
2024-09-17 23:33:36 神评论







在这款动作冒险游戏中,降世神通团队回来了!重温原版《降世神通:最后的气宗》剧集中史诗般的冒险,你将扮演安昂和他的朋友们,掌握各种元素,探索剧集中最独特的地点,解决充满挑战的环境谜题,体验安昂故事中最感人的时刻。单人游戏或通过游戏独特的双人合作模式与好友一起游玩。接受自己的命运,体验安昂的原创冒险。随意选择重玩 18 个惊心动魄的章节,尽情体验剧集中你最喜欢的时刻。 探索《降世神通》的世界,跨越四大国家进行 1-2 人合作的 18 章冒险。 扮演 9 个标志性的角色,包括安昂、拓芙、索卡和卡塔拉。 揭开神秘的谜团,利用御术和水、土、火、气的独特能力来完成充满挑战的谜题;在整个故事中升级你的能力,发挥降世神通的全部潜力!



In Republic of Jungle, 5 to 10 players role-play as the advisors to President Puma. His Loyalists try to form a taskforce to deal with scandals as they happen, but a few Leakers among them are trying to sneak onto the taskforce, in order to leak the scandals to Fiona Fox, a prominent news anchor. Who do you trust to put on your taskforce ? How do you convince others you are not a Leaker? Running community games can be tough. Rulebooks, long setups, and your friends' TikTok attention span don't help either. With Republic of Jungle, you can get games started quickly and let the game handle all the moderation. We make it easy to join, get going, and learn as you play. The guided experience makes the game accessible to players of all skill levels. The novel mechanics add a new depth of skills to master. The continuous action creates a more immersive, intuitive and dynamic social deduction experience. We make information easy to digest and distribute so you can focus on making exciting gameplay decisions. This helps new players learn faster and helps experienced players act quicker. So, a wide range of people with different skill levels can enjoy the game. Entertain your friends at your house, play remotely with your online pals, or host a DIY game show for your stream audience. No matter where your community loves to hang out, you can take our game there to have fun. The best way to learn Republic of Jungle is to gather your friends and jump right in. We have designed the game with simplicity and accessibility in mind so you can easily learn the game as you play. Don't start your game night with long setups and reading rulebooks. Jump right in, make small mistakes, and have fun learning. Most players get the rules after finishing one or two games. For more information, visit RepublicOfJungle.com or join our discord server to chat with regular players, and the dev team. Unique Discord Integration Setting up online party games has never been easier. Our Discord integration lets you connect the game to your Discord voice chat, so your Discord friends can jump into the game with one click and play using the Discord UI. Join our Discord server to find more. Sharpen your senses to catch the liars. Cover up for President Puma by hiding his secrets. Form trustworthy taskforces to go on cover-up missions. Deliver three cover-up missions to win. Protect the identity of the Agent at all costs. Sniff out the Leakers and vote smart. Use special powers to discover more clues. Lie and manipulate to reveal a bigger truth. Leak Puma's secrets to JBC News. Gain trust and get on taskforces to go on cover-up missions. Sabotage three cover-up missions to win. Sniff out the Agent for an instant win. Undermine the trust between Loyalists.

《Climber Animals: Together》


Climber Animals: Together是一款为1至8名玩家提供的令人兴奋且具有挑战性的跑酷体验。在这款游戏中,玩家试图找到一条通过充满动态和挑战性的障碍物世界的道路。每个障碍物都考验玩家的策略、速度和技巧。在独特且设计生动的课程上,你的目标是通过与朋友们肩并肩或对抗赛跑达到顶部。游戏最重要的特性之一是,每次跌落,你的进度都会丢失,玩家必须从头开始。这样在每个关卡开始时为所有玩家创建了一个平等的起点,同时也提高了游戏的难度等级。这允许每次重试关卡时探索不同的策略和路径。玩家需要保持平衡并克服障碍物以达到顶部。在这个过程中,玩家使用他们的反射、速度和战略思维技能是很重要的。玩家可以与朋友合作或挑战他们,通过这个充满挑战和乐趣的课程。Climber Animals: Together提供了一个有趣且富有挑战性的课程体验,吸引所有年龄组,为你与朋友们打开享受欢乐时刻的大门。每次攀登都是新的冒险,每次跌落都是尝试新事物的另一个机会。在这段激动人心的旅程中,躲避旋转的锤子,闪避拳击手套,并在旋转的杆上保持平衡!





