
2024-09-17 12:30:58 神评论




Dice & Fold is a game that combines the strategic depth of turn-based dungeon crawlers with the thrill of chance inherent in dice games. Players unfold cards to face the creature cards and try to beat the card and fold it. Reminiscent of classic table-top RPGs and Solitaire, the game adds a simple layer of strategy. SOLITAIRE WITH A DICE? The core mechanic of the game revolves around dice rolling. Players engage in combat by rolling a dice, with the outcome directly influencing the strength of their attacks. The higher the roll, the more damage inflicted on the enemies. You must strategize the best use of their dice rolls to maximize damage and control the battlefield, while also anticipating the counterattacks from monster cards at the end of each turn. The game offers a compelling risk-reward system, challenging players to balance aggressive tactics against the need for self-preservation. Adding to the complexity, the game features 20+ distinct classes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. This diversity allows for varied approaches to beating the dungeon, encouraging replayability and experimentation. ROGUELIKE & DECKBUILDING With the generative dungeon system, reminiscent of the branching pathways in Slay the Spire. This element of choice ensures that each journey through the dungeons is a unique experience, filled with unexpected challenges and rewards. As the player you will choose the enemy and upgrade cards you want to keep in your next turn. Between stages, players have the opportunity to choose items, similar to the mechanics in Vampire Survivors. These upgrades range from enhancing dice rolls and bolstering class abilities to gaining new effects that can turn the tide in challenging encounters. If a player is defeated, the game doesn’t end in frustration. Instead, players are rewarded with meta upgrades and currencies that can be used to strengthen their character for subsequent runs. This progressive system ensures a continual sense of advancement and achievement, even in defeat. CREATE CRAZY COMBOS With its blend of strategy, chance, and RPG elements, Dice & Fold offers an engaging and ever-evolving gameplay experience that appeals to both fans of dungeon crawlers and players who enjoy the unpredictability of dice-based games. Its unique combination of mechanics, and expansive upgrade system, offers a lot of replayability and fun! Important Note: Dice & Fold will be doing a full release, but we will keep the content of the game updated with new items, new heroes and companions. Keep an eye on the new content updates. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2693930/Dice__Fold/

《The Braves》


《The Braves》是一款动作类Roguelike游戏,你可以选择多种独特的技能和武器,直面蜂拥而至的敌人。那些看似没有攻击性的生物,实际上却是残暴嗜血的怪物,就等着拿你当晚餐呢!和它们四目相对之时,你的意志力能否战胜内心的恐惧?选择你的英雄,击败成群的敌人即可解锁强大的技能。与手中的武器合而为一,征战四方,证明你有能力在这个危机四伏的世界中生存下去。《The Braves》融合了众多特色元素: 所有人免费 多种技能组合任你挑选!选择既符合你的作战风格,又极具杀伤力的升级路径 成千上万的狂暴怪物和怪物头目!面对如潮水般袭来的敌人,避其锋芒方可克敌制胜! 解锁精心设计的角色,体验以不同的初始技能开局。形成自己的战斗风格! 四处征战并收集资源,然后将资源用于升级 有众多独特地点可供你尽情探索和征服。请努力生存下去,勇攀高峰! 通过完成特殊挑战来证明你的能力,以此解锁各种成就 重建受损的基地,开启新的机遇 体验不同的成长路径来升级你的角色 打造传奇装备

《Dungeon Divers》


It's your first day on the job as the newest employee of Dungeon Divers Incorporated. As the newest dungeon diver, you are tasked with clearing out derelict dungeons to make it safe for adventurers. Armed with your wits and some trusty items clear out all of the booby traps in this Minesweeper-like puzzle game.Test Your WitsWith nearly a dozen different types of rooms to disarm each with their own conditions, quirks, and logic to solve what starts off as a simple task will become increasingly complex and difficult to decipher. Choose carefully as you only have a finite number of tries before your mission is deemed a failure.An Arsenal At Your DisposalAs you progress through the dungeon you're clearing, objects of power may be uncovered to assist in your journey. Some simply help you survive mistakes, other may grant you the ability to uncover vital clues for your efforts, and some grant you extra riches. Choose wisely as you can only carry so many artifacts at once.Every Dungeon Is DifferentNo two dungeons share the same layout. Procedural generation means that every delve is different providing countless hours of entertainment as you clear level after level.



收集,战斗,塔防,割草!装备多种武器和魔法咒语,打败各路怪物! 收集材料用以制作**和炮塔,解锁武器组合技,放出大招绝杀敌人!还可以拯救迷路的小动物,获得特殊效果。一切为了——生存!



从前,有一座村庄……欢迎来到传说中的寓言之地,这是一款童话风城镇建造模拟游戏。 您将身处一个生机勃勃的童话世界,休闲且快乐地打造您理想中的城邦。 玩着不累,悠闲种田,建造城堡,探索遗迹、开疆拓土,通过贸易和外交手段与邻国结盟,或是对其发起挑战。最重要的是,找到属于您的王子或公主,永结同心,从此过上幸福的生活!


