
2024-09-17 20:56:03 神评论








《Rift Wizard 2》


Rift Wizard 2 is a tough as nails traditional roguelike wizard simulator. You play as an immortal amnesiac wizard who must journey through the cosmos to defeat his nemesis. Each run, you'll build a unique repertoire of spells, passive skills, and magical artifacts.A massive list of unique spells, skills, and equipment means there are myriads of potential builds to explore, and procedurally generated levels mean every run presents the player with different challenges. Your wizard will grow incredibly powerful by the game's conclusion, but tricky foes will attempt to grind whatever elaborate magical engine you have built to a halt. You must not only consider the end goal of your build, but how you will get there, and how to navigate the challenges along the way without derailing your spellbook into a useless pile of antisynergy.Rift Wizard's unique portal system means the player always has agency over what challenges they face. You choose which levels to visit, where to start, and how to spend your resources. There is no stealth or stair dancing in Rift Wizard: you must face each level head on and obliterate your foes with whatever tools you possess. Rift Wizard eschews randomness and complex combat formulas in favor of puzzle-like simplicity, where every game piece is easily understandable. Every victory is earned, every death deserved.New in Rift Wizard 2 is the equipment system, allowing the player to find unique and powerful items each run that interact with the spells and passive skills in deep and exciting ways. Randomized equipment can perform crucial bridging functions in your build, allowing access to playstyles not otherwise possible: you could for instance, find a helmet that redeals all your ice damage as poison damage, opening up completely new uses for your poison spells. You could find a staff that converts fire damage to free Mercurize casts, unlocking a Mercurize-fire damage build which surely would make no sense in any other run. Or you might just find massive numbers of radius bonuses that make your fireballs way larger than normal. Every run perturbs the balance of the game in a way that emphasizes player creativity and on-the-fly decision making over the execution of pre-existing builds.Rift Wizard 2 adds many new enemies to the game, including massive multitile monsters, new wizards, and procedurally generated variant monsters. You've fought ogres but have you fought Fae Ogres? Lich Ogres? Burning Ogres? Wereogres? Immortal Bone Wizards?Along with the equipment system, the basic game mechanics have been rebalanced and revamped. HP and spell charges are recharged at the end of every level, but potions are much rarer. Damage redeals no longer work through immunity, demanding more carefully diversified spellbooks. SP is much harder to come by in the early game. Spell upgrades are now much more powerful, but limited to one per spell, encouraging bigger spellbooks that spread skill and equipment bonuses over many spells.The goal of Rift Wizard 2 is to continually place the player in high pressure tactical situations that challenge their creativity and analytic abilities, and to create a strategic sandbox that rewards brilliance, experimentation, and adaptation to constantly changing circumstances. To create a sandbox that generates an infinite sequence of challenging and engaging wizard puzzles.

《The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered》



《幻日夜羽 - 蜃景努玛梓 -》


以魔法卡牌奏响的卡牌构建类Roguelike!夜羽的另一个故事从此启程! ■幻日夜羽 - 蜃景努玛梓 - 《幻日夜羽》是《Love Live!》系列第二部 《Love Live!Sunshine!!》的官方衍生作品。 《幻日夜羽 - 蜃景努玛梓 -》是以该世界为舞台背景的一款卡牌收集养成类游戏。 在努玛梓一边作为占卜师工作,一边和朋友一起生活的夜羽,因为一次机缘巧合,获得了一面古老的镜子。 因为占卜不灵验而烦恼的夜羽在使用这面镜子进行魔镜占卜之时,突然被发光的魔镜吸入镜中。 镜子里,是和真实世界的努玛梓完全相反的“里努玛梓”!不仅如此,这里还是一个可以通过卡牌力量使用魔法的不可思议的世界。 与此同时,在现实世界中的伙伴们也相继遭遇异变。为了救出她们,在闯入努玛梓里世界的夜羽面前,等待她的将会是......? 每次进入都变幻莫测的镜中世界。 无数个选择的尽头,夜羽将会面临的未来是......? 在另一个努玛梓的舞台,属于夜羽的崭新故事即将上演! ■在能使用魔法的“里努玛梓”里构建牌组并进行战斗! 在镜子世界里的努玛梓展开冒险。充分利用获得的卡牌,向“里努玛梓”的最深处进发! 用 100 多张不同的卡牌组成各式各样的卡组! 在“里努玛梓”里探险,收集卡牌,打造属于自己的最强卡组! ■使用"召唤卡片"召唤值得信赖的伙伴们! “里努玛梓”里可以召唤强大的伙伴。 与伙伴们并肩战斗,摆脱困境! ■可以无尽游玩的的结构变化式地图! 攻略方式也无穷无尽!? 一旦通关后,每次进入地图,其构造都会发生变化。莫非是可以永久畅游的系统?! ■使用饰品,比最强更强!运用卡牌x饰品,让你所向披靡! 拥有强力效果的道具——饰品,结合卡牌的力量,没有最强,只有更强!


