
2024-09-17 09:09:06 神评论


《造物主 2》


在《造物主 2》中,你能够操控力量强大的泰坦巨人塑造星球供人类生活、成长并发动战争。你将在自己打造的宇宙中做出选择并探索人类的命运与未来,拿人类文明做实验,看看人类的部落在结合不同元素的情况下能够达成什么样的成就。 控制泰坦巨人 扮演力量强大的泰坦巨人并塑造形形色色的星球,每个泰坦巨人都有独特的技能。培养或惩罚不断发展的人类社会。选择尽在你手。 拿各种不同的天然资源做实验 结合不同的动植物,在你的生态系中创造出源源不绝的组合搭配,并达成令人意想不到的成果。发现新的东西之后,居住在世界中的人类社会就会发生改变。 观察并定义自己的目标s 塑造人类文明的发展路线,并看着人类社会从原始部落进化成先进文明。无论人类变成喜欢探索宇宙的冒险家,还是自我毁灭的战争狂人,我们都只能尊重。别忘了,你随时都能重新来过并创造新的人类文明。 留下无法抹灭的痕迹 你每次闯关都会在群星中留下无法抹灭的痕迹,并因此开创出新的道路。 造物主 & 造物主 2 从第一款游戏 操控元素泰坦巨人 塑造世界 打造共生生态系 引导人类文明发展 在游戏过程中解锁动物及其他内容 《造物主 2》全新内容 创造多个星球 每次闯关都会影响到世界历史 独特的人类角色 根据大自然而定的发明 按照自己的步调享受,没有时间限制! 新的升级系统,没有随机要素! 这次是 2D 平面而不是 1D 直线。 This game is supported by Creative Industries Fund NL



Dice & Fold is a game that combines the strategic depth of turn-based dungeon crawlers with the thrill of chance inherent in dice games. Players unfold cards to face the creature cards and try to beat the card and fold it. Reminiscent of classic table-top RPGs and Solitaire, the game adds a simple layer of strategy. SOLITAIRE WITH A DICE? The core mechanic of the game revolves around dice rolling. Players engage in combat by rolling a dice, with the outcome directly influencing the strength of their attacks. The higher the roll, the more damage inflicted on the enemies. You must strategize the best use of their dice rolls to maximize damage and control the battlefield, while also anticipating the counterattacks from monster cards at the end of each turn. The game offers a compelling risk-reward system, challenging players to balance aggressive tactics against the need for self-preservation. Adding to the complexity, the game features 20+ distinct classes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. This diversity allows for varied approaches to beating the dungeon, encouraging replayability and experimentation. ROGUELIKE & DECKBUILDING With the generative dungeon system, reminiscent of the branching pathways in Slay the Spire. This element of choice ensures that each journey through the dungeons is a unique experience, filled with unexpected challenges and rewards. As the player you will choose the enemy and upgrade cards you want to keep in your next turn. Between stages, players have the opportunity to choose items, similar to the mechanics in Vampire Survivors. These upgrades range from enhancing dice rolls and bolstering class abilities to gaining new effects that can turn the tide in challenging encounters. If a player is defeated, the game doesn’t end in frustration. Instead, players are rewarded with meta upgrades and currencies that can be used to strengthen their character for subsequent runs. This progressive system ensures a continual sense of advancement and achievement, even in defeat. CREATE CRAZY COMBOS With its blend of strategy, chance, and RPG elements, Dice & Fold offers an engaging and ever-evolving gameplay experience that appeals to both fans of dungeon crawlers and players who enjoy the unpredictability of dice-based games. Its unique combination of mechanics, and expansive upgrade system, offers a lot of replayability and fun! Important Note: Dice & Fold will be doing a full release, but we will keep the content of the game updated with new items, new heroes and companions. Keep an eye on the new content updates. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2693930/Dice__Fold/



《战锤40K:角斗士》是由Proxy Studios制作Slitherine Ltd.发行的一款策略游戏。游戏将带来非常黑暗、哥特的风格,深入从未涉猎过的、原创的《战锤40K》战役,结合4X游戏元素与主打战斗的游戏系统,探索未知的行星、各种疯狂的黑科技、军事建筑,操控具备超能力的英雄和战争机器。  本作拥有四大派系,星际战士、帝国卫队、兽族、太空亡灵,每个派系都包括独特的玩法,根据结盟不同可以产生不同的战役路线,增强了可玩性。游戏的战役采用从初学者玩法,开局就像新兵那样一步一步探索整个帝国,指挥帝国扩张。随着深入,各种圣器以及定制化任务将让玩家了解到这个行星的秘密及其与系列的联系和阴谋。








