same time. Features: 1. The character voices in the game has 3 main languages: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Our Japanese voice actors includes Sumire Uesaka, Aya Hirano and Ruriko Aoki. To create the feeling in WW2, there is also character voices in German, Russian and French language. “上弹、瞄准、开炮!” "目標確認、ファイア!" "목표물 확인,사격!" "Атака на фланг." "Volle Kraft voraus!" " Ah ! Les misérables " 2. Most of the roles in the game are animated by Live2D. Click on the girls, you can have interaction with them. T-34M:“Huh? Will you just stop clicking on my hairpin? It is made of real flowers!” M4A3E2:"Would you tighten the screws on my back, Commander?" 3. In the early development phase, the development team flew to France to visit the famous tank museum Saumur Musee Des Blindes to study tanks. In the museum the team took over 5000 photos of the tanks. Museum administrator: "The museum will be closed soon. I've urged you three times to leave. I have to pick up my daughter after work. You know?" 4. There are over 250 different tanks from the period from WW2 to the early Cold War. Developer: "No, there is no Merkava in the game. But it's also a kind of art to collect all Ausf. of Pz.Kpfw. IV." 5. Different tank types use appropriate ammunition. Military fans will be satisfied with the huge tech tree, which was formed based on the history. Developer: "AP, APDS, HE, RP, APCR, HESH ... we have them all." 6. The story in the game has over 300,000 words. It is also not bad to regard the game as a novel. Players: "No more story? Then I will stop pushing the battles forward!"


