
2024-09-18 02:12:51 神评论




转生领主是一款融合自走棋、牌组构筑、Roguelike,还有美少女的策略游戏。 四位各具魅力的美少女领主陪您一起冒险; Rogue地图探索,领地经营建设养成玩法; 300+独特的卡牌,和100+效果各异的藏品; 融合自走棋与卡牌对战的回合策略战斗。领导自己的美少女兵团探索伊利诺亚半岛,解锁神秘地点,面对未知事件,勇往直前。每一步都可能揭开世界的新奥秘。通过发展领地,招募士兵,建设设施,提升资源产出,为冒险之旅奠定基础。每一次的决策都将影响你在这片神秘土地上的命运。玩家将面对超过300+张独特卡牌的选择。每张卡都有独特的战略价值,通过巧妙搭配,打造属于自己的强大牌组。战局中的每一步,都取决于你对卡牌的合理运用。利用构筑好的牌组,在回合制的战斗中展开激烈对决。通过合理的部署和运用卡牌技能,战胜强敌,揭示伊利诺亚半岛的真相。



This is a casual strategy game for cultivating beautiful girl cards. The game uses the technique of fictional history to set the background on a continent called "Blue Star", and players transform into commanders of the human self-help organization "Oasis Alliance", working together with a group of peace loving girls to withstand the complete outbreak of crisis. Beautiful and exquisite vertical paintings, diverse and exquisite girl images, and highly flexible strategy and gameplay, presenting players with a different adventure continent for girls. With the determination to save everything, let's set off with the girls! Game features ——Adorable girl, cultivating a Japanese art style for leisure! Exquisite dynamic girl portrait, soft and cute ladies from various genres are waiting for you to collect! The journey of adventure is accompanied by young girls, which is particularly sweet and warm. Recruit the girls you love, interact with them intimately, and start her secret story together to embark on an adventure! ——Joint attack skill, the bond of love shines brightly! The girl's bond is full of love, and the bond girl's lineup can trigger super strong combined attack skills when fighting at the same time! Presenting stunning special effects and unexpected cute and adorable points! ——Strategy deployment, free combination and brain burning adventure! The rich combination of girl cards and brain burning lineups is enough for you to study well on the adventure road. Quickly mobilize the commander's strategic thinking, and organize the girls to embark on the adventure continent! ——Abyss Battlefield - Enjoy the thrill of full server matching! Abyss is a season based, server wide PVE gameplay where players of the same rank are randomly grouped and compete for rankings within the same group. Settlement within the group is conducted every Wednesday and Sunday, and the monsters and level mechanisms are reorganized and refreshed, giving you a different sense of freshness every week! ——Pet cultivation - help teams fight diverse battles! Different pets can form a bond of fate, and 20% of the attributes of pets on the battlefield will be evenly distributed among all the girls on the battlefield Pets can assist girls in battle teams and trigger combat skills under specific conditions, adding more diverse elements to the battle ——Light and Dark Girl - Mysterious Camp Strongly Attacks! The light path envoy and the end race, two races that have been entangled, fought, and restrained for many years, have finally surfaced, but their appearance is only the beginning. Where will the development of shelters go? Follow the footsteps of the new girl "Spring Breeze" and explore together Game Review The game is based on a million word original storyline, which pre-set a crisis world of alien invasion. Players take on the role of a commander of the Human Alliance, leading a group of female warriors to save the hope of human survival. The game replaces traditional class settings with race based forms, and uses vivid and personalized character images to replace traditional preset characters, presenting players with a vibrant game world. There are four major races to choose from: new humans, evolutionary species, orcs, and mechanical races, and each race has dozens of female warriors to collect. This setting makes the traditional numerical competition mode more flexible and strategic. In addition, the benefits in the game are also very good, including daily rewards, beginner benefits, ten consecutive draws, and free military ranks. Overall, they are not too lazy, but more casual, suitable for entering the pit. Game background In the year 2050, microbial A-1 caused an ecological disaster on the Blue Star, posing a critical threat to the world's order and civilization. Only a few people survived in shelters and had no time to mourn. In order to maintain civilization, humans resisted everything after the disaster, and finally, those who survived and fought against the Flower Demon in the final battle before the shelter At this moment, a person and a dog were walking on the horizon, but suddenly their feet slipped and fell into the arms of the flower demon. The flower demon became allergic and died, and the crisis was resolved. The rescued girls thought that this person had extraordinary skills and gathered around, asking for the boy's name, and supporting him as the commander of the "Oasis Alliance" Your destined legendary yet extraordinary adventure begins here



明明中午吃了两份便当,青空千绪的肚子却又咕噜咕噜地叫起来了! 『已经有好久没吃过可乐饼了,真怀念那种酥软香脆的口感啊』 熟悉的可乐饼香味实在是诱人,可是千绪却忘记带钱了! 『好像是把钱夹在教科书里了,结果忘记把书带回来了……』 在长野的商业街上收集380円,购买千绪梦寐以求的可乐饼吧! 『不过……要从哪里开始着手呢?』 清点商品、帮忙跑腿、收集都市传说、词语接龙,甚至是翻垃圾桶都能找到珍贵的日元硬币哦! 『居然还有沦落到翻垃圾的一天……』 游戏中存在简单的解谜、轻微的恐怖表现(无追逐战)、丰富的结局以及各种千奇百怪的要素。当然,还有可乐饼! 『如何买到380円的可乐饼』的经验指导: 日元硬币藏在长野各地!调查垃圾桶、洗手池、公园滑梯、自动贩卖机……找到遗失在大街小巷中的硬币吧! 助人为乐才是好公民!善良的青空千绪会帮助长野的居民解决各种委托,小到寻找丢失物品、清点便利店商品,大到调查谜之案件、跟踪可疑人士……没有什么是女高中生办不到的! 隐藏在长野的神秘谜题!写了奇怪线索的密码锁笔记本,难道是暗示着藏宝地点吗?箱子方阵、彭罗斯谜题、旧屋探险、词语接龙……破解谜题后,或许会有意想不到的收获……? 从好心人的手里收到可乐饼!也许还有无需收集硬币,就能吃到可乐饼的途径。或许有人愿意借钱,或许有人愿意让出自己的可乐饼,甚至有可能得到可乐饼摊主的免费馈赠……种种选择都将会通向不同的结局~ 应对错误决策引发的突发情况!在收集硬币途中,有些选择可能会导致千绪陷入危险局面,甚至是遭遇恐怖的都市传说! 游戏时长:4-10小时 结局数量:12(含4个隐藏结局) 超简单的操作说明: 方向键操控人物移动,ESC/X键打开菜单。 对面前的NPC/物件按下空格键进行互动。 ↓如遇卡关,可参考攻略书《长野生存指南》 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2888970/_/ 喜欢吃可乐饼的女高中生,由于忘带钱,不得不收集380円以购买梦寐以求的可乐饼。 青空千绪的挚友,和千绪相互帮助,不过有时候有点话痨。 青空千绪暗恋的男生,似乎是个经常翘课的不良少年,但对千绪很温柔。 制作人、剧本:越青 美术:越青、广廿尺、百合子、ONE、几串栗 发行:梦结界工作室 (引用的素材来源详见游戏内ED)

《Our Adventurer Guild》


Your friend, the former Guild Master of the declining Adventurer Guild, has died and named you his successor. Will you lead the Guild to fame and glory? Or will it finally disband under your leadership?Our Adventurer Guild is a game about managing an Adventurer Guild. Accept quests to raise the reputation of your Guild. Lead your adventurers in quests to explore and battle foes in turnbased tactical combat. Keep an eye on the mood and relationships of your adventurers. Raise and grow them and watch as they make a name for themselves.FeaturesBecome the Guild Master of the Adventurer GuildManage your Guild and your adventurers. Do not let the Guild fall to ruin and lead your adventurers to a better future.Turnbased tactical battlesFight in deadly gridbased tactical battles against dozens of different enemies with their own unique skills. Take advantage of the Bravery System to push your adventurers to their limit. Will they overcome the odds and turn the tide of battle or will they break under the pressure?Memorable CharactersYour adventurers have their own traits and characteristics. Watch them grow and develop relationships with each other. Will they stay the way they are or will the life of an adventurer mark them?Build your AdventurerTrain your adventurers to become legends. Choose from a variety of different classes each with their own skill trees to explore. Customize their appearances and create a party to your liking.CraftingUse the materials your adventurers find on their quests and craft them items that will help them on their next adventure.Meet the CastMeet several Characters who will help you on your path to restore the Adventurer Guild. Each one with their own personal stories and personalities.





