
2024-09-16 06:11:06 神评论


《Prism Indigo DX》


Prism Indigo DX, the acclaimed retro bullet hell shooter, is now available on Steam! Blast your way through waves of Shades and face off against your former allies as you seek to unravel a sinister plot!Fight your friends to save your friendsThe Prism Warriors: seven magical heroines sworn to protect Earth from the evil Shadow Empire and its armies of Shades. But something has gone terribly wrong, and six of the seven Warriors have gone rogue, unleashing hordes of Shades upon Tokyo.You are Prism Indigo, the newest member of the Prism Warriors, and the only one unaffected. Battle your way through seven challenging levels in search of the truth behind the incident, fighting off the deadly Shades and saving your friends the only way a magical girl knows how: by blasting them in the face,Play your wayPrism Indigo DX offers a simple yet intricate gameplay experience, with numerous options to customize your difficulty. Collect the Cores dropped by defeated Shades, and spend them on extra lives or upgrades... or save them up to boost your score multiplier... or don't collect them at all, and fling them at Shades to "Core-Bomb" them for bonus points Your Burst Gauge increases your score multiplier as it fills. Use Bursts to clear the screen and deal massive damage, or keep the Gauge full for maximum points Activate cheats in the options menu to make the game easier... or, if you're feeling brave, turn on the special "Black Label" cheats for an extra challengeCollect 'em allPrism Indigo DX features plenty of things to unlock while you're blasting your way to a high-score: Challenge yourself with Hardcore mode, a punishing one-life gauntlet with cheats disabled; and Prism Hunter, a unique 'boss rush' mode where the roles are reversed Listen to the Prism Warriors' epic 8-bit themes in the Sound Test, and read up on their lore in the Compendium Prove your Prism Warrior credentials with over 30 in-game achievements

《Garden Of Coolembozo》


Something big is coming, Something in the garden...Garden Of Coolembozo is a top down shooter where you get to take control of Mr Hoopington. Mr Hoopington's rock is stolen and it is his job to deal with anyone who gets in the way of finding his rock. Act with remorse or dont and discover the mysteries that may lie in the garden (and other unspecified locations).you die in one hit like any normal person if they were shot, to counteract this you have a fully automatic gun that has infinite ammo and like god gamer that you are... you fail miserably to brandish it.BossesGarden of Coolembozo's main gameplay consists of fighting bosses, Each area has 3 bosses and 3 minigames such as fighting waves of enemies, running away from enemies, and securing artifacts that can aid Mr Hoopington on his journey through the vast world of The Garden. There is different ways the bosses can be beaten, Mr Hoopington can either shoot the bosses until death or find a way to save them in some way. Who knows, saving them could provide Mr Hoopington with abilities to aid him on his quest.The Big BadThe Big Bad also known as the Mimieker is the mastermind behind the operation, after spreading the Goop around the garden he infects many civilians with it. This causes them to go mad and attack Mr Hoopington.









在一个广阔、不适宜生存的外星世界中,你只是一枚棋子。从DNA克隆而来,仅为一个目的:测试银河系中最具破坏力、最夸张、最荒诞的武器。欢迎来到NIMRODS,这是终极生存roguelite射击游戏,你打造的枪械就是你留下的遗产。 超越生存 体验这款创新的roguelite游戏,你以前的枪械构建不仅仅是回忆——它们是你的后援!在无人机中部署过去游戏中打造的枪械,帮助下一位士兵。每一次游戏都是一个故事,但每一把枪都是一个英雄传奇。 无限探索 踏上旅程,穿越各种不同的外星生态系统,每个系统都由独特的敌人和boss精心打造。每个角落都充满了特色的遭遇战和可发现的宝贵资源。 组装不可思议 用你的创造力打破游戏。从空投中收集疯狂的武器部件,打造出如此强大、如此奇异的组合,它们必须亲眼所见才能相信。创造你梦想中的武器,或是一种违反物理定律和常识的恶梦装置。 生物工程进化 深入独特的进化系统,DNA修改可以进化你未来的克隆体。定制你的能力和无人机的AI,以适应你的游戏风格,并优化你的升级掉落,以获得关键的增强。 枪械胜于荣耀 当公司的领导们在上方观看时,你将不断面对成群的残酷外星人。完成疯狂的任务,堆积尸体,记住:你可能不会成功,但你的枪械一定会。


