
2024-09-15 22:46:52 神评论


《BUS: Bro u Survived》


BUS is a cooperative adventure through the apocalypse!Gather your friends, create unique characters and venture forth – The Island’s fate depends on you!COOPERATIVE GAME FOR 1-4 PLAYERSCohesion is key to success. Work together to overcome every challenge on your way. Fight off zombies while your friends fix the bus or haul another fridge.PHYSICAL WORLDYou can throw, haul, push and pull every piece of loot. Find creative solutions to interesting logistical issues, together. Take everything valuable and get it inside the bus.BUILD A SETTLEMENTYour home is your fortress! Over 50 unique buildings open new possibilities and expand your crew’s capabilities. Rescued characters will help you around the base.EQUIPMENTGrappling hook, piston boots, fire extinguisher machinegun! Create unique tools that will help you climb out of any trouble. We care about nature, that’s why our weaponry and tools are made from recycled scrap <3BUILD YOUR BUSRide the wind on the back of your trusty four-wheeled friend. Upgrade, tinker, improve and customize your transport. Install extra modules and weapons – turn your bus into a real mean fighting machine!https://store.steampowered.com/app/2852700/BUS_Bro_u_Survived/?beta=1

《Of Murder and Moonshine》


You’re a hitman in one of the top three crime organizations fighting to the death over territory and the flow of illegal booze. It’s your job to follow orders and come out alive on the other side, no matter how risky, how brutal, or how unlikely it might seem that you’ll reach your mark. Jump, slide, sneak, or just barge right in – you’ll have to do whatever it takes to get the kill.As, Of Murder and Moonshine’s pixel art and dark, jazzy score give the game a gritty, nostalgic feel to punctuate the systematic killings you must carry out throughout cities and the bayou in order to appease your boss and ensure your crime syndicate comes out on top at all costs.Features:Choose your weaponStart each level by choosing your preferred tool of the trade. From tommy guns to baseball bats, there’s a strategic choice for every situation.Survey the task ahead or run in guns blazing Depending on the scenario, you may employ a careful, covert operation where you survey the scene and plan out each step, or you may find yourself thrown right to the wolves and need to fight your way out from the inside. Either way, you have to take out your mark or find yourself on the wrong end of the barrel of a gun.Hide your intentions for covert hitsAlternate between brandishing your weapon and keeping it discreetly concealed in your overcoat to suit the situation at hand. You’ll never get to your mark and have an opportunity to take him down if you get stopped at the door by guards who see your intentions a mile away. Expect to suffer for your mistakesWhen you answer to the most ambitious crime boss the city has ever seen, you can’t expect to get any slack for sloppy work. The jobs you’re sent on are punishing, and you’ll pay with your life if you don’t succeed, but that risk is what makes victory taste all that much sweeter.Take down killer bossesWhen you’re part of a crime ring, it’s not only your own boss you need to worry about. Use what you’ve learned taking out lesser goons to bring down the big baddies—rival crime bosses who will do anything it takes to put an end to your mission. Boss fights mean tougher battles and bigger wins, so you’ll have to make use of new strategies, like employing molotov cocktails or honing your sniping skills, to take them down. Will you and your gang be able to conquer the swamps and the city, or will a rival crew bring you to your knees?



现在是 90 年代... 2090. MULLET MADJACK 是一款单人超高速 FPS,让您置身于经典动漫之中。 为你的角色加电,直到你到达最后一层。 尽力而为或再试一次。

《Age of Water: The First Voyage》


“The First Voyage”是你的《Age of Water》冒险之旅的开端。立刻加入激烈的海上战斗,制作你的首批舰船,探索水下世界,尽情体验一番《Age of Water》的内容。别忘了立刻将游戏完整版加入愿望单哦!在大水漫灌的末世地球上成为一名船长,投身广袤无垠的开放世界,书写自己的冒险。穿越风浪,进行战斗,开展贸易,夺取别船。当然还能建造自己的船只,从海底开采资源,逐步揭开《Age of Water》世界的神秘面纱。水上末世海洋,摧毁了一个曾经伟大的文明,但是人类得以幸存,也适应了新的环境。大家在高楼大厦和其他人造建筑的屋顶建立了定居点。人们会乘着小船和巨大的战舰漂洋过海。海洋提供了生存所需的一切,海床上还有资源可供开采。不过,对于真正陆地的渴望从未断绝。真实的开放世界按照自己的节奏探索世界,发现全新定居点,了解各地居民。完成多种任务,前往海底寻找并提取宝贵资源,参与贸易赚取钱财,或是直接出售找到的文物。在了解了这个世界的运作方式后,你还可以建立自己的基地。数百艘独特船只玩家可从头建造船只,亦可对现有船只进行改造。可使用的船体有数十种,零件则达到了数百种之多。从小船到30米巨轮,你可按照自己的想法组装一切,还能安装设备、护甲还有武器。对了,千万要记得去召集一队优秀的船员,这样才会有人去掌控机枪和大炮,去完成船上的其他工作。激烈的海上战斗海盗永远在海面上伺机而动,甚至在某些情况下,一些疯狂的玩家还会来追杀你,所以一定要在甲板上安装足够的火力。你可以消灭敌船,也可在战斗中将其夺取并据为己有。冒险之旅可能会带你前去攻打敌人的堡垒,也可能让你去保卫盟友的定居点!个性化海上基地这是能够可靠抵御敌人的庇护所,玩家可在此处组织生产船长所需的一切物资。建造用于生产设备、武器、各类船体以及必要资源的工厂。灵活的PvE与PvP平衡性一开始,你只会遭遇电脑对手。但如果你对自己的技能和装备足够自信,那么也可以挑战其他玩家。睁大双眼:如果你的任务是运输非法物资,那么可能会有其他玩家接受猎杀走私者的任务。在《Age of Water》的世界中,人人都有机会决定今天的自己——无论是逆来顺受的旅行者还是嗜杀成性的海盗,一切都由你来决定。



《巨兽战争:狂暴版》是5v5 MOBA英雄射击类游戏《巨兽战争》的豪华决定版,射击与MOBA类型的爱好者们将能够在其中享受瞬息万变且激动人心的多人团队游戏体验。挑选形形色色的独特英雄,其中每一位都拥有完整的可升级能力,至多五名玩家将能够一起联手组队,想方设法控制目标点,打倒对手的强大守护神并努力保护己方守护神。《巨兽战争:狂暴版》将包含一个全新的游戏模式、跨平台游戏功能、全新英雄、全新地图以及改进后的游戏机制,老玩家们将能体验更加完善而且庞大的《巨兽战争》,与此同时,我们也欢迎新玩家们加入这款充满动作与趣味的英雄射击游戏的世界。


