
2024-09-16 03:41:05 神评论


《Taxi Driver Life VR》


We offer an exciting opportunity for those who want to experience real taxi driving! Taxi Simulator is a detailed simulation game that encompasses every situation a real taxi driver may encounter in everyday life.In our game, we've included everything from ordinary daily occurrences to emergency situations. Managing the city's complex traffic system, meeting customer demands, making timely deliveries, and perhaps even experiencing a bit of adventure are all part of the experience.The diversity of customers and the variety of tasks provide a different experience each time. Sometimes you'll transport hurried businessmen, other times you'll pick up fun-seeking young people leaving a nightclub, or maybe you'll guide tourists. Each customer comes with a different story and request, increasing the game's replayability.Through the tablet inside your taxi, you can instantly access the vehicle's information and easily manage it. You can check the map to determine the shortest route, track customer requests, and even customize your vehicle.Follow in the footsteps of a real taxi driver with realistic graphics, detailed vehicle controls, and dynamic weather conditions. Taxi Simulator allows you to experience the taxi driving profession down to the finest detail.Try Taxi Simulator today to feel like a part of the taxi driving world on the city streets!



故事简介: 你将以第一视角,在游戏中扮演痛失爱妻的主人公。 亡妻一家还有性格大相径庭的美女妹妹,你因亡妻一事彻底沉沦,加上巨额债务,不愿连累小姨子们,决定离开林家,并与她们不再联系。 直到四年后的亡妻忌日,六人再次聚首。 你这才意识到,这几年他没在家的时光,每一位“小姨子”都遭遇着各自的烦恼和问题 为了帮助小姨子们解决各种问题,你回归林家,并为她们出谋划策,铤而走险。 游戏介绍: 游戏的主要核心是通过选项决定之后的故事发展,每一个选项都关系到女主角之后的人生,是守护还是逃避。 玩家扮演主人公,可以与女主角们展开对话剧情,了解每个角色的过往故事和她们的困难。 通过选项可以进行不同的剧情路线,了解不同角色的故事 通过选项可以选择与哪位角色一起进行后续的剧情 通过选项可以选择探究每个角色的剧情真相,获得她们的结局 主要角色介绍: 冷艳总裁 林佳怡,现任自己独创内衣品牌的CEO。 因被家暴与前夫离婚,两人育有一女。 一方面作为家长要照顾整个大家庭,一方面又被前夫骚扰甚至公司面临破产困境,看似女强人,实际比任何人都需要温暖和支撑。 魅惑女郎 林妙薇,就职某酒吧气氛组。 热情洋溢,爱表现自己,敢于追求/拒绝。 外表放荡,性格散漫,实际上却是家中心思最为细腻的人,极其渴求稳定和依靠。 宅系知性 林妙雅,家里蹲,网络知识主播。 胆小甚微,不敢表达,没有自信。 因为社恐不曾真正恋爱过。 与妙薇最为亲近,两人见面总是打打闹闹,相互羡慕对方的生活。 清纯女神 林依纯,大学校园女神,担任小妹同学的家教。 单纯善良,善解人意,遇到自己与外界的事情,总是选择退让。 因校花形象遭到某些男人的追求以及学生之间的闲话,被拒绝的男人造谣依纯与众多男人之间暧昧不清。 在家默默付出的人妻式,自己的烦恼从不与家人诉说,不想增图她们的烦恼。 呆萌女生 林晚晚,现各处参加艺考。 萌系软妹,性格可爱,坚强,毫不服输,喜欢表达自己。 家中年龄最小,大家宠爱的小公主,但不顾二姐的劝阻,一心为了演员梦想而努力,怕被姐姐们知道参加艺考,总是偷偷撒谎行动。

《Abiotic Factor》






《Survival Advanced》


Welcome to the reef !Here, you are free to do as you please, but beware - some islands are teeming with dangers. To protect yourself, explore, build your shelter, equip yourself with weapons, and battle your adversaries.In Survival Advanced, you are compelled to inspect each island and survive against enemies to enhance your camp. Each island is unique in terms of its climate, resources, enemies, and other surprises. Furthermore, you have the option to embark on this incredible adventure with friends, as adventures are always more enjoyable when shared. So, are you prepared to take on the challenge and explore these unique islands filled with mysteries and perils?Explore a World of Varied Biomes and ChallengesThe world of Survival Advanced is a vast territory comprised of multiple islands, each with its unique characteristics. Each island features a distinct biome, offering an incredible diversity of landscapes, climates, and resources. From lush forests to scorching deserts to frozen tundras, each island tells its own story through its environment.Furthermore, the islands are inhabited by a variety of formidable enemies, each adapted to their own habitat. Confronting these adversaries requires different skills and strategies, making the exploration of each island even more thrilling.Building Your CampIn Survival Advanced, constructing your player camp is essential for your survival. You are the master of your own shelter, which means you can design a refuge that suits your playstyle. Choose a strategic location, whether it's on the beach with a stunning ocean view or deep in the forest for natural protection.Gather resources such as wood, stone, and other materials to build shelters and defensive equipment. Customize your camp to meet your needs, whether it's by adding storage areas, workstations, or by upgrading your weapons for hunting and defending against the island's enemies.Your camp will become your sanctuary, a place to rest, store supplies, and prepare for the perilous adventures that await on each island. So, grab your construction tools and build a haven of safety in this hostile world.Join the ReefThe world of Survival Advanced is teeming with diversity, full of challenges, resources, and thrilling adventures on each island. Whether you're a construction expert, a skilled hunter, or a fearless explorer, this game offers a multitude of opportunities to shape your own survival experience.The camp you build will become your refuge, your anchor in the midst of the unknown. With upgraded weapons, exciting exploration, and formidable enemies to conquer, the year 2024 promises to bring an unforgettable gaming experience. Are you ready to face the challenges of Survival Advanced and explore these unique islands?


