
2024-09-19 09:19:27 神评论


《DCS World Steam Edition》


About This Game: 在数字战斗模拟世界(DCS世界)中免费感受驾驶Su-25T"蛙足"攻击机和TF-51D"野马"的快感! DCS世界是由一个富有灵感的开发团队创造的一个载具战斗模拟游戏。DCS世界采用了强大的引擎,并提供逼真的游戏体验。游戏中的战场包括一个壮观的任务区域 - 2008年格鲁吉亚冲突地区。你可以在巨大的半动态战役中驾驶Su-25T来主导格鲁吉亚的天空!你也可以通过体验TF-51D惊人的飞行动力学和交互式驾驶舱,来了解为什么"野马"往往被视为第二次世界大战中最伟大的战斗机。 DCS世界包含许多国家,如美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国、德国和西班牙等,的种类繁多的航空器、地面单位和战舰。



Fantastic Contraption is surreal building game for virtual reality. Create life-sized machines as tall as you can reach, then send them whirling, flinging, and trundling off to solve puzzles on the other side of a floating island. Your task is simple: get the squishy purple ball to that goal off in the distance, or above you, or on the other side of that gap. And your tools are elegantly minimalist: spinning wheels and stretchable rods. But the solutions are endless, and there are no right or wrong ones.We've designed this game from the ground up for room-scale VR. Come immerse yourself in a strange skybound archipelago and befriend Neko the photosynthesizing cat. Build contraptions with your own two hands, life sized and as big as horses, right there in front of you. Play with the physics, juggle pieces, throw darts, and feel another world all around you.Features:Challenging puzzles. 50 official levels that range from cakewalk to what-the-hell-this-is-impossible-right-tell-me-this-is-impossible. But guess what, it IS possible. I think.Infinite solutions. Working cars, tanks, catapults, conveyor belts, walking creatures or minimalist structures that use only gravity. Design for elegant simplicity, or build a rattling pile of junk that just barely makes it to the goal. Whatever.Building with your own hands. Movement so simple and natural you'll forget you're holding controllers. Need a wheel? Just pick it up. Want a longer rod? Just grab an end and stretch. It's like playing with children's blocks, except they're bigger than you are.Noble ancestry. Fantastic Contraption is the VR evolution of Colin Northway's 2008 2d browser game, played by millions and still playable for free. But don't be fooled, this new game is WAY different.Full 3d audio and music. Actually, this game has no music. What it does have is musical instruments. Except you have to build them. Well... you'll figure it out.Surreal and beautiful landscape. Hey guy, chill here awhile, why don't you just lie down in the grass and just listen to the sky whales singing? You'll totally forget the dystopian present and the 300 sqft windowless cube you now live in. Who needs sunlight? VR.Neko the toolbox. Yes, your toolbox is alive, and he's kind of a green cat blimp thing powered by pink farts. He doesn't seem to mind when you pull off one of his tails or yank a pin out of his head. They grow back pretty fast, so I guess it's okay...Online sharing. Venture bravely into the dark world-within-a-world to load contraptions made by your friends and also some random people. Marvel at the crazy crap they came up with. Then narrow your eyes and say: I can beat this. I can do better.Level Editor. Make your own puzzles to share with your friends and the community.



A.V.遵循生活在计算机系统中的感知音乐程序的冒险 - 一个试图更多地了解自身及其世界的程序。但是,由于我们的英雄只能编程来理解声音,所以这是他与自己的环境互动的唯一方式。你产生的每一个声音都可以看作是一个光的脉动,而这个机制就是你驾驶A.V.开放世界的主要工具。为了帮助你,一套乐器算法允许与世界进行不同类型的互动,让你可以进入新的领域。



What is Reflections? Reflections is a real-world adventure game where every action you take has meaningful consequences that radically shape the experience. The game takes a new approach to story, where everything you do can be woven into a narrative that drastically changes, thanks to our Storyteller engine. Each action you take is punctuated by flushing the black and white environment with color, illustrating your progress and providing clues to what your future might hold. You create the story - The powerful Storyteller engine watches everything you do and changes the experience to suit. Three Acts - Experience various moments in your life which differ radically based on what you choose to do. Dynamic progression - time passes as you play, changing the opportunites and events that unfold Full environment interactivity - If you want to do it, you probably can. Reflections isn't about sitting and watching. Everything has its use. AI that responds to you - Multiple characters and creatures to build relationships with, relationships that may last your whole life Beautiful environments - stark black and white environments that slowly get filled with color by your actionsFully supports the Oculus RiftThe SettingIn Reflections, you are getting ready to leave home and start your life as an adult. You have to put things in order and get ready to leave by the end of the day. To do so, you can tidy up your business, help build relationships, or just go exploring. From there, it's up to you; the entire course of the game is based on the actions you take.About the StorytellerReflections uses a unique Storyteller engine, that allows anything that happens to feed into the narrative. Rather than picking story options, everything you do is part of the story. How you choose to spend your time matters; the Storyteller shapes your future out of everything, no matter how big or small. A complex system under the hood determines how actions affect your story, and makes hundreds of changes to accomodate. These changes can be as small as an item that reappears later in your life after it was used, or as big as an entirely new landscape to explore based on your larger choices. Our goal is to custom tailer an experience that you can relate to, which feels like something that you made happen.Virtual RealityLike everything Broken Window Studios develops, the game fully supports the use of the Oculus Rift. We're also looking into additional options for immersive controls, and will keep everyone updated as finalize our feature set.Tobii EyeX Eye-Tracking ControllerReflections also supports eye-tracking technology! With Tobii EyeX, you can use eye tracking to control object selection, extend your camera's field of view, and engage in more immersive character interactions that incorporate eye contact. Reflections deals with a lot of human-scale interactions, and we are glad to provide a new level of depth to those interactions by incorporating Tobii eye tracking.For more information about the Tobii EyeX, please see http://www.tobii.com/xperience/ We are interested to know what you think of the Tobii integration and are looking to get your feedback during our Early Access period. Please let us know what you think!



Space Flight Mining Simulator, with a Psychological Survival horror twist.Live the life of ordinary Deep Space Asteroid Miner, that wakes up everyday enslaved to mine asteroids for precious resources and minerals, while being under surveillance and supervision of an advanced alien A.I. controlled mega mining corporation A.R.M.All while the Andromeda Galaxy is doomed to collide with the Milky Way, is all hope lost. Is there no way to stop it? Can some unlike heroes from different species set aside their differences and utilize each other strengths to endure fate, adapt and overcome destiny. Find a way to escape the mining prison barge, and safe your Family!ARM will be remembered as a unique Classic of being a vulnerable space miner trapped as a prisoner aboard a mining barge converted into a prison for asteroid miners. Wake up, Mine, explore, then use your wits and skills to find a way to escape the barge and find her family. Work as a captive Asteroid Miner, pay off your debt, or find other clever ways to escape the malevolent AI overlords, orbiting Earth+Worlds First Space Mining Flight Simulator+Science based GeoPhysics inspired by Thermodynamics and Aeronautics +Simulated Newtonian Physics based on Real factual science simulations+Procedural Generated near infinite "Open World Multiverse" (Player is reborn, as the consciousness has been trapped and now controlled by the AI)+Fully Destructible Environments, mine asteroids and collect minerals to trade or have crafted+Trade with merchant ships, while avoiding hostile raiders and rival mining corporations+Find tools and have them crafted them in order to escape the prison +Component and Systems damage, oxygen, water, fuel are only some of the systems set in play for survival+Episodic content including rescue, repair, racing and archaeological missions (EP1 currently in Early Access)+Psychological Survival Horror mixed with Anime style Quest and RPG elements +VR Oculus Rift and HOTAS/Gamepad Support (Vive HMD support coming soon)+Community driven receives points and rewards for finding bugs and coming up with new ideasCan you be clever and find a way to escape the prison of being a slave space miner? Then build a mining fleet and become the wealthiest miniMofo in the Universe?Episode One EARLY ACCESS (ND crew vows to continue to support Planetary Prospectors for years to come)Bonus Future Steam Early Access for ARM:Planetary Prospectors Episode IIYou have to wonder, “Am I free to be a slave, or is the AI messing with my mind?” There’s only one way to find out. Hatch an escape plan while you mine for the Company. Pound lasers into asteroids long enough, you might find an alien artifact and never work again. That is, if the pirates and corporate raiders don’t get there first. Their lasers are bigger, no offense, but you can upgrade, craft tools, and raid other mining camps for supplies. You do what you need to survive. Unless the AI controls you. Then all bets are off. Your life in the 99% isn’t easy, not like the old days when there was enough for everyone. A debt slave to the Megamine Corporation, you scrape asteroids in the hope that one day you’ll find your little piece of the pie, just enough to peel off your bondage license and buy a ticket back to Euloo New Earth II.... If you don’t die first.‘Cause dying is easy. Plenty of Luckless out here, poor bastards done in by ruptured oxygen lines, damaged comms, or off-kilter nav kits, the standard end-of-the-line equipment your credit chit can afford. That’s not counting the gas itself, which you extract night after night for propellant and Megamine profits. Sometimes, it propels you, deep into the everlasting darkness.Nights are all the same. Wake up in a cage somewhere outside Koops Asteroid Belt, take orders from an evil machine, pound rocks all day will lasers and, if you’re lucky, slide some home brewed Hava past the collar to unwind.It’s a lonely line of work, your friends being not so trustworthy, but there’s always the odd pirate ship to keep you company and spice up your day, even if it is your last. Megamine isn’t the only big player out here, and the gas isn’t the only treasure.Ever since Deepworld scientists confirmed the existence of microbial life somewhere in the vicinity of Eeloa, your stomping ground has gotten a whole lot more crowded. Aliens are in vogue, and finding the first signs of intelligent life have brought out the crazies. Yeah, even crazier than you.Just yesterday, the crew next door went off the reservation when their Debris Field Scanning Analyst (DFSA) identified a very strange anomaly coming from an oddly shaped asteroid. Could have been a wild goose chase, ‘cept they didn’t come back.Wake up! Megamine just tasked you with finding them. Your orders are to fly into the asteroid tunnels and see what happened.Just another one of those crazy dreams, this time without the night tremors...Well I better get out of bed, before that Xterminator comes for inspection. I really rather dream of breaking out of this prison, and find my family, that I only have a photo of ...that is...if they are still alive. Try not to be a Luckless.Daily Journal -Mining Cycle 632Dr. Whoknows Slave Space Miner Tag #3-259-00-9201Still Early ACCESS our graphics and gameplay are subject to change. We reward our Community for making suggestions and finding bugs. We are an indie team that will keep ARM in EarlyAccess until it is ready to LAUNCH! Expected Episode ONE for Fall 2017. Come join the Community and make a difference and real impact! If you are having any difficulty with the game, reach out, and report it to us first before putting negative comments. We want to work with you and make ARM a memorable and amazing game that players will appreciate for generations to come.


