
2024-09-18 00:46:17 神评论


《Rabbit and Steel》


《兔子与钢铁》作为类Rogue合作动作“团本”游戏,主要玩法是与兔耳朵队友一齐对抗凶险的头目。击败对手,获得战利品,构思角色的构筑,齐心克服艰难险阻,一路打上明月山峰。战斗系统仿效Tab键锁定的多人在线角色扮演游戏,玩法围绕巧妙利用全局冷却、合理运用技能、装备效果和合作破解头目机制。只不过,这是类Rogue游戏,不是网游!开始游戏,选择职业,邀请朋友加入,踏上征程。四只兔子可以出发,一只兔子也能成行。如果独自出发,那么需要合作的机制就会换成刺激的弹幕攻击。当然了,游戏肯定不会总是打倒挡路的敌人那么简单。一路上要利用战利品和升级设计特定的构筑,才能取得最终的胜利。某些物品配合使用效果特别好……所以千万别让队友抢走了你特别需要的东西!几个月前,明月王国与外界失去了所有联系。据说城内居民看到外人,不由分说就会出手袭击。调查人员不是失踪就是被赶了回来。城市中央每晚都会出现一座高耸入云的白楼,直指星辰。必须要想个办法,这件任务就交给兔子们了。夜晚短暂,动作要快。 一局游戏最多可有4名玩家,本地联机或在线联机均可 多种头目、关卡和受苦弹幕等你来挑战 单人剧情模式可以与敌人对话,揭开明月王国的秘密 100多件随机战利品可以提升玩家角色的战斗力 你也可以用“扩散”标记卡队友的位置,跟他们开个玩笑 为什么卡他们?因为他们又不需要雷暴刀,为什么偏要跟你抢,活该 支持键盘操作、键鼠操作和控制器操作

《Fera: 破碎部落》


《Fera: 破碎部落》是一款迷人的怪物狩猎动作角色扮演游戏,结合了独特的后末日幻想世界中的村庄建设和部落管理,融入了不羁魔法和古老秘密的元素。



This is a casual strategy game for cultivating beautiful girl cards. The game uses the technique of fictional history to set the background on a continent called "Blue Star", and players transform into commanders of the human self-help organization "Oasis Alliance", working together with a group of peace loving girls to withstand the complete outbreak of crisis. Beautiful and exquisite vertical paintings, diverse and exquisite girl images, and highly flexible strategy and gameplay, presenting players with a different adventure continent for girls. With the determination to save everything, let's set off with the girls! Game features ——Adorable girl, cultivating a Japanese art style for leisure! Exquisite dynamic girl portrait, soft and cute ladies from various genres are waiting for you to collect! The journey of adventure is accompanied by young girls, which is particularly sweet and warm. Recruit the girls you love, interact with them intimately, and start her secret story together to embark on an adventure! ——Joint attack skill, the bond of love shines brightly! The girl's bond is full of love, and the bond girl's lineup can trigger super strong combined attack skills when fighting at the same time! Presenting stunning special effects and unexpected cute and adorable points! ——Strategy deployment, free combination and brain burning adventure! The rich combination of girl cards and brain burning lineups is enough for you to study well on the adventure road. Quickly mobilize the commander's strategic thinking, and organize the girls to embark on the adventure continent! ——Abyss Battlefield - Enjoy the thrill of full server matching! Abyss is a season based, server wide PVE gameplay where players of the same rank are randomly grouped and compete for rankings within the same group. Settlement within the group is conducted every Wednesday and Sunday, and the monsters and level mechanisms are reorganized and refreshed, giving you a different sense of freshness every week! ——Pet cultivation - help teams fight diverse battles! Different pets can form a bond of fate, and 20% of the attributes of pets on the battlefield will be evenly distributed among all the girls on the battlefield Pets can assist girls in battle teams and trigger combat skills under specific conditions, adding more diverse elements to the battle ——Light and Dark Girl - Mysterious Camp Strongly Attacks! The light path envoy and the end race, two races that have been entangled, fought, and restrained for many years, have finally surfaced, but their appearance is only the beginning. Where will the development of shelters go? Follow the footsteps of the new girl "Spring Breeze" and explore together Game Review The game is based on a million word original storyline, which pre-set a crisis world of alien invasion. Players take on the role of a commander of the Human Alliance, leading a group of female warriors to save the hope of human survival. The game replaces traditional class settings with race based forms, and uses vivid and personalized character images to replace traditional preset characters, presenting players with a vibrant game world. There are four major races to choose from: new humans, evolutionary species, orcs, and mechanical races, and each race has dozens of female warriors to collect. This setting makes the traditional numerical competition mode more flexible and strategic. In addition, the benefits in the game are also very good, including daily rewards, beginner benefits, ten consecutive draws, and free military ranks. Overall, they are not too lazy, but more casual, suitable for entering the pit. Game background In the year 2050, microbial A-1 caused an ecological disaster on the Blue Star, posing a critical threat to the world's order and civilization. Only a few people survived in shelters and had no time to mourn. In order to maintain civilization, humans resisted everything after the disaster, and finally, those who survived and fought against the Flower Demon in the final battle before the shelter At this moment, a person and a dog were walking on the horizon, but suddenly their feet slipped and fell into the arms of the flower demon. The flower demon became allergic and died, and the crisis was resolved. The rescued girls thought that this person had extraordinary skills and gathered around, asking for the boy's name, and supporting him as the commander of the "Oasis Alliance" Your destined legendary yet extraordinary adventure begins here








