
2024-09-15 13:48:45 神评论




从一贫如洗到 首席执行官(CEO)在一座港口城市开启你的独特之旅,尽管身无分文。就近寻找工作并赚取微薄的收入。创办一家公司,公司人员不超过四人,通过授权给他们不同的主题令其分工合作。将你的设计融入到生活中购买一块土地。设计这座房子。建造这座房子。遵循你的个人感知和内心所向,装修这座房子。在拍卖会上出售。土地完全属于你个人。你拥有决定权。在一台开放世界 模拟器中协作 你是否曾经想象过与朋友一同创办一家公司?当然,你可以独自管理整个过程,如果有朋友戏弄你,这个过程会变得更加有趣。(好吧,对此我也不十分确定。)你们中的其中一位是首席执行官,她/他对你的授权拥有控制权。因此,如果你无法购买土地或者无法从银行贷款,那么你在我们的Discord Server上写下祝福语之前最好先和你的CEO谈谈。(或者,我们也可以代表你和CEO谈谈,这也是一种解决方案。)Chill一把大锤能减轻多少痛苦?试试吧!用长柄大锤拆掉一座大房子。或者打印一座大房子。(你甚至连自己的房间都不打扫吗?让我们保守这个秘密吧。不能让人知道你会在线打扫整座豪宅。)提升你的技能随着经验的积累,你可以获得技能点,并决定你想要关注的技能或工具。拥有专攻不同学科的同事会,你的工作会更加轻松。后勤并非所有赚钱的方法都很困难。你可以运送货物,并从中获取一些。但请小心,你会携带不同类型的武器。签订合同你(以及你的公司)通过合同开展工作。这些合同内容可能涵盖装修、拆除、建造、后勤 工作或其中一部分。

《Taxi Driver Life VR》


We offer an exciting opportunity for those who want to experience real taxi driving! Taxi Simulator is a detailed simulation game that encompasses every situation a real taxi driver may encounter in everyday life.In our game, we've included everything from ordinary daily occurrences to emergency situations. Managing the city's complex traffic system, meeting customer demands, making timely deliveries, and perhaps even experiencing a bit of adventure are all part of the experience.The diversity of customers and the variety of tasks provide a different experience each time. Sometimes you'll transport hurried businessmen, other times you'll pick up fun-seeking young people leaving a nightclub, or maybe you'll guide tourists. Each customer comes with a different story and request, increasing the game's replayability.Through the tablet inside your taxi, you can instantly access the vehicle's information and easily manage it. You can check the map to determine the shortest route, track customer requests, and even customize your vehicle.Follow in the footsteps of a real taxi driver with realistic graphics, detailed vehicle controls, and dynamic weather conditions. Taxi Simulator allows you to experience the taxi driving profession down to the finest detail.Try Taxi Simulator today to feel like a part of the taxi driving world on the city streets!



《无限试驾》系列新作《无限试驾:太阳王冠(Solar Crown)》是一款全新打造的赛车竞速游戏,3D立体建模,高清画质呈现,采用顶级物理引擎特效打造,带给你最为逼真的游戏环境,打造了众多知名跑车厂商的各类跑车,玩家可以逐一解锁体验。




《Crime Simulator: Prologue》


Tired of barely living? No work in sight, let alone fun? Well, look no further. Become a criminal and make money in various ways - there's always a job waiting, if you're willing to accept it.Play up to 4 people, complete jobs, steal, fight and take over hideouts in free-roam areas. Take on unique tasks with special requirements. Buy cars, craft new weapons and ammunition. Nothing can stop you anymore.BECOME A MASTER CRIMINALAccept and complete all sorts of jobs - from stealing items, and collecting debt from gang members (nicely or not) to eliminating gang leaders or even planting a body bag in a container. The list is long.PLAY ALONE OR WITH FRIENDSDo you have friends? Great! You can play up to 4 people, complete jobs, steal and fight together. Voice and text chat directly in the game.No friends? No problem! Play offline as well.FIGHT OR FLIGHTAnyone can be fought - the police, civilians, gang members. You choose how to do it. It is highly recommended to grab a good melee weapon though - and perhaps throw it with high velocity at your enemy's face. That might just do the trick.UPGRADE & CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTERAfter completing jobs and other checklists, you rank up in the criminal world. You can use acquired skill points to learn new attributes & helpful skills.Be careful, if you go into some area with high-ranking enemies unprepared, you might find out quickly. Always get ready for the action.Oh, customization. Do you want new gloves? You got it. Do you want a new look? Just use your wardrobe.TAKE OVER ENEMY HIDEOUTSThere's a farm in the middle of nowhere, so enemy gang members decided to make it their hideout. You may disrupt that.Go in guns blazing, or the stealthy way - stealth kills deal more damage, but you gotta be really careful not to be seen. Coordinate with your friends who does what - you can lure enemies to an empty field while your friend prepares to drive right into them, eliminating them from this world.Once the hideout is taken over, prepare to defend. They will try to take it back. Craft weapons, aid, and explosive material at the workbench. Use a sentry turret to help you out.COMPLETE UNIQUE JOBSSome jobs might have special requirements, but also the pay is much higher - break into a warehouse, install a virus on their camera system, but you can't be seen. Beat up some civilians, but don't let them call the cops. Take out a gang leader using only explosives. There's plenty more.BUILD YOUR OWN MONEY-MAKING SCHEMETake over farms, abandoned shacks, garages, anything. Have your very own cannabis farm - plant some cannabis seeds, water them nicely, and watch them grow. Once they're grown, harvest them, make some joints, and sell them to your neighbors.Just be careful not to sell drugs to an undercover cop.Take over warehouses and turn them into a drug lab. Hire workers to cook for you. Just don't hire a bald guy or you might not live for very long.


